/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

>Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
- FAQ pastebin.com/thLgSkNE
- WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
- PYRAMID i.imgur.com/0QoLttS.jpg
- INVITE FORUMS imgur.com/a/jmAJNyN
- SPREADSHEET docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zYZ2107xOZwQ37AjLTc5A4dUJl0ilg8oMrZyA0BGvc0/edit#gid=1357476050
- TEN CURRY COMMANDMENTS pastebin.com/raw/dBbdE73M
- TEN NEON COMMANDMENTS pastebin.com/raw/Ud2pGYaE

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only. Don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.

Based user BTFOs cabal by posting their invite forums
OT invite threads removed after Sinderella debacle
OT shutting down, week long freeleech
Various sitewide buffs on GGn

Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Is anyone here pu+ on kg? ss invite forums. I heard rumors of btn/hdb recruiting there. Never joined it though.

2nd for Alastor and Iceloops are by far the most autistic retards in the private tracker scene

3rd for rip OT. Gonna miss all you fags


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Stop giving retards attention. Think of them like stray cats, the longer you feed them the longer they stay around.

OT's main server's IP is
hosted on a server colocated at a flokinet datacenter
go attack it

i just wanted to fap to anime tid, is that too much to ask

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says the gay who calls PT the scene also MAM still has OT up for offical

give it a rest user, let it die in peace

no kill it with fire

Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=oIscL-Bjsq4

Is there any security concerns to letting people donate directly to OT's btc wallet for their host?


Real thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=kPIdRJlzERo

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>check seedbox
>600 active torrents
>all OT
whatever, man

just give the password for root already, this has gone full sarek

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Maybe if we spam nigger for 60 posts we summon another uprising?

How are you enjoying HDB user?

He's locked up in my basement. He's my sex slave now. He said "p-pretty good user".

wtf do I put in the "Host name of news server" in NZBGet? The literal link to the usenet website??

Why the fuck did you ask for a nzbs.in invite if you don't know how usenet works? Yes that's the "literal" link to the usenet website...

Congratulations you retards. Thanks to OT, a site built on inviting your average Jow Forums user, Sinderella is gone.
Private trackers are no longer safe. Well done.

I am a little Jow ForumsOutOfTheLoop here.

What is going on with OT?

Because I thought I'd learn. And well I put that in and I keep getting the error:
>ErrNo 10060, A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.

Ports are forwarded, authen info is in, website in, and still getting that shit.

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fake shutdown cash grab, clasic

Gained the trust of a top tier porn tracker.
Found security leak
"lol lets fuck with them and use it for blackmail! dont worry ptg, your data is safe with us ;)"
Top tier porn tracker data exposed

Fake and gay

I'm asking what happened to OT, not Sinderella. Why is spaghetti having a meltdown.

Fuck off spaghetti

. AnonyMiss: to what

Less than 48 hours until our server bill is overdue, grab your weeb porn while you can.

might as well fuck up the economy

it's gonna be weeks before vc actually shuts us down

aren't we paid for the month?

this month

the one that ends in two days



Can I sell invites to pay for the server bill?

you can do whatever you want

Sorry, will I get banned for selling invites to pay for the server bill?


you'll have to figure out the bitcoin wallet associated with the server on your own though

spaghetti, are you also dipping or is it just azathoth

I dipped months ago

I just hang out in irc

uchikoma: I hang out in #soupwhale if you need me

so do azathoth and vc

on what server?

irc.soupwhale.com obviously

Fucking retard

Help me user and I'll hook you up.

wtf! where did you find this

What can you offer? pepesmirkin sent you a email. Maybe we can work something out

2.5 TB drive died
No backups
Thankfully no H&R
All uploads got pruned

It was under the rug, user

you need a usenet provider you fucking lunkhead, once you get one you put their server address in that field

No, they simply didn't want to be involved with private trackers any more, despite all the recent drama they still receive a massive amount of requests from other administrators, If only you guys knew how many back-ends they've had access too.

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>back-ends they've had access too
None of them feeeeemale
None of them human

>GGn https tracker STILL not working

was it ever even alive?

>They don't know spaghetti is married and has kids

>They don't know spaghetti tried to marry his neighbors kids

just got my ot invite


banter mode on

Remove the /Invite Forums/ link, or atleast the TM forum on PTP.
There is no HDB thread there.

Ptp staff propaganda!

They are all ancient screenshots.
No screens are better than old screens.

All of mine were taken yesterday. hdf fake news!

i actually want to get into db9 but you cannot even begin to comprehend how much it pisses me the fuck off when people think you want to get in only for internet dick and how hard it is to get into

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where’s the ahd invite forum screenshot

Any trackers for hentai?

Oppait-... Er, uhh, Idk

*runs away*



Apollo is a music tracker non.


It's available at RED PU. If you are a basshead there is no reason you couldn't have an invite already.

Will they accept OT refugees?


someone, please

I have no idea I suggested join your exotic and pornbay after that wait for animez to.open.

Dude, just get pu+ on red. Upload some edm shit to red, apply to db9 ( db9 recruitment thread posted on red by amputat3 ( gay db9 staff member )) say some gay shit about rare edm artist etc. then boom you're in to db9.

DB9 has nothing special imo.

I'm kinda serious though any hentai trackers

Hey All,

I am looking at starting a new private music tracker (Non-English).

I am not a developer but i am the owner and want to fund the tracker development, both front-end and back-end.

My preference is Gazelle but I have read a lot of bad review about Gazelle as the front-end with lots of unsuccessful re-writing attempts. Ocelot as a back-end does okay i guess.

Can someone please advise me on how to approach this project? Where can i find developers (for this Gazelle revamp) to hire? If not Gazelle, what else to use and what programming languages should be used? How much would it cost to create an end-to-end working website with tracker at the back end?

I am right now at step 0 and any help from any of you would be so helpful. Let me know.


Should name it h4h2 and host it on i2pd. Good luck user

the thing is that i applied during a so called "massive freeleech" and amputat3 said that the recruitment is halted because of it. However he said that no one had anything bad to say about my application and the recruitment was halted during the freeleech so i didnt get outright rejected

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Name it cp.cd

Should I join red or should I jerk off some more?

Azathoth and Spaghetti: A Jow Forumsay couple that run Oppaitime although they are far too reddit for most other boards.

2d user, why do you collect music trackers?
pedros and exigo doesnt worth the autistic value and usage rules

Why didn't you message him again a month later? If you had been turned down he would then tell you, and if you had been forgotten about he would invite you.

when i said im in them i was only memeing desu

because im a dumbass

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Its funny, it seems they didn't listen to the pic in the OP.
"Together we stand divided we fall"
its convenient that they cant access the bill account anymore after the recent drama.
hell after their entire shenanigans with the PT world.
one would think its was spaghetti himself that dumped the screenshots last thread and got globalled,
they could have let users donate anytime. give users their BTC address. let others users rank up and be a sysop.
they could have solved it if they wanted to. but they didn't.
only to start another spinoff in few months and do things properly this time. begin again.
i don't think we will hear from them anymore.
at least not under these aliases.
farewell spaghetti, azathoth

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I finally did it. I mean there was no reason to (baka has no invites) but hey, i did it. also on a different note oppai is easy as hell to get a huge ratio on

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>collecting music trackers

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i thought you memed, still gave you the benefit of the doubt.
you are not a dumbass.
you are my favorite user :^)
even before you started to get mentioned in the first OPs. i was still looking for you

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>the screenshots last thread
Do you have a link to them? Asking for a friend

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Good bye my pasta daddy

oh look, another link added to the OP!

>one would think its was spaghetti himself that dumped the screenshots last thread and got globalled,
That's what I assumed, familypie.


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Like you haven't thought about jizzing in your gamgam.

Remember when I got marked those were the days.

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you don't sleep, do you?

My gamgam is gone so I can't fantasize like that. I have normie fetishes.

No, but I've jizzed in your gamgam.

Seeing your dad kill his tracker, you wouldn't sleep either.

>dreams of jizzing in the corpse of a beloved ancestor
You and half the guys at my college.

You're not Iceloops you know how to write proper English.

Sorry guys I'm sleepy as fuck ignore me

what a roller coaster. now /ptg/ is dead again

Who wants to do some erotice role playing? I'm bored as fuck. [email protected] fags

erotic* I've been up for 28 hours. fuck off anons

.. sent

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It happens once or twice a year.
Now we are back to our loop, same boring shit over and over again.

I've been up for 32 hours with 1 hour of horror sleep, beat me.