You just realized Linux has got the most fitting mascot

>you just realized Linux has got the most fitting mascot

Attached: tux.jpg (794x960, 127K)

Other urls found in this thread:

really? I thought this was the most fitting
>square, boring
>you can look but dont touch anything
>we dumbed it down to one color for you

Attached: ps_windows_01.jpg (880x548, 28K)

>a logo is a mascot

Attached: OS-tan.600.1327372.jpg (600x450, 59K)

its cute uwu

Microsoft's mascot should be like pic related.

Attached: nagoorcorejava.gif (849x458, 153K)


Attached: windows.png (539x405, 461K)

nice try

Attached: 5133cf5b33c9bd12259d815a94a7d8561432639778_full.png (640x1062, 372K)

excuse me, it's GNU/Linux

Attached: linux-shirt-size.jpg (631x579, 27K)

>tfw we will never get Madobe bundles

Attached: RBO8NMPz3s8jbLdbbsRgB.jpg (400x400, 37K)

Attached: topfull_edit-660x330.jpg (660x330, 72K)

Attached: 155115_10152107260856686_2003592393_n.jpg (403x375, 101K)

>tfw S

Literally shit

Attached: ytlwtt.gif (320x180, 1.84M)

Cute enough to rape!

I hate this gif so fucking much.

Is Obvious Plant the most based merch company in existence?

Attached: 1-1525188528941.jpg (720x886, 103K)


>won challenge at Windows 8 coding camp
>supposed to receive that mouse thing as a prize
>it never arrived

fuck microsoft

>GNU released a new t-shirt for fathers day
>checked all the sizes remembering this image
>3xl and 4xl were both sold out by the time I got the newsletter

oh shit his course is tomorrow

Didn't hiroyuki take a shitton of videos and photos of penguins?

>obvious plant


I'll be there


>not always getting one or two sizes larger
I'm skinny as fuck and I always go for L/XL because I like baggy. You can always make it smaller (rolling up, tying, sewing).

A bird that can't fucking fly is on point for this joke of an OS.

S stands for s᠋o᠋y᠋boy

3pm sharp boys

You got issues homie

They swing preatty fast tho

>a tan is a mascot

Attached: os_tan_fanart__linux_tan_by_juzo_kun.jpg (720x540, 336K)

When it's official, it is.

The penguin is a stupid logo. A raven would make more sense:.those fuckers are smart.