What is the best possible way for me to learn python from scratch?

What is the best possible way for me to learn python from scratch?

Attached: python-7be70baaac.png (512x512, 8K)

Other urls found in this thread:

github.com/CWade3051/Py/raw/master/Absolute Book/Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner, 3rd Edition/Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner, 3rd Edition.pdf

go to africa

Code acedemy then when you're through that do random challenges like the euler project or the ones on r/dailyprogrammer. Eventually you'll want to learn more theory behind things and you'll probably have to move beyond Python, but from scratch you're a while away from that.

Codecademy or "Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner, 3rd Edition". Nothing else compares

That crap is useless. You'll only know the standard library.

You want to learn other shit

Here is a link to the book if you need it: github.com/CWade3051/Py/raw/master/Absolute Book/Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner, 3rd Edition/Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner, 3rd Edition.pdf

By using it with SICP.
Learn concepts not languages.

be a chick

Make Tetris

In the same boat as op. I'm currently reading automate the boring stuff trying to get the basics down. I've been reading that and just random googling when I don't understand something. I'm not really sure what to use python for anyways, I just want to know how to program. Probably make Twitter bots or use Django.

Attached: 8c24ae3c-0bb2-4c8f-98c7-890333526123.png (177x220, 23K)

avoid Python 2, make sure you always use 4 spaces indent (not 4-sized tab!!!), use pylint

free books:
- Automate the Boring Stuff with Python automatetheboringstuff.com/
- The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python docs.python-guide.org/en/latest/
- Think Python greenteapress.com/wp/think-python-2e/
- Dive Into Python 3 is good if you already know some language, probably not from scratch diveintopython3.net/

and handy links:
- official docs docs.python.org/3/
- official wiki wiki.python.org/moin/FrontPage
- formatted output overview pyformat.info/
- magic methods overview rszalski.github.io/magicmethods/
- PEP8 style guide python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/
- google style guide github.com/google/styleguide/blob/gh-pages/pyguide.md

write some programs, make sure the docs you're reading are 3.x

google "python pdf" and choose a book that looks good. You will learn far more than using a shitty website or tutorials.

read that shit, then make a guessing game or some shit
then go to Jow Forumsdailyprogramming and start doing stuff from the beginning
use google if you don't understand stuff
after a few dozen google searches you will understand most of the stuff
learning a language isn't about reading a fuckton of books (unless it's c, then you'll definitely need a book. a big-ass book to be exact), it's about starting somewhere and practicing the language. it may seem foreign at first, but after you copy a few lines you'll start understanding what the fuck is going on


Don't do this shit

Do something like this. Read some code, get used to it, then do a project in it; google for help. Do more projects, increase in difficulty each time, and congrats you know Python.

BTW learn C instead of Python if you want to actually do ant programming instead of basic scripting. Same learning process

Find a task. Might be a full program, might be an algo, you can come up with it yourself or via some website - whatever. The important thing is you *don't* have a ready solution available.

Write shit, read docs when you're not sure what something does, compare with others' solutions, figure out how and why yours is terrible, do it the right way next time; rinse and repeat.

>don't learn from quality beginner friendly books, rather google some random shitty tutorials and make up your own projects and exercises because you surely have a realistic expectations and discovering unknown is so transparent
>also use this 40 years old language in which even reading file into string is pain because it make you the real programmer
this is why you should never take an advice from Jow Forums

>quality beginner friendly books
as I said it's not about reading many books, it's about actually starting to do something. if you want to become an expert in the language, then go ahead and read all the books, but for a beginner the best approach is to google "x tutorial" and click the first link

no, Internet is riddled with really shitty tutorials

>because it make you the real programmer
because languages that can get you a job in current year are more or less based on c or c++

1. Figure out what you want to do.
2. Type "python" and what you want to do into google.
3. View multiple results and use their information to decide what you actually do.

Python doesn't have real documentation because nobody knows something doesn't work until something tries to execute that part of the code in a way that breaks it.
So just follow suit with the python methodology of trying something and then fixing it when it doesn't work until it works.

If you're trying to get into learning programming, I recommend picking up something that actually compiles before executing first, then coming back to Python after.


its the fast way that i know

>randomly clicked to middle
>using setters and getters, prefixing class variables with underscores
fuck no

>>using setters and getters, prefixing class >variables with underscores
yeh i dont get it also but..
who gives a fuck its give you all the basics in less than an hour

it's far from complete basics and it teaches them badly, this guy's vids are shit

Is he at least using it to show you how python hides functions and variables from import or outside the class if it's prefixed with an underscore?

The guy you quote is just nitty about pythons not very good class implemention

no he doesn't show modules and importing
on top he declares class variables outside __init__ and doesn't even mention this causes all instances to share them

If you have already written in one or two languages , you will be able to separate from the main and the trivial
He teaches content in 40 minutes What did you expect?

Umm, sweety...

Attached: 2018-developer-job-listings-for-most-popular-programming-languages1.jpg (601x550, 51K)

Cummunity college isn’t that expensive.

Grab a coffee and sit down for 3 hours.