Is manjaro usable for a productive normie or is it just a meme hobbyist district...

Is manjaro usable for a productive normie or is it just a meme hobbyist district? What is the most minimal LINUX DISTRO for productive normies

Attached: 4DC41B1000000578_5905453_image_a_128_1530420569088.jpg (634x357, 25K)

It's free software. Go for the maximum distro.


Just use Ubuntu or one of its derivatives.

what do you mean by 'productive'?
if all you are about is shitposting on the internet, then manjaro is more than sufficient. Hell, even macos is.

Just try it, it's free.

Doing work dude. Have you ever had a job before?
>productive is shitposting to you
Yikes lmaoo
Ubuntu makes me uncomfortable


Just use Debian, like everyone else.

Systemd :/

My first ever distro was manjaro kde then it was manjaro xfce. Did a bit of distro hopping. Realized distro watch fucked me over

Listen carefully OP
Now i use debian.

Attached: minimal.png (700x3000, 230K)

What about crux linux?
Or exherbo

You can hold back systemd and purge the packages with sources.list m8

Attached: change.png (500x2000, 270K)

Lol thanks for this

These are the only answers if your goal is to get paid for your time and not just have the most mind-blowing screenfetch screenshot

debian is the only linux distro

linux is hobby district
windows is for pros

for ($i = 1; $i > 4; $i++)
echo "repetitive integers observed";

to be fair, debian makes a fetching screenfetch. then again, I am a hipster who uses ksh and the luxi mono font

really just an openBSD refugee who wanted to use SNES controllers with my emulator

Manjaro is too bloated, and uses shitty custom repos. Its usable, but Antergos is much better

This guide seems bad. No bspwm on the list and suggests Reiser4 is high performance...for gaming?

Manjaro i3 isn't (But has palemoon iso firefox default).
Combined with the Architect version you can get it SystemD free.

is Manjaro OpenRC still a thing?

No, but from what I know with the Architect package you can select OpenRC and perhaps even some other init systems.

If you like minimalist and openrc try Parabola.

manjaro is nice. simple install and pacman is pretty good.

literally the only usable DEs PERIOD are Xfeces or Budgie if you want something pretty with no screen tear out of the box but you pay the price of a slightly unstable GUI. Everything else is hobbyist tier unstable bullshit.

Now when it comes to "cores", most of them are pretty stable. CentOS is my personal favorite, you just can't break it.

Having said that, if you're a "productive normie" you prolly want something easy to use that doesn't get in the way of getting work done. That means Xubuntu/Mint Xfce, or Ubuntu Budgie for the reasons posted above. CentOS + Xfce is also a good idea but it will take a bit to set it up and give permissions to the software you may need to run, since it's a security focused distro. MacOS os also a good option btw.

Comrade on

Why so much systemd#!!!

productive non-normie here, I work as a devops/software engineer for a small company of 30 people in yurop.
My T440p runs manjaro since ~1,5 years already. Stable branch, always reasonably recent software, no fuckups so far. The only issue I had with it was due to my architectural decision (not enough space on root, my dumb ass thought that 10Gb would've been enough).

The installation was really fucking easy, and the arch wiki is one of the best documentation sites I've ever encountered for an operating system. God tier distro, user, go for it.

eh, systemd just werks. But that's the nice thing about linux: if you don't like something you can use something else. There are many distros out there still using init, and as I said in my reply most cores are pretty stable, it's the DEs that are usually shit.

I hear it's a real killer app.

They get my vote.