Do you love your job?

Does anyone here actually enjoy is job as a dev? Why is this board so miserable? I really love my job. Doing mentally challenging work for exactly 38.5 hours per week for a lot of money compared to the wage of the average joe, all while sitting in a comfy office with free snacks/coffee and nice colleagues is great.
I've worked as a teacher before and it was hell, my family are working in trades or as nurses and it's even shittier because of horrible conditions. But IT/software industry is heaven (If you are skilled, I dont know about low level pajeet stuff or helpdesk shit), at least where I live. So why is everyone here hating their job here?

>pls no bully for the shitty 9gag tier image

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No. I don't work IT. I have a degree in Network administration, and am working towards my bachelor's in Cyber Defense & Homeland security.
I work a blue collar unionized job in a warehouse. I make around $65k/year with benefits and various bonuses throughout the year. If I did my hobby as a job, I'd eventually begin to hate my hobby.

I'll eventually get into the IT field, but I doubt I'll stay long. Just long enough to pay off my land and start doing consultant work.

>mfw got rejected by a school to do network administration(again)
>Interviewer says i don't look motivated

Bitch I just want to learn the job so i can start working, i'm not going anywhere with the basic knowledge i have.
Why is it so hard to get an IT education in a school these days?

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>If I did my hobby as a job, I'd eventually begin to hate my hobby.
ding ding ding. It is (or becomes) unenjoyable precisely because you're doing it as a job. That means you get all the unpleasantness that comes with jobs in general (deadlines, asshole bosses and coworkers, working on shit that's mind-numbingly dull because that's what the business needs, having to spend 40 hours a week on it whether you want to or not) dumped into your hobby. It completely poisons things.

Oh yeah, the other awful part of jobs, the need to pass a personality test to obtain and keep them.

>Rejected by a school
What? That's a thing? Granted I went to community college for my 2 year in Network administration. I was working 55+ hours a week at the time too, so they were lucky if I showed up for classes completely coherent. Most colleges are just desperate for money.

Are they giving you a paid ride or something? If it's out of your own pocket, you probably have grounds to sue or something.

I'm French so things are different here.
The school is funded by the EU, it's free.

Can't even join higher education schools because my results during High School were shit.
Tried the Army/Police but they were too many people applying to the position too.

Ever since HS i'm stuck in this loop

>Try to join a school or program to learn any IT related field
>Wait and repeat

it's hopeless, and with the current unemployment rate(10%) good luck getting a job even in retail.

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>network administration
A certificate should be sufficient to get you start in the field. Don't excuse yourself.

I don't have one...
Didn't enjoy my previous job when i had it. I wish I was one of these people who actually enjoy what they do for a living, who always look forward for another day at work new / to start a new project etc

Living the Yukkuri life as a Full stack webdev/sysadmin, the only problem i have with my job is legacy code (that i wrote).

And then you find yourself being forced to do your hobby at fixed times, not at your pleasure, which sucks the fun out of it.

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did he just asked Jow Forums if they like their job ?
it's like asking Kiwi if he likes to fly

I work as a web dev. Long time ago I use to enjoy it, but now I hate it.

Turning a hobby into a job just sours the hobby.


I like what I do as data engineer. I just don't like the encroaching bureaucracy of HR and its annoying policies as we grow larger. Everything has to have an annoying policy to make HR feel like they're doing something "useful".

Also webdev here, I wouldn't say I hate it, but I don't really enjoy it most of the time, it's just okay. It's good to try out new frameworks that I want to use in personal projects while being paid for it, though.

I got an associates in networking but I hate doing computer janitor shit so I’m going to be a telecommunications electrician instead.

I love programming and general puzzle solving. I do DevOps for work, which is also a ton of fun. But it's also largely the people you choose to work with. I accepted a slightly lower pay than average because my company a) offers unlimited paid vacation ("hey fuckit I don't feel like working today", or "hey i'm just not showing up the entire month of october, gonna go to japan"), and the people I work with are genuinely amazing (hilarious, care-free, incredibly smart, dedicated). Been here for 5 years and so far, so great.

I've read that having unlimited vacation actually makes people take less vacation, is it abused a lot in your company? I'd take every friday or monday off plus two months in the summer.

I'd say it's used pretty heavily. People take an average of 4-5 weeks a year (which is a lot in USA)

As someone who repairs medical equipment I enjoy my job thoroughly, although it's made better by my colleagues being easygoing and being a generally pleasant place to work


Working is garbage, if I could have a decent life without doing it I would.

Objectively speaking, it's better than most jobs. Subjectively speaking, the only way I'll ever be happy is working for myself or a great team of people with a high equity stake.

>4-5 weeks a year (which is a lot in USA)
Jesus I'm glad I don't live in the US.

Actually its worse, it's pretty common in the white-collar US to not take the full amount of vacation time you're entitled to. This can be from fear (not wanting to be first in line for layoffs), from misplaced ambition or self-importance (a belief that the whole place will fall apart if you aren't there), and there are also a lot of people who're workaholics because they're fleeing a shitty home life.

>tfw I only get 3 weeks per year if you don't count sick leave or the federal holidays

At least I make almost double what developers make outside the US.

Are you new or something? Don't worry, the existential dread will come.

I love my job as a Linux admin but lately I've grown dissatisfied with my place of work. I've basically automated myself out of a job, everything is so smooth and automatic that I almost have nothing to do most days. I feel like my professional growth has really slowed down and I haven't gotten a raise in over a year now.

I'm working on a homelab now to try and practice new stuff, get some certs and maybe move up in the world but I'm so tired from being mind-numbingly bored all day that it's tough to study.

Yeah, it kind of sucks. I get eight hours of PTO per month, with no extra vacation/sick days and only a handful of holidays.