>not Qtpy
>anime website
who are you quoting?
He's quoting me
lol that the jej guy?
who is he???
he's a nice guy
>anime image
Kys you sack of shit with autism. You are the reason Jow Forums is shit.
Anime website.
no me
>complaining about anime and autism on an autism board of an anime website
reddit might be more suited for you
I'd just like to remind you that, whilst this board is dedicated to its own topic of discussion, the overall theme of Jow Forums is in fact anime. Though I wouldn't expect somebody as new as you to know this. perhaps you would be more interested in another website that was not created for anime discussion such as reddit or tumblr. Because it seems to me that you would be better off there.
>conveniently neglecting the giant anime image at the top of the site
>34 boards for a wide variety of topics
>14 boards just for subtopics of weeb shit, including 3 different boards just for anime alone
>default theme is named after a character from an anime m00t used to watch at the time, this is also where the four leaf clover came from
>anime banners everywhere
>somehow not a weeb website
I want to give you A+ for effort, but you're hardly even trying
flat like a plank
>not website anime
As you can see in my image, Jow Forums has boards dedicated to a variety of topics. Since your brain can't fathom word meaning, there are boards for topics like weebism, and boards for topics like technology, NOT both at the same time. So you can kindly fuck off to your designated weeb board and don't combine your autism with technology discussion, since this is the technology board, not technology and anime board.
Its a real shame that a brainlet like you simply cannot understand my perspective, and have instead resorted to mere images to prove a point. Angry that you have been proven inferior to my debating skills. Anime is the culture, not just the sum of the boards. Though that must be pretty difficult for a brainlet like to to comprehend. I'd feel bad for BTFO you, but much like how I care not when crushing an ant, I care not for destroying your arguments.
This is a technology board on an anime website. It's for weebs interested in technology, which is why you're seeing so many anime pics and so many anons defending the same point as mine.
Feel free to report anime posters if you feel differently though.
It's just a picture of an empty room.
a shame indeed.
>default theme is named after a character from an anime m00t used to watch at the time, this is also where the four leaf clover came from
Fuck, my bad. I could have sworn Yotsuba got an anime.
bakc to reddit, onionboi
Soon, Brethren.
Indeed that's a wasted opportunity.
Not like this.
>Using incel language
No, back to
i swear to god i wish everybody who watches anime was dead
He is not quoting, he is greentexting.
It might be hard to tell those two things apart for a newfag.
It'd have to be done in the style of Comic Girls with panels popping up every once in a while.
>expecting pythonfags to be good at naming things
u wot m8 that's "police"
凶器kyouki maybe
Only fucking retards uses pyqt instead plain c++ qt