>Be me
>Be only black guy on team
How safe am I if I'm the only black dev?
Be me
I might be on the same boat soon
Me brethren
this is why i hate niggers
Fuck u white boi
Very safe since you can't be fired regardless of how incompetent you are
Only black guy hired while I was at my company for 3 years got fired in 1 month.
dickpics with timestamp or gtfo larper
>>Be me
>>Be only black guy on team
>How safe am I if I'm the only black dev?
What are you really asking? Safe from what?
only safe if you just blast rap music about trappin and shit b and your name is like devonte. Otherwise you just look like another white guy to some hr bitch's computer.
Oh goodie, Black guy LARPing.
In the immediate future you're probably going to be OK, but diveristy-is-our-strength-culture isn't going to last forever, so it's a good idea to have actual skills rather than just coasting on being black.
on Jow Forums: youll be called a nigger but you shouldnt reveal anything about yourself on Jow Forums anyways (anonymous)
IRL: no one will really care, everyone will probably try to be friends with you so you dont feel excluded. I would probably ask what sports you watch but thats just because I follow most sports, I assume most males watch a sport of some kind at least
>I assume most males watch a sport of some kind at least
Are you a female?
For what?
What do you think? Was probably as intelligent as a black and couldnt get anything done without someone to plagiarize
Most likely the only reason you were hired is because you're black. The worst that will happen to you is that you'll be put in a position with zero responsibility (which is probably right up your alley). They'll trot you out every now and then and stick you up front for company photos. Eventually you'll get promoted to management to meet some diversity quota and given some bureaucratic tasks to do which are so simple that even your little nigger brain can't fuck it up (spoiler: you'll find a way to fuck things up).
What job wuz this.
We wuz 7%
I hate sports. Don't try to be my friend.
your loss, ill be smoking with my bros on the weekend without you then
Comment your fucking code.
Wanna see my purple womb ferret?
We fired the nigger at work because he worked only 5 hours a day and picked up a felony for fraud while still on contract
Nobody will be allowed to replace you.
Triggered ya fucking moolie?
wait black people can post on Jow Forums?
You couldn't be more safe.
safe of what?
Jow Forums is 80% black
Just be a based black man and don't worry about it. Good luck my niggro!
Hopefully your coworkers will judge you based on your skills rather than your color. That should be the true determinant of whether or not you're safe.
The doubles speak the truth.
Just don't steal, rape, bring guns or smoke weed in the office and you should be fine.
i bet OP has never written an interupt routine
>How safe am I if I'm the only black dev?
Very safe because of diversity quotas and you can threaten a lawsuit if people even hint at firing you. The absolute failure of your people at being any fucking good with computers keeps you safe in our world of equity.
The downside is of course everybody's first impression of you is going to be diversity hire and not take you as seriously as some chink, but you can't get black privilege without paying the toll.
Racism giveth, and racism taketh away.
The team will need to keep you because your lived experience as a person of color inherently makes you a better coder than somebody who isn't as diverse as you.
Neither have most people because most people work with high level shit like Java or .NET or web bullshit. God I love embedded but my co-workers and peers just cannot appreciate it
r u qt and/or 2d?
You know that scene in Atlanta when Ern is in the office and all the white people are looking at him when he's not paying attention, but when he looks up they're working? Yeah
>tfw black
>tfw graduated on top of my program
This, why the hell are you worrying op. You’re invincible