/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: just like in /sqt/ spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Search: qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.
*Many free software have active mailing lists.
*Many free software has an active bugzilla where you can check and report errors

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Previous thread:

Attached: copy is a right.jpg (480x360, 58K)

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I always had this question, why do people always get packages from AUR rather than official websites for the applications? Btw I don't use arch i'm just wondering since I might make a distro change.

When is ubuntu 18.04.01 coming out? Is it worth switching to? I've enjoyed 16, but need to do a fresh install at some point, and am moving to another country tomorrow. I'll have a lot of free time, but the internet connection will be shit, and expensive.
Will it be worth the money to download 18 when it's released? I'm gonna be charged per mb.

Is Manjaro a good beginner distro?


not really but it's annoying
is there any way to skip the message?

Install GuixSD

I've never installed over an existing LVM setup before, what should I look out for?

>charged per mb
Ouch, cheapest way might be physical mail

>Ouch, cheapest way might be physical mail
The pay is good, just a shit location. Watch the tv series 'The Terror' to get an idea of where I'm going.

The place I am trying to get a job with uses Red Hat. Without knowing more than that, what would probably be the closest thing to tool around at home with ? Fedora ?

actually after looking into it. seems what i am looking for is CentOS. Fedora is close as well but CentOS is intended to be a poor man's RHEL while Fedora does its own thing when it comes to new features and stuff.

You dont have to make the PKGBUILD your self.Some packages require complex PKGBUILDS to build everything properly,and you might not know how to do it properly.
You should always read ever PKGBUILD you get from the AUR to make sure there is no malicious intent.

I'm just getting trying to get into all of this. Recently I've ordered everything to build my first pc and am really curious about linux
I kind of just want to go balls deep and get it for my new pc.
I've been reading and I'm not sure if mint or manjaro would be better for a complete idiot that wants to know what to do to be competent Studies/media/light gaming is what I usually do

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use ubuntu, is heaps n00b friendly.
>light gaming
you will likely need to dual boot, depending on what gaymes you play

I've spent three days trying to get GuixSD installed, and it's finally done. Is this distro going to be worth it?

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Thank you
I was reading it's the closest to windows-like interface so that's reassuring. I'll probably do that to get into it
If most of the games support linux I guess there wont be an issue. Except games that aren't supported would need wine or dual boot. I'm not sure if games on wine have lower performance than in windows

The desktop enviroment != the distro
you could install ubuntu with i3, which would be really different to windows, or gentoo with cinnamon and that would be quite similar to windows.
I would recommend kubuntu or xubuntu personally
>I'm not sure if games on wine have lower performance than in windows
they will have a lower performance. If you still want to game, dualbooting is probably the best option.

what makes linux confusing isn't the interface. it is the system design differences. for example, on windows if you want to download some software you to go to some website and download it and install it. on linux 99% of the time you wont do that. you will go to your package manager type in some commands and grab the software that way.

>I'm not sure if games on wine have lower performance than in windows
It depends, some of the old games (10+ years old) I play on linux actually run a little better through Wine than in Windows compatibility mode. You probably will experience some performance loss on the newer games though.

My mistake. I guess there is not much else and it's just about learning by doing

Any recommendation for video editing software?
Fffmpeg is nice and all, but when you do something little more complex, it get's hard without the preview. I've used kdenlive but it crashes often during the work and had no auto save.

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Is there a cloud storage service on Ubuntu that will automatically upload files from specific folders on my system? I make music between my laptop and desktop and it gets annoying having to upload it to Google drive then download it every time I leave the house.

Blender is good, feels and works just like Sony Vegas and does a lot more.

Check out Syncthing, you could make your own cloud or just sync stuff. Also no botnet

I'll check it out. Bleeder seems like solid solution, thanks.

Oh wow this shit is amazing. Thanks


>author Maisa Roponen 2014-11-24 09:54:17 +0200

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I'm fuckin confused. On the Ubuntu Flavors page it says Lubuntu switched to LXQt but on the dev blog on the official Lubuntu website it says they haven't switched yet.

Anyone know if the LTS build is using LXQt yet?????

Is xubuntu a good distro for a complete beginner? Will it run well on 2gb ram?

It's pretty good and very lightweight. Will definitely run on 2gb. Didn't run into too many issues except some weird specific issue with some Steam games. Give it a shot.

yes and yes.

How the fuck do I make music with linux without needing a digital signal processing degree fuck me

question about mpd/ncmpcpp:
in my pulseaudio audio_output file, with mixer_type "hardware" I'm unable to set the volume on ncmpcpp, if I try to I get the error MPD: No mixer, while if I try to switch to softare mixing I can set the volume but I still get no sound
what's causing the problem?

post your entire output section

What are some good alternatives to dmenu in i3wm?

I'm going with this currently:

audio_output {

type "pulse"
name "pulse audio"
device "pulse"
mixer_type "software"

audio_output {
type "fifo"
name "my_fifo"
path "/tmp/mpd.fifo"
format "44100:16:2"

again, having tried hardware mixing too

may be unrelated but remove device line from your pulse section. I never needed to use it, neither mpd.conf.example has it.

it doesn't solve the problem but I did so, thanks
as an experiment I tried to add the alsa output from the example configuration and to add from the general strange situation the sonud plays at full blast and I can't decrease the volume with ncmpcpp controls nor alsamixer
I'll be damned, it was all working fine last time I used it

install gentoo

>You have 2 new updates
>You have 1748 new updates
Might as well just reinstall the OS because there's no way this shit isn't going to break

which distro?

OpenSUSE Leap
Was there a new release or something?

I just had a dream about tiling window managers.
What the fuck is wrong with you people?

Literally can't understand the appeal of suse. CentOS/nsahat is a better enterprise OS.

it does that sometimes. However since its openpepe it might not break

How can I seek backwards 10 seconds in Rhythmbox? I couldn't find a button or hotkey.

Using latest Ubuntu 18.04 and it'd be amazing feature because I'm listening to a class recording

What player would you recommend?

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Is anyone running Arch with root on encrypted (LUKS) ZFS?

I'm currently running Debian Stretch on such a setup, but my USB subsystem is having issues and I'd like to switch distros.

Current contenders are Ubuntu (because Debian derivative) and Arch but only if ZFS is properly supported.

Another question about 18.04.

Is there a way to replace the Ubuntu program menu (the massive thing that covers entire screen) with Windows-like taskbar+programs menu?
- And to do the above in a manner that would combine the two bars (the programs/favorites bar + Activities bar)

I know I can do this in KDE but installing KDE (plasma+kubuntu desktop) breaks my Ubuntu installation for reasons and I can't do that.

>windows update broke grub on my dual boot
looks like I get to waste my second ssd on an OS like I didn't want. I can just format the partition I had linux installed on and extend the windows partition with gparted without breaking windows, can't I? reinstalling windows is not something I really want to waste 3 or 4 hours on

>Is this distro going to be worth it?
Absolutely. Declarative package management is growing. They are even primed to take over the territory of snaps/flatpaks and even Docker if you can believe it. It's beginning to catch the eye of people who work in DevOps because the solutions they give are easily 10x more elegant and easier to maintain than Docker.

In fact they can even do the job of snaps/flatpaks BETTER than snap and flatpak because not only can they essentially mirror their functionality, but you can also create packages that can be run by people who don't even have Guix. You can create completely self contained tarballs.

But as a more immediate benefit, having GuixSD means you'll never have to worry about your machine picking up junk and needing to re-install. 10yrs from now it should be just as clean as if you did a brand new install.

>I can just format the partition I had linux installed on and extend the windows partition with gparted without breaking windows, can't I?
gparted can expand and shrink ntfs filesystems fine

you'll have zero (0) problems if the linux partition is to the right of the windows partition, otherwise the windows partition will have to be moved to the left which is a bit more involved

windows' disk manager might get stuck for a few minutes the first time you open it after messing with partitions but your files will be fine

oo-boon-too or oo-bun-too ?

>linux partition
What is this?

the partition you have linux installed on



with or without gnu

you boon, too

Y u acting like linux is a system that has gnu or not gnu?

it's just how things are

You don't need mixer type. I only have "type" as pulse and "name" and it works flawlessly.

How and where do i need to configure polybar or bspwm to change polybar margins from top, right, left bottom?

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>windows partition
what is this?

Linux is a kernel.

windows is a well known filesystem

A company owned part in your house that provides entry for robbers, gangers and other criminals without you, the house owner being able to close it.

That's it. Good bye dual boot, I'm going balls deep.

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May the freedoms be with you my child.

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OpenRC or runit?

Which one is faster? Which one is more bloat?

Does anyone use Calibre? Well, here goes anyways.
That's a new feature of Calibre, OK.
Too bad it's 'always on' when I open Calibre with 18.04 Ubuntu and I can't disable it; meaning every time I open Calibre and try to click anywhere in book list I select multiple books and it wants to merge them.

Annoying af.

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Fresh install of Arch today, what font should I go for?

should i use snapcraft since it's being included By default in distros? will it mess up package manager stuff or is it well integrated with, for example, apt? why did they feel the need to add yet another package manager?

runit = based
openrc = cringe

kill yourselves back to the sucksmore (((minimalism))) thread

you shouldn't use snaps no matter if they in by default or not.

Why not?

I'm putting archlinux 32bit on an old samsung n130 notebook.

question Jow Forums is this hardware botnet built in?

Lok just install the arch font, simple and lightweight m8. Noob fonts are for loosers.

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Can someone post the mint Redpill? Some people didnt got the messenge yet.

This.Don't install any font that restricts what you want to post because of political views like on debian.

Do people actually seriously unironically for real still use Mint?

Can confirm. I recently wanted to post basedboy on debian but it was converted to basedboy. Fuck that shit.


Newbs who search the web for the best beginner distro end up at Mint due to the endless blogs.

Fedora is easily the best beginner distro.

t. too euphoric for noobuntu

Retard shill fuck off

Name one good reason to install fedora instead of any other distro.

Really, what's not to like about Fedora as a beginner distro, especially compared to Ubuntu and Mint?

Linux Torvalds uses fedora


just works
up to date yet reliable packages (see the thread about ubuntu users crying that they don't have firefox 61 yet)
good selection of packages (although this distinguishes it from distros like void, rather than from distros like ubuntu)
systemd was designed for fedora so it actually works well with it

how do i know which environment i should use?

>proprietary software shills
stop caring

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from linus tech tips

One of snaps selling points is that it is seperate from your distros main package manager.

You can snap install nginx (for example) and apt install nginx and there's no conflict.

The snap nginx is also preconfigured by the nginx devs to be the most secure by default so you don't screw anything up setting up a server. (the majority of ways someone gets compromsied)

I have my email server on a snap. (there's even a package for openwrt too!)
Snaps can also rollback versions and update seperately.

Oh, it's you again.

Who else would I be?