Just lmao
Just lmao
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This triggers me.
macs are still a thing?
Jow Forums is the only technology board where you can go and people will outright tell you not to patch your system or even worse stay on older software that is ridden with exploits.
Yes and they give the user more options than Windows now. The tables have turned.
sure thing boomer
macs are better in terms of forced updates and privacy but everything else is still the same.
That's not the point. The point is that Windows bugs you by stopping everything you're doing, whatever you're doing and makes you wait until it's done updating, on the times that it (and Microsoft) decides when you should.
So you're 'lmaoing' that you're a retard who uses Windows and not even LTSB?
>bugs you by stopping everything you're doing, whatever you're doing and makes you wait until it's done updating
>pick a time
>remind me later
>Windows is too hard for me, I need more hand holding
Jesus Christ, I didn't know such people find their way here.
>ignoring the huge banner that pops up in front of your face and closes down anything that would be full screen
>after a few times delaying it, it removes the options to delay it
>Not using windows 10 enterprise ltsb
I didn't even get this. My system just up and restarted on its own, without any warning, while I was working on something very important for work. Fucking prick took ~2.5 HOURS to complete the install.
Not sure if this is still relevant, I'm still on 1607
Just restart mate, it takes less than 1 minute.
It isn't supposed to come up when you're in something fullscreen but anyway, just take ownership of the musnotification executables and deny execute rights across the board.
Then you don't get these messages anymore and you don't get automatic restarts to install updates.
just fuck off man
pajeets > "your computer" > you
>heres a way to stop it from notifying you and attempting to restart your computer automatically
>fuck off
>It isn't supposed to come up when you're in something fullscreen but anyway
except it does. I've lost matches in csgo and lost projects for school because of that shit
>and lost projects for school because of that shit
How do you lose a project for school because of it?
Gaming is one thing, that's realtime, but projects?
Fuck off, boomer. MacOS literally asks you to update the OS every day.
>'kick it off'
why the fuck is windows using informal language?
>We need you to kick it off
Lol what the fuck is this faggot shit
Just turned on my laptop and connected to internet and this shit is my start menu. I was swing errors all the time and the WiFi was constantly disconnecting. Feels good to have xubuntu installed now, everything is fast and just works
It should make only security updates obligatorily, and make them not restart the PC like in others OS
Thats what happoens when a company is mis-managed by pajeets
windows update is currently the worst malware targeting windows computers
Literally says with new feature and apps. Those aren't security updated you fucking mongoloid. I already have disabled all the Windows Spyware, the last thing I want is an update that turns it on again.
And yes I know that you can't really disable all the backdoors and bloatware but still.
get with the times, grandpa.
We don't use meaningful language anymore
Because dumb ass grandmas who don't update feed the botnet and lower herd immunity
>Had sex with my girlfriend
>We went to do some shitposting after
>Computer was in the middle of installing updates despite me telling it to not do that shit yet
>Lost unsaved data
Fucking microsoft.
Last time I checked, OS'es are supposed to make your computer usage easier right?
I miss windowsxp. It has its quirks but its the last non-frustrating OS i've used. If it wasnt for the goddamn """"softwares"""" and their win10 requirement I'd fucking revert to windowsxp
New laptop, and I heard that they come back when you update. I could have removed that but I got triggered and installed xubuntu. I only read PDFs, watch movies and use the browser so isn't like I care too much anyway
have only gotten one bsod on w10 and all google results told me that AMD was at fault
Windows has multiple other "features" that are more similar to malware than windows update.
>Spyware: Microsoft sells your data to advertisers.
>Adware: Windows puts ads in the start menu by default. Most users are too lazy/retarded to disable them.
>Bloatware: Windows comes bundled with a bunch of games and other garbage that wastes storage space. The OS itself reinstalls this crap if you merely uninstall it without fucking with the registry.
I don't really see how windows update could be considered malware. That being said, I agree that it is cancerous. It sucks that they make you pay extra for the "pro" version of windows for an easy way to neuter it.
>I don't really see how windows update could be considered malware
try turning it off for any reason
The group policy editor is a good, Microsoft sanctioned, way to nerf windows update. Like I said, it sucks that the group policy editor isn't included with the base version of windows.
I still don't see how making something hard to disable inherently makes it malware. For example, I don't see anyone complaining about their inability to uninstall the task manager.
>he thinks this still works
>computer illiterate person refuses to update their software for no reason
This is why Microsoft makes updates more draconian with every release. Imbeciles have somehow gotten the idea that patches are terrible and will gladly run a wide open system to save five minutes patch time per month, which they could of course plan for a time that's convenient, which brings us back to
>computer illiterate
You must feel smart and cyberpunk when you're parroting inane memes that everyone but you knows are jokes. I bet you fall for all the trash open source trolls spam here also. Let me guess: You are convinced that Discord sells your gay cyber sex logs to your mom, so you use Telegram, which you know for a fact totally doesn't do that, because that's what the Telegram shills on Jow Forums said.
>update kernel
>lose half the functionality until restart
a-at least I'm not forced to update, right?
>unsaved data
User or application error.
For one thing, applications not being able to close because of prompts stops restarts. That's a basic feature of Windows. If your application is allowing itself to be closed without saving data for a system restart then it's shit.
>i bet you think this service is spying on you, idiot!
>this other service might be spying on you
Good job ignoring my post all and continuing with your stupid strategy of calling anyone who doesn't like this shit "tech illiterate" just wanted to say that I just rebooted from the update and guess what you fucking imbecile shill. Just like I told you there were lots of new privacy invading "features" turn on by default on my settings. You are not fooling anyone, this is are not security updates and there is a reason why some much people complain about them.
Arch sucks.
Use literally anything else or hotpatch your kernel.
You have the option and fedora also makes it easy.
So it's better in terms of the only things that matter
>I replied you all these post ain't that epicness
>be working on a project
>go away from the computer because of food or toilet
>this pops up
>computer restarts itself
>project wasn't saved
Only if you have the setting to automatically download updates enabled.
metered connection, niggers.
>click checkbox and wait 2 seconds for it to change state
If you just turn off your computer at night like a normal person you literally never get this message. It updates automatically and you don't notice it.
No such thing in Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB.
>turn off your computer at night like a normal person
>normal person
>literally waste your time on turn on/off a computer
no thx
>applications not being able to close because of prompts stops restarts
It doesn't actually work nowadays; it just delays restart by a couple of seconds, even MS Word
lel, you think that's bad?
Are you using 100MHz proccesor or MAC is shit?
>his machine is booting slowly
>be dumb /v/ kid
>install cuck versions of win10 (home or pro)
This shit makes me so fucking angry. The babbification of the general bugman is palpable. Same goes for childlike cartoon representations of adults in any kind of PR material or instructions.
>hey haha our software is just casually giving a heads up, we're just like those reddit friends of yours
>"Active hour"
lmao, be thankful Microsoft is kind enough to decide to reboot your computer outside your allotted hour.
he got you
Woah, hate to harsh your buzz my friendo ;) but it looks like we've run into a teensy tiny lil error. Whoopsie doodle! We're gonna have to restart this here PC, if you know what I mean :D Catch you on the flippity flop!
ayo hol up bruh, somethin happened
we finna throw a kernel error
restart nigga
>what's new?
>latest stuff :^)
i hate windows
>I already have disabled all the Windows Spyware, the last thing I want is an update that turns it on again.
You poor naive sod.
Fucking osx pings home more than windows, even with every option disabled
Install Little Snitch
>Pick a time
>Select point where you will be in bed
Was that so hard?
I've got all updates turned off for 2 years on one older laptop because fuck everything, I don't care and suddenly after 2 years come up notice telling me to enable updates. MS is doing some shady shit here, Windows 10 was mistake.
>inb4 viruses if you don't update
i don't give a shit, that wasn't my point
Both are equally likely to spy on you, but one is universally recommended and one is universally called shit by people here, of course without ever giving a good reason for either judgment.
Jow Forums in general is filled with ignorant idiots who are downright absurdly conformist and couldn't think an original thought if their life depended on it.
The reason is that they are tech illiterate..
>I-I'm not bad with software, I just don't understand it and can't operate it.