Rate my stickers.
Sticker thread
based and redpilled
cuck jewtoy / 10
>refugees welcome! ... as long as they dont' live close to me lmao
I know OP is a bait, but it's now a sticker thread
>fuck something
I envy all of you who can't read german, so they don't have to understand some of the retarded slogans on the stickers.
Everytime i see an individual like this lose the last bit of hope for my country even though i thought i had none left to begin with.
Shit, i think i'm gonna go full "iron sky" and start bulding my spaceship.
Also good bait op
Absolutely disgusting
>refugees welcome!
>you are the only good people who could protect and build your own countries of origin with honesty
>so come here, the more of you come over to this country, the less there are remaining to protect your root country which will be ours for the taking
>and since you abandoned your countries, you abandoned the right to going back to them or owning them, now we own both your countries and you :3
Suicide toi
>own your countries
>own you
you wish nigga, even if that would be the case (which it isn't) who wants to own a miserable war torn country full of people that weren't able to build a functioning modern society on their own? And who wants to "own" these people?
From a rational (and "unmoralic") standpoint it would be far more effective to completly get rid of the failing population in such a country and replace it with a more capable group of people. That said you'd want to keep the failing population from that country out of your own country as well for obvious reasons.
The sad part is that we don't even do the last part even though we would be more than capable of doing it.
Also i think this is getting a bit off topic....
"i have a lot of pent up rage and political opinions i was told to have because i can't think for myself but i have no idea what to have so i'll take out my rage on something abstract like the ratio of nitrogen to oxygen in the air"
pic related
>t. tryhard GNUfag that donates $5/mo to the FSF just to say he truly supports an idea that he barely understands
you could clean all that sticker bloat off and achieve the same effect with a single twodeadsluts onegoodfuck sticker
I like how he has 90% of the surface area covered but left the Apple logo visible for maximum faggotry.
Jesus christ. Is this high level trolling or are you guys 16?
>who wants to own a miserable war torn country
Those who wants its resources.
>full of people
Half of people who are too corrupt to fight back, while the other half which would be the original resistance migrated away.
>And who wants to own these people
Slave labor.
You are arguing against thousands of years of history which has already repeated, this exact same circumstance and situation. Countless nations whose people were enticed outwards while their original lands were taken by opportunists who knew better how to exploit resources.
Your arguments are simply pointless and weak against a concept which has already formed into a basic law.
It's clearly
they sent me 3 archlinux stickers in the $1 pack I think they are trying to promote it
Mathematician much? Go fuck yourself
I just ordered this and it's going on my ThinkMeme and you can't stop me.
What's wrong with my Lainchan sticker? Why am I being grouped up with edgelords who plaster their entire lids with stickers?
h8, r8, m8?
16 year old "punk girl" who really likes photography.
Taken with my iPhone.
nice legs
Lainchan is for edgelord children.
Ich helfe dir gerne user
rate mine
p cool
so....tuning ecms/pcms? or is this a different thing
why isn't there a sticker saying "i love to suck black refugee cock"
man, these betas.
Anderer user hier: Um ehrlich zu sein wäre ich doch eher lieber rot als tot.
looks delicious, are those baby dolphins?
It's more about sniffing signals coming across the canbus and then replaying them.
Basically if you can flood the canbus with lies faster than the real systems can flood it with legit info, you win.
This was how those guys that hacked the Jeep were able to take control at highway speeds... they lied via canbus to tell the car it was going below a certain speed which enabled them to unlock and interact with the self parking system to cause it to control the gas/brakes/steering.
Those systems have a safety lockout unless you're below a speed meant for parking... but if you lie via the canbus you can bypass and control the system at highway speeds.
Question, how many of you with stickers on your machines are actually employed?
Asking for a friend
guten luck herr user
based and redpilled
you were in weird but acceptable territory, now you're just a worthless SJW niggercuck
99% of them because of case badges :)
>less than 1% unemployment rate
nice hotline miami shit
but lifetime unemployment really is that rare
>obnoxious stickerfag is finally embarrassed enough to cover up some of his stickers
>uses a fucking yellow sticker!
Stickers are for women and faggots. Are you a "girl inside"?
nah i got a sample of some plastic safety striping for floors and slapped it on there
it's all coming off anyway because i am getting rid of the laptop
get rid of yourself while you're at it
Where do I get a good N7 sticker? I want to put it beside a Ryzen 7 sticker on my PC.
why do you have a chicklet keyboard on an x4x/x6x thinkpad
because i can't be assed to do the conversion
What those things are?
Taken with a Axon 7, running LineageOS
No proprietary software for me user
How did you know I'm a femanon?
>impeding precious heat dissipation with banal, attention-seeking and self-important advertisements of my personality
LCD doesn't generate that much of the heat tho.
>redbubble stickers
Its like you guys like shit.
>not one git sticker
>not one git sticker
grindcore is fucking garbage
are you stupid or just african
8/10, yelp is trash tho
not at all into social justice, but isn't a man with an "A woman's place is in the resistance!" sticker kind of sexist?
yes because a womans place is in the kitchen
I might add a debian sticker later
Nice frend /10
I love how you arranged them. Nice stickers also.
somebody put your laptop's monitor on backwards, i would send it back for a refund if i was you
what is a swivel?
why so low?
get angry at this picture I specifically chose to make you angry good go- I mean fellow white!
Stickers on laptops is generally whack
We're all girls here.
>Vote Labour
Just die.
Really nice sticker, w2c?
Liberal queer basedboy faggot/10
How to hide your power level /s