Whats the best IDE or text editor?

Whats the best IDE or text editor?

Attached: post-sublime-atom-visual.png (1200x600, 456K)

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Haven't even clicked the link but I already know vim is winning

reminder that vim is for autistic niggers with autism

>strawpoll dot com
>not strawpoll dot me


What is the definition of best editor?

the editor that let's you edit and write code the way you want the fastest


Then the best editor is the one you are used to.

Interesting results.
Pic related, poll from October.

Attached: text editors.png (589x663, 24K)

>that 30 yrs old boomer that uses vim

This board is full of autists I see

vim is white mans editor

Sublime; If you're a fucking dumb retard fucking stupid enough to pay for a text editor despite that you can however alternatively pirate it

Atom; If you like/love/enjoy if you love GoogLEL and emojis

VSC; If you're of Indian descent and you're name is either Rajeesh, Rajesh, Pajet, Pajeet or elsewise and love curry

Attached: 1515721018467.jpg (723x960, 71K)

>you can however alternatively pirate it
>not paying for appreciation of piece of beautiful, functional software

This poll is totally meaningless. First of all, an IDE and a text editor are two very different things and a good IDE does not make a good text editor and vice versa. How are you going to compare IntelliJ (whatever that means... Do you mean IntelliJ IDEA?) and Vim, they're not even in the same category and can in fact be combined.

Not only that but you didn't even include some of the biggest IDEs and text editors out there. Where is Visual Studio (totally different from VS Code), where is Notepad++, where is Eclipse?

With all due respect, the way you've designed this poll makes it very clear to me that you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about nor do you even know what the fuck you're asking, so I'd be wasting my time responding to your strawpoll.


This. I use IntelliJ for Java and Scala but I use VSCode for frontend shit.

Picture unrelated.

Nice buyer's remorse

vscode + vim tied

It will always be vim and emacs.

Beginners just can't see the efficiency and speed and are scared by the learning curve meme, so they settle for a while to shit like sublime, vscode, etc, but eventually everyone at a time comes to the point to run 'vimtutor' because why not and 10 minutes later everyone drops the shit they have used before and every month you discover some new awesome thing that reminds you that you made the right choice. You can use vim for years and can still find new treasures and special moves that save you hours of work time. And all this without any plugins. You can only top this by learning Emacs, but then you're not writing text anymore; at this level you're casting spells.

Wow, autism is winning, next to botnet

Attached: Capture.jpg (855x574, 54K)

I tried learning vim and hated everything about it. I have used the exact same hotkeys for years, in every editor/IDE I have used, so I might be a bit biased:

I found vim to be obnoxious. It makes a concerted effort to make as little sense as possible, and the worst part is that there's no accessible built-in reference for the keybinds unless you already know how to use the keybinds. It's a painful example of the vapid elitism of the software industry that an editor so consciously esoteric and inflexible is somehow a fucking status symbol.

best editor:
1 mine
2 not you'rse

>paid version, looks gay

>lel 140mb installer

>just perfect. fast and lots of extensions even some weird obscure frameworks

vs code is unironically pretty good, just remember to turn the telemetry """off"""

>more atom than sublime
sound like you enjoy being a bunch of gay faggots with slow ass editors


And always install it from source, not one of M$'s packages

geany is pretty good

emacs or gtfo
vi(m) is a penance

literally just find a reference image

Attached: vi-vim-cheat-sheet.gif (1024x724, 153K)

Your image further proves his point, user.

Unironically Vim

His point that he lacks the attention span to spend even half an hour getting up to speed in vim? Alternatively he could work through vimtutor. He complains about it not using the same shortcuts as whatever electron garbage he uses, it's very likely that vi predates it so the electron garbage is actually at fault - for not following vi conventions. Once you get up to speed, you're a lot faster at editing text using vi(m) than any of the electron garbage.

>as little sense as possible
you haven't spent enough time to GET vim, all the keybinds are set for lingual fluidity so you can translate your thought pattern into keypresses when doing motions in VIM

Unfortunately hjkl only really works on qwerty

And if mine and yours are the same then we're both wrong.

Attached: stop_reading_filenames.jpg (819x686, 75K)

>Intellij not #1

This is how you know Jow Forums is full of unemployed losers.

>lingual fluidity so you can translate your thought pattern into keypresses
pic related

Attached: snake_oil.jpg (332x499, 68K)

>no accessible built-in reference for the keybinds
emacs doesn't have this problem

in fact, i'd say it has the BEST built-in reference for keybinds. and even though gnu emacs was made about 30 years ago, its idea of overlaying keymaps for different modes is centuries ahead of any editor out there.

on an unrelated note, here is my editor litmus test:
>does the editor in question store every single undo state and let you navigate through them with a tree?
if "no", the editor is pure garbage. emacs solved this problem 30 years ago, "modern" editors have no excuse to have retarded undo/redo

Atom is great.

I really like VSCode. The memory consumption is ok so far