Jow Forums humour
OC only
Jow Forums humour
that's actually true
Snowden suggests to actually blend in to be less recognizable
using anti-tracking software is a red alert and will put you on the extra surveillance list
that guy watches interracial porn guaranteed
Well his crush goes out with an african american so maybe yeah whatever floats his holy boat.
Anyone have the webm of Patrick Bateman comparing riced desktop 'cards'
There are several of those, which one do you mean?
there used to be firefox extensions to mimic more common browser versions/configs back when firefox had extensions.
>having locks in the doors inside your house
Botnet fridge to the rescue once again
Jow Forums once again, unequivocally, utterly BTFO
This. It's fucking weird. I would only understand locks for toilets (which I personally don't even bother using with close family members, only people I'm less familiar with) or maybe one of those Hollywood panic rooms. Every other door inside your home should just be a normal door.
>my bedroom door has a lock on it
>never had the key for it
>constantly paranoid that I will one day lock myself out by accident
I never use the lock but it's just a matter of time.
>back when firefox had extensions.
Fuck dude, don't remind me. I thought there would at least be a decent downthemall replacement by now but nope.
Pic related made me really chuckle.
better pic
Phoneposters reposting 'm'idget sized images always makes me chuckle as well.
Your layout is indeed better, but I got more of the (yous) on the pic, and I have a better filename, so I guess its a draw.
I hope this do
caring about (You) count is a thing people do when reposting on reddit.
Original Jow Forums screencaps just had the post and reply.
>have a girlfriend
>not a virgin
>can't think of any uses for eSATA
>still eSATA virgin forever
I don't know what to feel
>>can't think of any uses for eSATA
>>still eSATA virgin forever
it doubles as USB
Yeah that's pretty clever about it. Although even then you aren't really using the eSATA feature and would just accept any normal USB port as well. That doesn't count.
that's like saying anal doesn't count because the dick is not the proper plug
OC donut steel
Yes, but sometimes the number of yous ads to the cap, as I would argue is the case this time.
And don't worry, I'm not going to post this on reddit, I don't even have an account on this weird forum.
Fucki'n fridgeposters
Is the joke that he actually wrote a program that was also his reply?
i know that guy, he is memeing, also his birthday is 19th of june, same as mine, thats how i know him
>serif font for post text
>that CSS
>not vomitchan.png
>it doubles as USB
No it doesn't. The cable goes to a sata port on your motherboard, it wouldn't understand USB if it tried.
I saved that reply too
Similar to what you're looking for.
top kek
Is the joke that they’re the same? Or am I missing something
I call bullshit. Source?
That's the exact kind of FUD that is equivalent to privacy defeatism. More precautions are always better. It doesn't matter how many lists you are on if less information is available to collect. All that surveillance garbage is useless for te stated purpose because real targets do everything in person anyway. If they can collect it now, they will find a way to sort through it if you become interesting.
There was news a while back that literally all linux users were on a list. Just having the knowledge to defend yourself makes you suspect.
>not linking to the original thread
I win.
The joke is that the guy is writing like Terry A. Davis, the creator of templeOS, except he doesn't dare say "Nigger" because he's scared of getting banned.
I'm going to get banned now for saying "Nigger" outside of Jow Forums, though.
I still had to answer your question faithfully. And I couldn't have done so without saying "Nigger".
The goal is for everyone to be using them so blending in is also the same as protection.
Though it's not like hardware has a ton of backdoors built into them making it pretty moot. Your intention shouldn't be hiding from the government, but everyone else who wants to use your data or fuck with you.
>not noticing the subtle artifacts from antialias processing
Don't you have burgers to flip?
Which sounds better?
1) being "unique" (relatively speaking) by blocking everything but the actual content
2) blending in by looking like the average user, at the expense of letting a tracker or two through
There are still a ton of reasons to block everything, but you're making it obvious you're not some random normie.
You can still do that with scriptsafe
I use ublock.origin because I don't like random shit distracting me from content, and I use startpage because I don't like working for google without getting paid. I don't think that makes me a NEET.
is this oc?
Not bad.
Unnecessary, I think. The file name is already "vagina diagram" and it's pretty recognizable even in its thumbnail. There was no need to expand the image in the original thread, and there's no need to expand it in the screenshot.
You talk so much about programming, but you cant talk about hacking because you cant actually do anything. I run a hacked network of computers that I programmed to click on googles ads in my secret website. I even write my own viruses to make people get hacked into my network. I work at home and have a bunch of screens showing me what people on my network are doing on their screens. I can even set it so that i can see the code of their computers. can you guys do any of that? I dont think so. I bet you dont know where all the websites real hackers hang out are either? if you name them, I just might tell them that marshviperX sent you.
I need a 1060 :c
OC 4 u
oh just fuck off back to facebook or whatever normalfag site you came from mate
Is this real? If it is, holy shit that's retarded. By that logic, we should ban all of the internet, because websites with CP exists.
How would I find these transactions?
For research purposes.
Something like that. In the movie they were slightly different shades of white, and there were differences like embossing and thickness of the card, I think.
iirc some laptops have a combo e-sata/usb port, but e-sata in general doesn't always support usb
i always get recommended ebony
You won't get banned by saying nigger, newfag
Snowden sure knew how to keep a low profile.
Mmmmhh, I don't know if I should be telling you this. You know this stuff is pretty illeagal right? But if you're really interested, call this number: (212) 384-1000
The underground CP rings don't use the internet because it's too easy to monitor. Instead they hijack phone-numbers, and switch to a new line every few days. This is the most current number, so make sure you call them quick and ask for the CP transactions immediately.
the funny or unfunny part of this is that there's articles going back to 2012 when someone originally stuffed something that could remotely resemble cp into the bitcoin blockchain (you only have so many bytes to play with). This will become "news" again and again at regular intervals...
>can someone ddos he keeps spamming me
>user has left the room (reason: 256 second timeout
why u posting my kettle in humor thread?
Whe should ban money because it has been used on ilicits.
The funnier part of that thread was people being shocked it could be used as a USB port anyway.
I want to show you something friend.
That's literally in the desktop thread. I can't tell if that pic is staged or if the meme is just too real.
I miss that illya poster
oh god my first screencap i'm e-famous i better get a tripcode
hi, i'm chris, author of that post.
nigger nigger nigger
>3 4
This one is only good with juxtaposition to the original.
I mean in the movie you can tell a clear difference, and they explain it, it’s the embossing and the paper material as you said, but in that image there literally isn’t a difference, so I assumed that was the joke.
>OC only
saw this a few days ago
>1/3 of all paper US money has trace amounts of cocaine on them
>having money should be illegal
Johnny and Plank 20 years later
Nigga, why u have that
If he knows Tyrone's password, doesn't that imply he is Tyrone himself?
The point of that scene was that the cards all look essentially the same with very minimal differences. This should be reflected in the edit, too.
you must be using nigger software. Install templeos
There's eSATA and eSATAp. eSATAp, the posted port, is both a USB A and an eSATA port.
The book is so much better
sauce on the pic though
No idea, but here's the gif
omg no no no lmoa le rage
hahaha ebin meme xD
Aperture labs girl
Go hang out in the "show your desktop" threads for a few weeks you retarded newfag.
breddy good