What's the catch? why so cheap
What's the catch? why so cheap
economics. if more and more people either refuse to buy expensive parts, or actually can't afford expensive parts, the market will be forced to adjust.
so stop buying preorders of triple a games that are trash
It's been used. Probably extensively already and has faulty sectors. Save your own money OP.
Do you want a half dead ssd from a mining rig?
>using anything but a USB stick for a mining rig.
>he thinks mining rigs use SSDs at all
I know it's hip and cool to blame miners for everything, but do you have to be such a retarded /v/boomer?
>and has faulty sectors.
>faulty sectors
You mean dead cells, right boomer?
Thats not cheap you poofta faggot.
>faulty sectors
t. hddfag
different name, same effect
>used storage
No thanks.
There's no reason to suspect anything, just grant your wish by making a contract with this reputable seller!
Cute anime desu
Just buy it, you literally have nothing to lose. Put it through it multiple quality of lifes tests, if it fails or is below what you think it should be, return it. If the seller is a dick, give them a shit feedback and go through ebay and PayPals protection plan.
Not at all.
Sector is a physical part of the disc of a hard disk.
It's something from the times of removable magnetic media.
Cells are parts of the flash ICs.
Hard disks use sectors to virtually separate the discs in many indexable areas.
If a sector has physically bad parts in it, the whole sector becomes useless.
If a cell becomes bad, the controller realigns it.
Both account for storage loss and data loss though.
that's....not how economics work. If something is expensive, and it isn't due to a monopoly share of the market, it isn't expensive for funsies. It's because it costs a lot to produce. If no one can buy it, producers aren't going to do shit until cheaper ways are found to make it, because just 'adjusting' and selling at a lower cost means selling below the cost of production...which means making a loss on all sales. Consumer demand only goes so far. Read a book.
selling a product at 5 dollars when it cost you 10 dollars to make it, happens when no one will buy your high production cost garbage and a small profit will be better than no profit. because running a product at a 25% sell rate may be worse than selling all of your product at 50% off
>companies only care about the bottom line
If you're talking about a specific circumstance when a producer just needs to offload at little loss as possible then sure, but if selling at a loss (making '''less''' profit as you put it) is a continuous pattern and the only way to sell a product, producers will simply stop making that product.
>original box no included
Chink-dar off the charts. 50% it's a 250GB evo flashed to misrepresent itself as 1TB pro; 50% it's a factory reject picked out of the trash by some chink after hours.
jesus you're a fag
yes they would... now what would the third party retailer do with a product that's taking up space, and isn't really worth anything?
but in the ssd market when you have multiple competitors selling the same shit at a lower price you will have to sell your SSD's at a lower profit margin
Again if they've already made the product then they'll sell it, I'm talking long term, when they go to remake the product using the profit they where meant to have made off of the first run. Learn to fucking read.
>im trying so hard to sound smart
>uses shit meme
kill yourself and go back to gaia
yay, you're right. it's just an internet argument. besides that M2 drive is used and probably on it's way to dying.
Yea exactly, but competition can only ever drive prices down so much. If a competitor undercuts other producers at a price below the cost of production, and starts making a loss, sure they'll sell more than their competitors but they won't be making any money as they'll be spending more on continued production later on. As such, no rational producer will ever cut costs below production cost. Of course, in the real world market fluctuations in supply and demand mean you never /properly/ hit that hard limit, and competitors will bounce back and forth between selling at a viable price and undercutting each other, but the underlying concept is always there - expensive shit is expensive for a reason, regardless of how much consumers may 'demand' it to be less so.
>yay, you're right.
that's all I wanted.
Kill yourself nigger
970 is out already and faster.
The 970 came out recently and is also cheap. So almost nobody is gonna buy a 960.
wtf you can get a 480GB SSD for 100 buckaroos and 1TB for 350 is cheap? how?
Most modern SSDs have run lives that are on par with traditional spinning HDDS.
>Evo Pro
Yeah, that thing isn't going to fail anytime soon.
970 is out
chinkshit spyware
>1TB SSD for a mining rig
It's those damn miners back at it again, I'll tell you hwat. They should stick to their REAL job, yup.
t. boomer
It's used
There are cryto that are mined with storage you fucktard.
>not many
Highly unlikely, but he could very well be right.
those use regular hard drives, ya doofus. they are based of storage capacity, not storage speed. there's no need to use ssds.
just stop posting
Man, they are really dropping aren't they. I'll be happy when I can get one for $150. 3x price of a hdd isn't bad.
you try using a usb stick for a 13-card rig, see what happens.
fucking moron
>he isn't mining the proof of r/w speed crypto right now
Never gonna make it
Filesystems use the term sectors and they are storage medium agnostic.
OSes on Ram uses sectors, but they call them pages.
Sectors on ssds is called blocks, but they are also a form of sectors.
In the end, nobody uses sectors or blocks on ssds and hdds because the filesystem groups those into clusters.
You sound as stupid as stupid the term solid state DISK sounds.
A bunch of chips and a pcb is a "disk".
Also linux is a kernel.
Electronics are literally made by slave labor in third-world shitholes for a couple of bucks per device, and are then upsold at 10x the price.
>New (Other)
100% some chinked "refurb" or other reflashed junk
Your post started off good
>Also linux is a kernel
Then you blew it. Have you even actually used the Linux operating system?
The 960 series is selling off. Buy one if you need one. 960 1 TB cost only 300 € now, used even less. But I already have two of them.
And it's a good thing :^), reminder samsung 850 are cheap as fuck because 860.
swear to g-d you're the two faggots that keep calling each other boomer and gaiafag in other threads
keep at it anons
toshiba xg3 is a better buy
>toshiba xg3
Isn't even on the market anymore. Was it for consumers? There are special OEM SSDs but I wouln't buy them, 960 Evos come with 3 years. 970 have 5 years and higher TBW.
You have disgraced the Lannister name for far too long.