OS reccomendation

Looking for a new OS, tired of macOS and Linux.
Plan9 is cool but old and no good browsers, Haiku kernel panics if I try to mount a FAT drive.

I could use Sortix or something but then I'd have to write a fuckton of drivers (for basic shit like USB and networking). Still less work than finishing any of my kernel projects.

What do you have for me Jow Forums? (Winfags BTFO)

Attached: plan_9_from_outer_space.jpg (970x595, 160K)

Enterprise LTSB


Not an argument.

Fair enough


Install pentoo

react os
kolibri os?
alternatively go use something more familiar but with a new spin or it like nix os, lfs, tiny core

or better yet, use void and get a pimped out herbsluftwm or xmonad setup and make the thing truly yours, you'll have no practical gain from becoming a haiku poweruser or writing fully react os compatible botnet

You should try out 9front, it's a Plan 9 fork that is actually maintained.

already have void

Web browser?

They have Mothra, which does not support JS or CSS. 9front lets you run Linux and Winshit VMs using vmx, which is included in the standard install. Performance is good enough to web browse and do image editing in GIMP.

Seconding 9front

Attached: plan9.png (1280x800, 45K)

Just install Windows and stop with autism.

You're welcome!


>t. proprietary cuck

FreeBSD and OpenBSD are still functional in the modern world. Any other OS isn't, unfortunately.

Look a macfag

You just think you are tired of Linux but you haven't tried unique distros.

QubesOS (sandboxed security)
Tails (anonymous privacy)
LFS (diy OS)
GuixSD/NixOS (innovative package managers)

>multithreading disabled
>loads of non _64 libraries
>claims to be secure but hit by meltdown, spectre1/2/3/4, Spectre-NG, (8 variants) LazyFP,TLBleed, Krack, Heartbleed, Bluebourne, etc
>no zfs
>no jails
>no vega/ryzen or really any modern hardware
>has to use a linux layer to play steam
>OPN/PFsense is a better firewall
>Nas4Free/FreeNAS is a better NAS
>Freenas is a better server and has upstream support for much more modern libraries and hardware
>TrueOS has the superior GUI Desktop
>smug nog lipped logo

It's not even fully libre which is it's other main goal besides "security" and LibertyBSD outclasses it.

Why still recommend this trash?

shit no one needs
shit no one needs
shit no one needs

>calls others cucks
>used macOS

>no one needs multithreading or 64bit libraries

Attached: 1466224087833.jpg (850x830, 57K)

what's the oldest windows version that can still use modern software and programs? like would foobar and vlc and shit work on windows 2000? What about games?

Attached: volcel.png (750x743, 19K)

Try a Haiku nightly. Alpha 4.1 is five years old.


>doesn't need multithreading
>doesn't want a Ryzen processor
>"too adult to play games"
You sound like a fun person :)

Attached: DgfRk5sXcAI52Wd.png (750x850, 724K)

Sounds like you've never used a computer for real work.

I did
No u
That wasn't OP, I'm OP
Also macOS is fairly open, the kernel is fully open
Tried the first 3
I don't like NixOS. Isn't Guix Hurd? Might try it
Can't, I've been diagnosed
I might test it with vmx and see how it goes I guess; the idea of not having a working native web browser is really unappealing though

If you don't want Windows, Linux or macOS your only other option for a functioning desktop would be some flavor of BSD.

Fair enough. I'll install NetBSD or DFly later this week

plz report senpai, i'm interested but nb installer doesn't play well with my pajeet-tier internet

Manjaro KDE, have been using on T470 and custom ryzen box with multiple high doing monitors for ~4 months and haven't had an issue

FreeBSD>DragonflyBSD imo.

OpenBSD is all about security that goes beyond even what most commercial servers need. NetBSD is for being able to install on phones, game systems, ATMs, not really for a computer

t. guy who runs a personal server with FreeBSD