I don't know how you fuckers do it...

I don't know how you fuckers do it. I sunk seven hours into the install before I realized there's just no way this could be my daily driver.

Attached: gentoo-logo.png (666x800, 119K)

Its very possible. The set up takes awhile but once you finish and rice it up, you'll be the king of desktop/screenfetch threads

I felt the same way about arch
Installed it
Got stuck on trying to get a wm to launch.
Gave up and went back to mint cause it just works

I put Arch on my pi about a year ago and it wasn't nearly as bad as this. My only issue was getting it to connect to Wi-Fi and that was resolved in half a hour.

What happened?
>seven hours
Ouch. Why didn't you ask for help?

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I was just so done with it at that point. I didn't really hit a wall there was just so much to do and I don't have the time for it.


You get back in there and FUCKING COMPILE IT

Attached: sergeant.jpg (474x237, 21K)

Install gentoo

install funtoo. it's fun.

or cloverOS.

You might be lacking a few brain cells if you can't follow a guide.

>ask Jow Forums for help
First 3 replies are as follows:
>lol brainlet I did it while master mating blindfolded
>not your personal tech support
>hello newfag

I just changed my neofetch config to use the gentoo logo and distro tag, what are you going to do about it?

Use Sabayon for the turbo plebs.

It's not that it was hard it's that I just don't have the time.

>I don't know how you fuckers do it.
>I don't have the time for it.
So they do it by having the time for it?

He's saying he doesn't know how people have time for this
You know it's not that hard to quit being autistic

You wanna know why?
That's why. I try to help anons, i don't mind. Other fuckers on this board tho...

i couldn't figure out how to install it to msdos partition scheme :( i got as far as creating the partit0in

If you want the Gentoo experience as a daily driver go get Funtoo
or use what you want, its all the same anyways.

I don't get it. How can it be this hard? Is this a meme or some shit I don't get. It's just pacman xorg and i3. If you want super easy just install KDE with all the recommended programs or something and everything just werks.

I set up my dankpad within an hour, with all the acpi and fan stuff as well.

Just read the fucking wiki and manpages

Not after 7 hours, but rather when you got stuck or whatever your problem was.
That's not how Gentoo threads tend to go, in my experience anyway. Even if they did, we have "friendly Linux threads" as well.

I don't see how it's that much different than people spending their free time producing FOSS. I think it's not so much about having enough free time as it is the willingness to use any free time. What OP might consider a chore, others see as a hobby.

You literally unpack a stage 3, install a bootloader, and use genkernel and your done.

It doesn't take 7 hours.

Check calculate. Its Gentoo ootb

>gentoo is hard to install
Maybe I'm just autistic but I thought Gentoo was easy as hell to install, just time-consuming. If you don't know shit about the Unix terminal, sure, but as long as you read the manual to the letter you should be able to install it easily.
I went back to Arch mainly because I'm retarded and wifi just werks with Arch. I want to reinstall Gentoo sometime though, just not right now. Portage is by far the best package manager I've ever used and Gentoo just seems more fun.

Attached: 1498165075515.png (588x775, 23K)

gentoo is a meme, its not a real distro

Because once you finish the first haul of installing, everything else is smooth sailing forever. Any updates you need to run with a lot of compiling can be done in the background while you just use your computer like normal. You can think of it like Windows installing updates in the background, it's a bit like that

Really? Arch took me only 5 hours to set up.

>being a kernellet