Reminder that she’s unironically the most famous programmer in the world...

Reminder that she’s unironically the most famous programmer in the world. Reminder that she’s inspiring more people to program than anyone else.

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>Reminder that she’s unironically the most famous programmer in the world.
According to which source?
>Reminder that she’s inspiring more people to program than anyone else
Where is this data so other's can compare as well?

literally who

This. No idea who the fuck this is.

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Karlie Kloss

Attached: karlie-kloss-coding.jpg (2400x3600, 921K)


truly inspiring

Attached: girlswhokode.jpg (800x420, 72K)

>designer clothing
see now this doesnt add up
also who the fuck is Karlie Kloss

cd cd cd cd cd cd

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literally who

Where are her deepfakes?


Literally the only thing that came to my mind is that I'd like to stick my peepee in her.

Literally who?

Who is Marissa Mayer?

>the most famous programmer
citation needed. also who gives a fuck, I want to be a good programmer not a famous one. She is a garbage tier programmer and the only reason she's popular is because she's pretty and muh identity politics.

> she’s inspiring more people to program than anyone else.
citation needed and also pretty irrelevant. If she inspires someone who becomes a good programmer great, if not who cares. Most of the people she inspires probably quit after the first week or write garbage tier code like she does.

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Is that one of those robot bitches from Westworld?

Bill Gates?

Wouldn't an actual solution be something like this
int c = 0;
for (b; b --> 0;) {
c += a;
return c;

>If we promote asian or white nerdy girls, women will never be programmers, better contract white model

The real question right here

cd code


I would program her female interface with my dick app if you know what I mean

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No she isn't.

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she's basically fap fodder for those who like the "normal slutty but slightly nerdy" girl

meme-tier programmer that only gender studies majors take seriously


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No idea what you are talking about

you missed the point, karlie is clearly trying to demonstrate the x86 ISA and how multiple ADDs may be faster than multiple MULs.

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im p sure carmack is more famous

just remember that she's a singleton, you're dealing with used up objects

she is demonstrating how hand typing each situation out will allow the computer to more efficiently understand and interface with coders you fucking hack

among gaymers maube

>can't cd and ls correctly

her space bar had something stuck in it.

Fame is something to aspire to?

If anyone have this post links/sauce

Yes people, it's 2018. You don't need to know your shit, you only need to look like you know.

She's trash but fuck you with your generalizing first point. I wear whatever I want and still program. Who cares if I wanna wear Raf
>inb4 enjoy your overpriced clothes

>she's 6'1"

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a n t i p a t t e r n

She's neither an actual programmer nor does she fucking look good. She has hideous facial proportions that make her look like a village stomping troglodyte

She's my gf

guys don't go down this path it's not worth it.
At my former workplace (note former) we had a female programmer who was hired 6 years after me. She demonstrated only the barest amount of knowledge or skill with C and our build tools, and I would send her an email after every commit (this was in the svn days mind you) asking her to fix this or that and explaining why there was no way in hell what she did was acceptable. She often committed code that wouldn't compile, and if I told her that wasn't ok, she would make it compile but often break the actual program in the process.
Now to make a long story short, later that year I was called into HR and fired on the spot for 'harassment'. I was told to pack my stuff and get out after 7 years good work because I basically told her to never commit to the testing branch and that I'd merge it for her after looking at her changes (that was one email she forwarded to HR, just that one.)
So that's what you get out of this. and that was in 2012 where I'm pretty sure we didn't have the political environment of the present day.
Basically, if you ever try to encounter a 'female programmer' at your workplace just let the retarded company burn to the ground while you look for other work. Or give your notice if you can't control yourself.
They went kaput in 2014 (inb4 t.boomer).

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Manlet programmers btfo

Attached: 050217-Karlie-Kloss-Tall-Instagram-Embed15.jpg (696x869, 128K)

>> -->


alias cd..='rm -rf ~/' --no-preserve-root

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I wanna feel her code smell

this is why we fail

You think thats bad lmao I got lectured just because I told my supposed female bosses to write properly and stop using all caps all the time in their emails.

IT is fucked.

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>she’s unironically the most famous programmer in the world.
Who? You could say a name, you know, so that you post makes sense.

And why did you start a thread using a picture of Taylor Swift?

kode kith karlie, kponsored ky kde

never heard of her until the whole cd.. fiasko got memed

you think that's an operator?

cd.. is valid on windows.

yea, ok.

these "people" pick up programming the way people pick up a new hairstyle, and then, after 3 months, when it exceeds the boundaries of "Hello World", these people "drop it", and go on to something else, like a new album by Rihanna

by "these people" I mean women in community college whom are destined to become hairstylists

99% of women are literally useless tho and only good for shitting out babies and keeping the house clean unironically.they are inferior both physically and mentally.

the point



She's a 'coder' if anything.


I cannot find anything on PornHub. When did she retired porn?

Why did I fucking cringe so much

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reminder that she calls HTML a programming and only makes stupid website crap

if (b == 0) return 0;
return (int)(a / (1.0 / b));


She is a big girl

devilish; reminder that
touch ~/-i

is a good thing to do

Bro, do you even floating point?

wtf this is retarded why would you ever do this?

i want to marry klossy

it's bait, you brainlet

i thought that was chelsea manning

grace hopper is mummy

>tall enough to be awkward, flat-chested, somewhat masculine
>not tall enough for my fetishes

for you

.t fag


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Go outside more dipshit

how do you do cd.. in linux?

Poor girl. Both mentally and physically deficient. Like a literal child.

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I'd let her compile my source code, if you know what I mean

> two hands on the keyboard
who took the picture?

I've just realised how defined her jawline is

What is the nicely placed product???

> t. boomer

>Bill Gates
>Steve Wozniak
>Steve Jobs (yes he knew a bit of programming)

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This is JVM

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She's definitely not a good programmer, but she's inspiring a lot of young girls to get into technology. For most it'll be a passing trend that they forget about later, but the rest will keep interest and move beyond the simplistic shit Karlie teaches.

I'm saying it's a good platform to build interest and it doesn't really matter the specific tech that gets taught.

I think Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are more popular

>200000 int add: 69 ms
>200000 int mul: 86 ms
ok feel free to take her behind the shed etc.

but why

she's not even a programmer, she's merely a whore who's specializing in making money the most easy ways using her connections

>thinking my generalization has some sort of negative connotation
do you buy fancy clothes so the ladies know your a proper sugar daddy, user?