/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Weeb Edition Part V

>Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
- FAQ pastebin.com/thLgSkNE
- WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
- PYRAMID i.imgur.com/Xb6bazc.jpg
- INVITE FORUMS imgur.com/a/jmAJNyN
- SPREADSHEET docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zYZ2107xOZwQ37AjLTc5A4dUJl0ilg8oMrZyA0BGvc0/edit#gid=1357476050
- TEN CURRY COMMANDMENTS pastebin.com/raw/dBbdE73M
- TEN NEON COMMANDMENTS pastebin.com/raw/Ud2pGYaE

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only. Don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.

OT NOT shutting down 1 week freeleech on OT
PTP tracker STILL fucking up
GGn https tracker STILL fucking up
GGn 0.5x download
GGn applications open
RED contest over, token handouts imminent

Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Welcome back OP!

>GGn 0.5x download
what is this?
>GGn applications open
some user told me it closed yesterday.

old news

stupid pedos

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When is OT shutting down

2042 because spaghetti is a stupid jew.

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>what is this?
Only half the download counts towards your ratio
>some user told me it closed yesterday
Don't waste time posting if it is or not, check for yourself and get your app in before it closes again
When AzaTHOT and Ghetti Man get bored

or when the leak more databases and impersonate more PTG members.

mfw still no answer from Naoko

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then just join red

I guess thats the only choice left, fuck Naoko.

Send me easy way to HDBits
[email protected]

How do you guys put up with this?

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One day I will purge these fuckers with fire, says god.

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sent ;)

This OP is absolute dogshit. Fuck off, weeaboos

Another thread ruined by anime.

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Image sauce?


because of the millions of torrents

How the fuck do they /mark/ me ?
Obviously I'm not going to do whatever posted here

Already googled, wouldn't have asked otherwise.

cucks and their botnet

Will I get into trouble if I logged in AB, Red from another ip?
I'm moving out of city for two weeks.

People have dynamic IPs that change all the time. If you log in from a different country then you should maybe ask the staff first.


of course not. that's what the passkey is for. you will only get your account locked if you leave the country without telling staff because that looks like you got your account jacked

Nice to know, thanks.

what's the minimun seedtime in ourbits? can't find it anywhere in rules or faq

how old were you when you grew out of anime, user?

We just got linked to here from /tv/

In case we see a ton of newfags


0 nigga

this is embarrassing

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29 years and still going strong.

desu this general could work on /tv/ as well

>there's no way this could possible be a giant sting hahahahaha

no because trackers have more than movies and tv and its not actual discussion of the films

I never imagined there could be a board worse than Jow Forums, then I went to /tv/. What an absolute shit show that board is, populated by mentally deficients.

What’s has better management, community, and overall content, KG or SC?

you can't really compare them right now because SC started over from scratch.

Jow Forums is your best choice.

I unironically want "google it" OP to return

KG by far.

>populated by mentally deficients.
more like 12 yr old edgy kid from the block

>"google it" OP
sure not
I like you, you put effort in the OP, while the other lazy dum dums here just shitpost poor memes.
"got my db9 invite"
"god of music trackers"
and the other recent newfag that cries hard when naoko BTFO his ass back to ptp.

but user. while you have my respect. Im asking you kindly.
please desist with the anime editions.
Thank you. yours.

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Now the cabal hates Jow Forums even more because that bread brought a bunch of watching fags over

>implying we cared what the cabal think of us

you're in the wrong place user if you think anyone here gives a flying fuck about watching fags

>anime editions
I want gaming edition for once.

Can someone help me find Despacito 2 ?

>Despacito 2
What the fuck is this?

>he doesn't know

were the fuck are the FREELEACH tokens, red staff? i know you are in this thread. i can't download shite from your curry tracker unless you give me a handout token because your economy is fucked and now you have the audacity to take away tokens and not replace them? the fuck?

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fuck redacted.ch

they think they can treat us like shite because they're the only game in town. i pray to god that why the fuck didn't waffles step up after what when down. they were in there all they had to do is be up and ready to except refugees but they were down for like another 5 months.

They aren't going to be handed out for another twelve hours. Middle of the day PST July 4.

god fucking dammit. i guess i might as well go do something useful instead of refreshing the page like a cuck. thanks you for letting me know.

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Should I bother getting a RED invite now before they hand out tokens?

I've been avoiding joining because I'm afraid of not being able to maintain a good ratio due to my shit upload speed, but they won't ban me if I join and don't download/upload stuff right away right?

they will give you ~30 tokens later today to improve your ration and user you better get in on this now because the economy is fucked unless you have a 10k GB connection with instant download and upload.
they won't ban you if you don't download right away but user i am not joking you need to get in now before the token delivery or you're fucked for who knows how long.

you should join APOLLO


I didn't join red because I'm so fucking lazy.

I was planning on getting an invite from GGN but the guy giving them away hasn't been online in a few days so by the time I get it it will probably be too late
not gonna risk it

>RED invite now before they hand out tokens
If you can, yes. You will be waiting until December for tokens, if you don't get one now but later change your mind.
Join and start pyramiding with your tokens, if you snatch the right torrents you'll easily get the 20gb needed for PU with the tokens that are about to be handed out.

I'll wait
Is there a specific date when they will give more tokens? So I can request an invite a week or two before

citation needed

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probably won't be getting any more until around Christmas


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*November rather than December.
Last ten days of Nov is when birthday tokens will be given out, followed by xmas tokens in Dec. If it's anything like last year that will be almost 150 tokens.
Why wait until the last minute? Recruiters are notoriously unreliable, some taking months. What you want to do is get your invite now, grab any staff picks that are announced between now and the next token event and then pyramid your way to the top, boi!

Hwo long should I be prepared to wait for a reply to my PM to a recruiter?

Could be hours, days, weeks. After 2 weeks, send them a reminder PM. Be polite.

these are cancerous as well user.
we each save our little niche to our selfs, and not fall into the circle jerk.
after all, generals suppose to be general.
else you get
shitposts about weebs, chinks, gaymers. hdb elitists etc.

i put my trust in you user.

fuck off iceloops

Im not him, Im your favorite OP you faggot :^)

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Maintaining ratio is the easiest thing ever on private trackers. Just don't download anything that would put you under the required ratio.
Building buffer is an another issue.

Not hard either
>Wait for any type of freelech
>Download stuff
>Seed the downloaded stuff
>Get upload and points
>Buy upload with points

taxi to redacted.ch?

That's not me user don't wake me up or I'll ree in your soup.

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I love you no homo op

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youtu.be/bh0z86Kx4VE I like joel

Daily reminder Naoko doesnt want new members at AB

Why aren't you in AB shitter

I don't understand how to get in and don't understand Japanese cartoons.

I just don't want you sweetie. :3

How about me? I'll seed until the earth hits the sun.

Lotta hook posts in this bitch

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Do the mario!

Finally in the holy tetralogy lads, how'd I do?

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No BTN, fuck outta here boi

No AB either, probably Naoko doesn't invite you.

AB inclusion is an insta-fail anyway

>when he has MTV
nice meme

She wants good dicking.

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If you are reading this please respond to my pm so I can beg other for invites

or you could have read the announcement you fucking moron

So after adding three links to the OP in less the 6 months,
what should we add next?
I'm thinking of ez ranking on some trackers
(like ggn, ptp) so the neons would stop spamming
what do you think?

which irc server has the most hdbits user to idle on?