What is your honest opinion on JavaScript?

What is your honest opinion on JavaScript?

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Kotlin will replace it some day, and the world will be a better place

It's the single best dynamic, weakly typed scripting language out there and it's getting better and better with each new feature.

ES6 is comfy to write in, even though you have some stupid stuff like pic related. If you stop being an autist and actually write stuff in it, it can be the best language to get things done in. Also, don't use meme libraries.

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>stupid stuff like pic related
only braindead mutts use loose eq operator for anything other than checking for bottom values

Then loose eq should be "===" -- why is the most common use case the most verbose?! Retarded.

I think TypeScript is the more practical replacement, it has big community and easy to moving from JS

I hate niggers

I'm learning it as my first language. Have I sinned against the collective opinion of Jow Forums?

You fucking retard TypeScript isn't a replacement for JavaScript at all. It's a code generator markup that turns into JavaScript. IT'S STILL JAVASCRIPT. IT'S ALL STILL JAVASCRIPT.

TypeScript has bullshit like "public" and "private" variables in classes, but you know what they turn into when you compile it? var. Just var because JavaScript has no concept of public or private.


I learned Python first, tbqh JS is pretty good if you're not on the spectrum

You are only allowed to learn via Eloquent JS, everything else is outdated garbage.

I don't particularly know about JS/TS but
>Just var because JavaScript has no concept of public or private.
Neither does assembly.
It may end up being compiled to Javascript, but that doesn't mean it is Javascript.

fag, that doesn't mean there's no public/private in TS. TypeScript can catch that problem in compile time, and AFTER checked it they turn into var. What's the problem here?

Waiting for the churn to stop before I really learn

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JavaScript gets more hate than it deserves. When most people point out "JavaScript wtfs," their real issue is dynamic typing and they're just confused by implicit type coercion. Maybe statically typed languages are better for every use-case and maybe it was a mistake to make JavaScript dynamically typed, but even if that was true, it's just one mistake. JavaScript also does a lot of things right. First class function types and automatic variable capturing are nice. Syntactic regular expressions are nice. The object/array literal syntax is nice (and it inspired JSON, which is incredibly popular now.)

That said, JavaScript can't get away from its mistakes. var scoping was a mistake, late 'this' binding in functions was a mistake, the == operator was a mistake, Array#sort() was a mistake, non-strict-mode implicit variable declaration was a mistake, and template literal syntax was a mistake (because it makes it hard to embed languages that use the ` character.) Even if JavaScript gets new features to work around these mistakes, the mistakes will have to be supported forever for legacy JavaScript to work, so they will always be ugly warts on the language that novice JavaScript programmers could accidentally use.

You know, if sun wasn't such a pushy company JavaScript would've been an implementation of scheme. It just needed to look more like Java.
Which is funny because Java was originally designed to be a midpoint between c++ and lisp. JavaScript was therefore designed as 3/4 lisp.

ES6 is the good shit. Arrow functions, async/await, spread operator, object decomposition, let/const, computed property names. Paired with flow it's p good.

JavaScript has shit foundations that rears it's ugly head all the time though. And Node.js is a shitpile.

It needs to die

That would have been fantastic and basically preempted the whole node meme via Chicken (Scheme that compiles to native binaries).

I hate it.

There isn't really anything inherently wrong with it, its more the fact that websites overuse it.

damn right, arrow functions make it look all sexy and so fun to write,

async/await is ES8.
I'm still waiting for the import operator to replace require functions, that's the only thing I want from JS right now.
Also kwargs, but that will never be a thing.