Next semester we are starting to deal with microcontrollers

Next semester we are starting to deal with microcontrollers.

Can Jow Forums recommend me some books to learn microcontroller programming during the summer? Probably would want to start with Arduino, I'm studying mechatronics so we will be dealing with robots.

I already have solid C knowledge. Learning x86 asm at the moment coz I wanna know the cpu architecture a bit better.


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I didn't realize this board was called Jow Forums - Your Personal Fucking Google


watching this thread desu

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idk he can google the books, but a guy with personal experience will always be more helpful

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Asking here because I thought that I could find people with actual experience.

There are books?
Just read the datasheet and the application notes

I have an Arduino, mostly just understanding how it works, the different libraries for sensors, modules, etc. You can program it in either C or C++ so you're fine there. A basic understanding of electronics would be very helpful.

I understand that there are datasheets. But books about doing something practical are pretty nice.

NoStarch press has many books related to Arduinos. Go there, look for titles that interest you, then go to and download them.

Thanks for the feedback.
Sure, I always use or

Examples lib but dor some one is hard to learn from that the BIG ? you can code in C

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Then why are posters on this board called Jow Forumsooglers?

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>Probably would want to start with Arduino
Then read the fucking Arduino documentation if you already know C!

Do you program arduinos in C? The programming language looks like C but there's something subtle about it.

How can I compile things using GCC and make and my own editor?

arduinoscript is more like sepples


what in the fuck? how do I use a proper language?

int main() inside the void setup() function, then program as if it were cpp there.

Also there's nothing wrong with using arduino's language, people here just don't like the simplicity, easy learning curve, and most importantly the popularity of the platform.

After all these are the same people who use obscure OSes just for the sake of seeming like they are not part of the 'mainstream'.

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STM32 ARM micros have a nice community around them. You can find lots of resources like using various peripherals.There is also a quite nice HAL library, though you should learn to setup peripherals and interrupts by setting registers directly as well. And datasheets are you best friend.
Also learn FreeRTOS.

avr gcc and avr dude

Just read a PIC/AVR datasheet:

I have actual experience. If you know programming at all, just read a datasheet for the microcontroller of your choice. It should contain all the info you need.
>Learning x86 asm at the moment coz I wanna know the cpu architecture a bit better.
Not a bad idea.

>How can I compile things using GCC and make and my own editor?
Depends on your OS, but on Debian you just install gcc-avr, binutils-avr and avr-libc; that's all you need to compile a program. Then you just need to use the program for whatever programming hardware you use. Using GCC for AVR is hardly any different from using it for ordinary, same-system programming, except you may need to convert the output to a hex file if the programmer program requires it, but that's just a simple objcopy command.

>Also there's nothing wrong with using arduino's language, people here just don't like the simplicity, easy learning curve, and most importantly the popularity of the platform.
It's just pointless fluff for no benefit.