/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: just like in /sqt/ spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Search: qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.
*Many free software have active mailing lists.
*Many free software has an active bugzilla where you can check and report errors

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

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Hardware backdoor

Reposting cause no replies:
So I've been hearing a lot of stories from different vim users about how cool emacs with evil mode is. I being kinda curious installed emacs, downloaded the evil mode aaaaand... Nothing. All the evil mode users screech how you don't have to learn emacs key-bindings, but what's the point of running a vim emulator inside it if you don't know those? Where is Papa Stallman's power? What should I do, just read emacs docs/guides? Thanks in advance.

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I used to have ubuntu but got bored and installed w10 Back.
Now I went to get back in.
Any recommendation? Throught about Fedora, Arch or Debian but cant decide.
My main use is gonna be Java and C and I just listen music and browse Websites.
Also any vpn or similiar recommendation?

>I used to have ubuntu but got bored and installed w10 Back.
if a decently stable operating system bores you you should try arch

If you don't know what you want then just pick one and try it. DEs are the same on any distro, eventually you'll find something about package management/availability or update policies (regular or rolling? stable or bleeding edge?) that pleases or irritates you, that's what you'll choose your long-term distro on.

>Also any vpn or similiar recommendation?
Go to thatoneprivacysite.net and read their VPN guide, then take a look at Torrentfreak's VPN provider survey.

any good program to quickly edit screenshots on arch?

Try Arch or Antergos linux (same thing). Fedora is nice too but I don't like how it doesn't have many packages ready to go like Debian and Arch based stuff.
ipredator.se is a good one. Owned by some of the same people who run the pirate bay. No rented servers, no logs, etc.

>Maki debian
Shit girl fits for a shit distro.

I use GIMP

what? how is that fast. open gim takes 3 seconds. edit screenshot + export takes another 20. on windows its litterally snipping tool edit done.

Can anyone help me with a script I am using
Not posting the whole script here but here's the part I get complains

cmp -s "$FILE1" "$FILE2"

I get complains at missing operand after the -s flag but it's not the case as it is clearly being done because it's in a if clause
and I print output if it's the same.
When I hardcoded the file paths it didn't complain.
Not very experienced in this so keep that in mind.

>Antergos linux
oh wow this looks nice. is there a downside to this?
does is miss something from arch?
I get that it preinstalls more stuff for you where as on arch you would need to do that on your own.
Apart from that there is no difference?

Maki is my wife!


is there Extreme Tux Racer in void linux repos?

A-are there any other pictures like this (e.g. a distro logo + faceless animu girl), but with other anime girls?

J-just asking ... for a friend.

Attached: arch_girl_1.png (2335x2335, 402K)

>J-just asking ... for a friend.
Stop being a fag and admit you want to see anime girls with distro logos.

btw i use arch

This is not an unreasonable request.

>New to linux but how to compile tar.gz files? And where to? Applications or some other directory?

tar -cvzf .tar.gz

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how do i change display manager from login screen

lightdm causes cpu soft lock.
n ed to change to gdm3

Seek harmony.

Attached: 1518298101485.jpg (543x779, 101K)

>how do i change display manager from login screen
Isn't the display manager the 'login screen'?

Thank you, although I was hoping for more logo variety.

Eh, what can you do? Beggars can't be choosers.

linux mint only boots with usb inserted, otherwise media failed error. installed with secure boot on. help

yeah well it worls fine to login screen but when i try to logon cpu freezez.. need to change ot bqck to gdm3 befpre logon but idk how

Try hopping to and ask there. They make those flat anime stuff.

Can someone please make one for GuixSD? I love that distro.

I meant


So apparently LightDM doesn't handle second monitor well at all. I had 2nd monitor (my primary) plugged in and it caused CPU locksup with lightDM+trying to logon to Xubuntu or Budgie.

I had to
1. Detach 2nd monitor
2. Login
3. Attack 2nd monitor
And it logged in without CPU freeze.

After this I disabled my laptop monitor from Xubuntu's settings, but some programs still open up to the dead monitor of laptop and I don't know how to fix.

Also crashed first time when I plugged in the second monitor.

I guess i'll stick with default Ubunut configuration.

I also have to say that wow Xubuntu does something rapey to fonts.

help please
im trying to use neofetch to display an image in manjaro
but all i get is pic related or varying degrees of nothing
ive installed and tried every backend but it doesnt work
thanks for reading
and thanks even more if you can help

Attached: Screenshot_20180701_151148.png (1034x589, 110K)

If you can't find any answers then just stick with Vim/Neovim

ok i got it to work straight away in a different terminal, which is weird because it works totally fine in Konsole on my laptop

Try settings => edit current profile => environment and change TERM from xterm-256color to konsole-256color

Is neovim a meme?

Help, I want to rename a bunch of images with random filenames into image01.jpg, image02.jpg, etc but the rename utility uses perl expressions and I don't know perl yet.

You don't have to export, you can just choose to overwrite the original image

There's a ton of both CLI and GUI options for that
Just google Linux batch rename and pick the one you like

>just google Linux
How about no.

Unless you care about order, just do for x in *.jpg;do echo mv "$x" "image`printf %02d $i`";i=$((i+1));done

I'm using it, because installing it was easier for me than compiling vim with Python, Ruby and other frameworks support. If you don't mind compiling vim with all of this then use it, neovim is like vim for lazies.


xubuntu doesn't allow to change lightdm to gdm3 through dpkg reconfigure or stop service start service....

xubuntu also hacked my passwprd and encrypted home folder : it somehow logins without passeprd now

i need to get gdm3 back before loggin or pc crashes but how..

The problem for me was that I can compile vim only with support for one python version.

If you want vim with already installed nice sets of plugins you can also try spacevim. Works great out of the box.

Deprecated, use $().

Backticks are POXIS, go fuck yourself.

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So is $(), which is better than backticks. Try nesting and you see why.


So I managed to partially unfuck this situation by
>removing Xfce
>removing Xubuntu
>removing light-dm-greeter

Now it just straight logs into default Ubuntu, but it crashes when I try to log out or reboot or shutdown

Guess I'll just, reinstall lmao.

No bully, if you don't like chad scripting, feel free to stick to your outdated backticks style.

>he wastes one char even when it's clear that nesting will not be needed
lmao, look at this faggot

Attached: haha.gif (458x260, 688K)

Just get spacemacs.org already.


Anyone have any idea why my x220 randomly disconnects from the AP and refuses to reconnect?

Its the Intel 6205 card and hence the iwlwifi proprietary driver being used on Debian with Xfce

Give me the diagnosis, doctor. How bad is it?

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Why tho? My neovim is already compiled with multiple python versions at once and works just fine.

I recently switched to Ubuntu from Windows 10.
Although I'm not a gamer, sometimes my friends ask me to play some cs:go with them.
I've managed to install drivers for my gpu (nvidia), but my framerate is about 50 (had about 120 on windwos).
Is there any way I can fix it?

Are you using proprietary drivers? The open source ones don't get as good performance

What's wrong with his fucking feet

I got like 130 FPS in DOTA 2 with Ubuntu 17.10, same as I got in Windows 10 Pro.

Shouldn't be that low .



I did, but the performance was still poor.
I thought maybe cs:go is running using integrated graphics insted of dedicated gpu and after trying to install bumblebee (I had to purge all the drivers) proprietary drivers disapeared from the drivers menu.
I've tried to bring them back but couldn't

Sure, then it's not for you. But having a lisp-engine at your disposal that can be general OS interface so that you have unity and uniformity across the whole stack, is godly.

I use GuixSD with Emacs and EXWM, so Emacs is even my WM. EXWM translates any shortcuts that I want into something that other programs understand since it's the layer I interact with. I.e. if I want Ctrl+s to always be `search` in any program, I can do it after I set up the translation to the keybinding that a program understands. Usually it's just mapping it to Ctrl+f, since that's the common idiom.



quote ur variables

i is a number. Quoting is pointless.


Jesius Christ, learn shell scripting already.

variables should always be quoted

I really enjoy using arch with openbox, everything just works and is exactly how I want it. But I constantly need to switch over to my windows partition for Sony Vegas and Photoshop because I work in the digital media field.

Is there a way to run these at very high levels in linux? Some of the stuff I work on is massive and maxes the 16GB of RAM I have. It can make my windows installation a bit wonky and chug behind a few seconds. I can only imagine it would be even worse under wine or in a VM.

It's a one-off command. I don't need to quote shit that I know doesn't need to be quoted.

Your teacher probably told you that, because you're stupid moron who can't be trusted to recognize when he doesn't need quotes.

Another dumb shell question.
I have a lot of files without a file extension. How can I rename them to add a file extension according to filetype?

>add a file extension according to filetype
seems possibly non-trivial, but there is the file command
$ man file

Help please, Ive tried Ubunto and Mint and they are having the same problem.
>insert bootable usb
>reboot without usb
>Checking media[failed] error

its not booting to my harddrive any linux gurus around

Something like
for x in *; do
case `file -bi "$x"` in
(image/jpeg*) ext=jpg;;
(image/png*) ext=png;;
(*) ext=
[ -n "$ext" ] && [ "${x##*.}" != "$ext" ] && mv "$x" "${x}.${ext}"

I'm about to install Arch for my first time, tell me everything I need to know before it's too late.
What's a recommended way of partitioning it?

>What's a recommended way of partitioning it?
i use parted

parted is shit, use fdisk+mkfs

>not carving the partition table to the disk platter by hand

>not using butterflies to change causality in a way that causes wind to slowly write the changes to your disk

fdisk and 1 partition, you probably don't need swap

I'd use even a little bit (like 1G) of swap rather than none at all, unless you've got a huge amount of RAM. The kernel swaps in the background even before RAM is full, allowing pages that programs don't use to be freed up for other use.

I have 4GB, maybe a 2GB Swap partition or is it too much?

No need for a dedicated swap partition. Just create a swapfile.
dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile.swp bs=1M count=2048
mkswap /swapfile
swapon /swapfile

Create a smaller, bigger or even a second one depending on your needs. The only limit is that it needs to be non-fragmented.

what distro and what de should i run on this piece of shit? it has 1gb of ram

Attached: eeee.jpg (355x317, 15K)

Is it a 32bits CPU too?

>add comment or something on multiple lines
ctrl+v 5j I insertsomestring
>see it hick up on vim
>meanwhile instant on nvim because better implementation of async

any modern disto
a light DE like xfce/lxde/mate or a simple WM setup.

oh, thanks

Anime is fucking gay.

Attached: 1451910119302.gif (400x210, 1.49M)

GPU passthrough could be an option.
And the Arch wiki is extensive on this subject

Imagine getting upset by Chinese cartons.

ur gay