Reddit has gone too far

Reddit has gone too far.

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I love when shit like this happens because you get to laugh at the perpetrator's hilariously bad opsec

Reddit has not gone far enough

I want to kill reddits kids

dude i fucking LOVE net neutrality!

Reddishits can rot, all hail Jow Forums!

I love when shit like this happens because it reveals how insane r*ddit activists really are, and puts their causes under extra scrutiny

Reddit is overrun with leftist extremists and full blown gun grabbing communists.

Who is this revolutionary activist named reddit?

What is it with leftists and threatening kids instead of the adult they have issue with? It's the same with that actor who threatened to kidnap Bannon.

leftists do the threatening while the rights do the school shooting.

Government officials tend to spend lots of time in fairly heavily guarded and secured places. Their families are much softer targets.

>Jow Forums hating net neutrality
Just wait you little niglets

Don't you mean Jow Forumseddit?

How is this technology related
all i see is
>ajit poo
>shit headline
>turd neutrality

Why do you hate net neutrality? Why do you want private businesses to shaft you?

Why do you hate freedom? Why do you let collectivist hucksters propagandize you?

Because it was backed by Trump ofcourse.

Freedom for businesses, not users.

Freedom for business manifests in the form of increased competition and investment. And Net Neutrality itself has little bearing on the real elephant in the room which is anticompetitive regulation at the state and local level.

I get that Netflix care about net neutrality so they can lazily use all the brandwidth without any consequence but IMO, cutting NN off completely seems a bit extreme. You need some stronger anti monopoly laws.

Netlfix PAYS for that bandwidth, it doesnt just magically appear! what this allows ISP's to do is double charge for that bandwith, once at the service level and once at the user level
similar to how they ran cable tv for years, they are missing all those profits

>You need some stronger anti monopoly laws
Exactly, fuck net neutrality laws, we need to break up these monopolies instead of passing bullshit legislation on how the internet is run.
But Ajit Pai doesn't think the monopolies are a problem so they are here to stay. And if we have monopolies we need net neutrality legislation no matter how retarded it may be.

>increased competition and investment
yeah goy you should be glad the evil government is letting us rule instead! i'll charge you a meager $1/extra GB, i'm crazy for doing this goy

Then why doesn't Netflix cache the video. Every time you rewind a video it retrieves it again from the server. Not saying that I do not believe you, but is it really cheaper for Netflix to just pay then to implement such a feature?

netlfix probably doesnt care, and they may cache it if your device is capable (ive never used netflix on my PC) but I would think they dont cache locally at least to be more compatible with any device, tv, "IOT" bullshit.
im not sure if you're saying that they should cache a copy of their database at every ISP, which may or may not happen currently as I know google does just that

because Jow Forums is filled with cucks that don't actually think

Hasn't this happened here too many times to count?

Are you serious or memeing

The thing is that more regulations don't create competition, it damages competition.

Antitrust and anti monopoly laws are a farce that only hurt consumers at the end of the day. Companies like Apple sure have a monopoly but that's because people are willing to purchase their products because they know that owning one of their iPhones improve their lives. Don't like Apple? Don't buy from them. Just don't go using the government to break down their company because you don't like them. Stifling successful ventures is one true way to ruin innovation.

Microsoft didn't care at all about politics; it didn't spend a dime in lobbying until the late 90s once it got called a monopoly and was later broken down.

This year, Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Google spent $50M in lobbying along


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>anti monopoly hurts the consumers
>don't like Apple? don't buy from them
Pick one, you fucking retarded piece of shit.

I just exclaimed why it hurts consumers. In a free market society, a monopoly is an indicator that one company is doing such a good job that no other company can compete.

There's no barriers to competition as long as there aren't any regulations preventing new companies from offering a similar or better product.

When lobbying and cronyism starts, competition becomes increasingly difficult. Business should have no place in government because it inevitably results in certain business having political advantage and consumers screwed over.

As long as citizens are able to voluntarily purchase whatever they want in a free market, innovation and competition will happen. Cronyism and government run businesses have no incentive for that because of their political power. To take it further, Government run businesses have no incentive for running efficiently, no incentive for making a profit and if at any time government seized the means of production is the time consumer choice dies as well.

Remember when Microsoft was sued for providing Internet Explorer for free because people were still paying for Netscape Navigator? That's why antitrust laws are bullshit.

>repeal meme commie law
>commies go to jail for keyboard edging

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Yeah well, this isn't a free market. Not anymore.

Here's the thing with antitrust laws:

If you sell a product for really really cheap, then you're violating antitrust laws cause you're dumping

If you sell a product much more expensive than your competitors, you must have a monopoly so you're in violation of antitrust laws

If you sell your products at the same price as your competitors, you're colluding. It must be collusion since you're all selling at the same price.

Antitrust is completely at the discretion of the regulator and that is what authoritarians love. They love laws that are not clear, not objective so they can choose who to go after and who not to.

Google, Microsoft, Apple, etc have all learnt this and now spend huge amounts on lobbying.

>Jow Forums hating net neutrality
it's not Jow Forums, it's crossboarders who started visiting this site in 2016.