/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread

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>redirect anons making their own threads with >Linux questions?
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Why does people hate systemd so much?

From what i got - its roots in Red Hat Linux and possibly DoD, and linuxfags hating any kind of unification.

I have an external mechanical 2.5" drive that I put random files/games/etc. I only plug it every other day or so.

>What is the startup count lifetime expectancy of a mechanical drive?
Currently it's at ~1500 times. Smart is OK.
But at what number would start to wear out? Should I be worried?

I recently read that the USB ports themselves have a insertion cycle lifetime.
USB-A plugs have a lifetime of 1500 insertion/removal cycles??? WTF????
So If I plug in a joystick like 2-3 times a day, in a year or so the USB port would just break?
So it's double worry, a) for mechanical drive spin up count and b) lifetime of the USB plug itself.

Why does everything has to break. Or am I being paranoid.

It's a bloated security nightmare. Systemd literally has 100 times more code than all the init systems before it. It's the first program to run when when your gahnoo loonix system boots up, and it runs as root. It's the perfect place for the NSA hide a backdoor.

Considering that, this [igurublog.wordpress.com/2014/04/08/julian-assange-debian-is-owned-by-the-nsa/], and the fact that it was forced onto the community, I'd say it looks pretty suspicious.

Also, "muh unix philosophy". Systemd diverges from it the same way glibc and X11 did.

Stop redirecting people to threads already made. You are killing the content of Jow Forums

I want a Twitter account but they won't let me use the account until I give them my phone number. I don't want to give these cunts my phone number. What can I do?

Easy: Don't create a twitter account.
Look into mastodon instead.

What is the easiest way to make it inconvenient to access my porn folder without actually deleting it?

Ideally some kind of system that would allow me to add files to it but be more difficult to actually access?

Attached: 1493968092077.jpg (720x419, 64K)

Encrypted zip file.

dm-crypt or veracrypt.

VLC alternatives on MacOS?
I used MPC-HC on windows and it was pure perfection, never liked VLC too much, now i switched over to mac and VLC really sucks dicks (i work with videos so i really need something that doesn't crash every time i give it a strange container)

mpv or, if gui a must, mpc-qt (based on libmpv).


This. Individually zipped images with long-ass passwords.

I have a p4 shitbox for backup/print server and it has a PSU from an age long forgotten.
It it OK to put one of those $30 cheap 500W OEM PSUs in old computers like that?
New PSU of course from store with warranty.

No. What you should do is replace it with current, much more power efficient hardware.
Something like an AMD Ryzen 2200G or an Intel Goldmont Plus.

I want to install ubuntu mint, debian or arch on my nexus 6p along with some pen-testing tools. How do i do this using chroot? I can't find any sources for it.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

thank you, i went for IINA after a bit of googling, looks perfect and well designed

you can install debian based distros (debian itself, ubuntus, mint, devuan etc) using debootstrap from any running system that has it. After debootstrapping you need to configure the system like if you installed gentoo: manually set hostname, timezone, install a kernel etc etc.

Debootstrap supports a method when you set up initial system of a different arch (like in your case you put your SD card in your desktop/laptop which runs x86/amd64 but you need and armhf system) then put the storage in the target system and finish things there.

You are in for one hell of a ride thou.

i always toyed with the idea of making a noSQL database of some sort so all my gf could see is 250 GB of random database cache files. then write some simple python web app to browse /upload to it. then just turn off the DB server when i’m not using it

then again that’s just one of my geek-tier ideas that i’ll probably never do to replace my current system of just using an external HDD and putting it away when she’s around

>Systemd literally has 100 times more code than all the init systems before it
[citation needed]

Is there a way to test whether gpu is working or not that's not using a computer? Like paperclip test on PSU, perhaps? My gpu is supposedly working (the fan is on) but gives no picture to monitor. I tested the monitor and the cable on my laptop so it's definitely not them. But I can't test the gpu because all my friends are using laptop.

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Not possible. You need to plug it into a computer.

BTW do you get mobo BIOS beeps about VGA problems?

There is like 3 pci card slot on regular motherboard, try another one?

most mobos have only one 16x pci-e slot
most have a couple 1x pci-e slots, but they're not typically physically capable of taking a 16x card (without modification)

Since like 2004 like every standard atx board has two 16x lanes minimum.You will get 16x on each lanes if you dont have another card in the other 16x lane, in which it would only work at 8x split between then. Which is not even noticeable to the human eye. My board from 2010 has 4

Anyone know of any web based survey system? Basically something like strawpoll but I'd like to add like 50 questions with either single choice or multiple choices answers or text answers.

My oldest mechanical drive is at 3.7k whereas oldest SSD is at 4.5k, and neither shows any wear symptoms so you should be fine.

I can't even see BIOS yet since the monitor gives no pic. It's an old computer so the integrated vga port is the old 9 pins one. I'm currently ordering 9 to 15 cable just so I can get into the computer and backup everything. If I can get into BIOS I can see whether it's broken or not?

Unfortunately it has only one slot. It's an old PC.

>I can't even see BIOS yet since the monitor gives no pic.
you don't need to see it to hear them beeps.

It gives a beep if vga is broken? I don't think I hear anything. I thought you mean bios notification like 'keyboard is not plugged in'.

Google "bios beep codes". You will see a specific beep sequence for both award and amibios. I guess EFI does this too(?).

Thanks, I'll look into it.

How much should shipping and handling be for selling a Yu Gi Oh card on ebay?

where do i go to understand this image

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I want to remote in from my laptop (running Fedora) to my desktop (Debian). What's the best way to do this?

1. Can I use an amazon.com account on amazon.de?
2. If I'm ordering something from amazon.de, should I register on amazon.com so my account isn't tied to Germany as I don't live there or speak the language?

1. yes
2. no need to. Amazon accs are global.

Is there a category of programming languages that could be called "standalone preprocessor languages"?
So something like an extension to the C/C++ preprocessor, but a language working on it's own, so you could embed its code in some language X, put it through a preprocessor and get a modified file with just the code in X language?
I guess PHP would be something like that. Are there any other languages like that?

One of my drives threw up a reallocated sectors error, the value is only "1" though. If i fill the drive to 100% capacity would that force that sector to be written?

what would be the regex for matching chars inside a group but not the group itself.
match only this

I'd want "match only this", and NOT the entire line.

I am going to be taking a trip through China very soon. As all of my services (drive, gmail, maps, etc) are based around Google, this will be a problem for me. So I am looking into signing up for a VPN service to stay connected. Also, because I live in a country that is not the USA I've been thinking about getting a VPN anyway for Netflix/Hulu purposes. I'm considering signing up for ExpressVPN, as it has good reviews, but I'm wondering if you guys have any other opinions. Thanks!

What makes you believe that your vpn isnt already banned in china?
The Great Firewall includes private and public vpns as well as most tor exit nodes(and more and more tor bridges as they are found out)
China also bans large portions of IPs at will,so even if you had a vpn running on your home server, it might be caught in the range ban.

you can use a lookbehind and a lookahead

So, someone just tried to scam me (send money by DHL).
How do I scam the scammer? All I got is a mail adress.

online consensus seems to agree that ExpressVPN is one of the best paid VPN services for China

send him pizza and sign him up for catalogs

thanks, ordered my teapot

I was worried it might lock the account's language to Deutsch but it let me change it

And i wonder why it would have positive reviews when every other vpn is banned?
It couldnt possiblely be because the vpn host is paid off to send logs directly to the Chinese government...

I have a Xeon X3220 on an Intel S3000AH and need a memory upgrade. Will generic 2GB, non-ECC, unbuffered DDR2 sticks work?

thanks m8.

I need ublock origin to make an exception on a site, regarding one of ublock's own filters

logger shows:
websitedomain.net##script:inject(abort-current-inline-script.js, atob, tabunder)

I think this is what is preventing my tampermonkey userscript from working on that site. disabling ublock filter sub makes the script work so I know at least that this is the cause.

but how can I make ublock ignore this rule in its own filter only on this site?

possible, several problems with your conjecture though:
1) vpn apps are banned from app stores and their websites are blocked, but vpns generally work still
2) expressvpn isn't the only vpn mentioned in the reviews, it's merely highly-ranked
3) I don't care that the ccp sees that I'm emailing my family, posting holiday pictures, and using google maps, baidu maps blows.

>cause they dont pay people to review hosts and pay them a few bucks per 100 reviews.
There are literally websites where you sign up and get paid to review products, even if you never used them, the website gives you an agenda that you follow when you make reviews.
Look at every campaign, the good ol "FIRST" comment turned in to a post supporting the narrative and people read the first post without even reading the rest of the site.

Why is Google Chrome so popular?

possible, which is why I'm asking Jow Forums if they have any recommendations for vpns instead of merely trusting the online reviews.

We wont tell you what vpn we use cause we dont want to bring unwanted attention to it.

lol fair


To be fair,when chrome came out firefox was a pile of shit and was memory leaking all over the place.Plus google produced android and people wanted to crossover their phone tabs to their pc, something it took mozilla years to setup.
Firefox is still very clunky even on the most beefy workstation setup

Because botnet aside, it's actually a good browser.

oh 3.7k sounds reasonable.
I guess I'll start worrying after the 3k mark. thanks :-)

Not sure if this belongs here but-

I was scrolling through my texts of a girl I am seeing on my Note 8. I noticed that a lot of our actual text messages have disappeared. The images she or I sent each other are all still though.

However all my other text messages from other people are still there.

What happened? Is there a way for the other party to delete texts from their side to remove them from mine?

I'm on Sprint by the way.

came to this thread with similar question. in my case I need to make an exception for static rule example.com##DIV.content from a filter list
I tried @@example.com##DIV.content and example.com##DIV.content,badfilter but doesn't work

nvm, it's example.com#@#DIV.content

try adding websitedomain.net#@#script:inject(abort-current-inline-script.js, atob, tabunder)
to my filters

>try adding websitedomain.net#@#script:inject(abort-current-inline-script.js, atob, tabunder)
to my filters
doesn't work :(

How do you use ffmpeg to add a blur to a certain part of the video for the duration of the video?

For example i want the blur to be 73:73 in the bottom left of the video.The video is 640x360.
I have the syntax but i just cannot figure it out
What do i put for A:B,C:D and X:Y?
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -filter_complex \
"[0:v]crop=X:Y:A:B,boxblur=100[fg]; \
[0:v][fg]overlay=C:D[v]" \
-map "[v]" -c:v libx264 -c:a copy -movflags +faststart output.mp4

Using Chrome, on Ubuntu 18.04
Why the fuck doesn't .mid Wikipedia files play in the browser? How can I make it play without saving the file to disk?

>inb4 ooboontu
>inb4 chrome is for fags

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I've noticed my SSD to be a bit sluggish. I updated the firmware and ran the benchmark again. Are these results normal?
(I'm talking about the Sandisk, on the right, the Samsung results are for reference, as I don't notice any anomalies with it)

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>not using shizuku edition

How do I fsck my main drive?

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It should already be fsck'd on boot if you have a competent modern distro

If it doesn't support live fsck (no fs has that operative and stable afaik), just boot with these kernel params:
init=/bin/bash ro
And then run fsck manually. Once you're done, reboot -f.

I deleted all my social media accounts in the last year, will my lack of an internet footprint throw a red flag to employers when I go to try and find a job?

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Is it viable to burn a podcast to a CD? I take a 2 hour commute to another city for events sometimes and and some podcasts would fit neatly into that time.

Why can't you use your phone?

They've been working on the road outside my house the past week or two and sometimes I can feel the floor shake a little bit, can this damage the components in my PC?

Anyone know why youtube-dl can't download from nonktube anymore?

Just asking about cd viability first.

What router has the fastest Ethernet throughput? I want the fastest transfer rates between local network pc's.

Is it possible for a malfunctioning wifi smartplug to bombard my router with garbage and slow down other devices in the network?

Noticed the other day the plug I had my lights connected to wasn't responding so I unplugged and replugged it and since I've done so (several days now) my tablet has been much more responsive to remote requests, and has consumed less battery as well (assuming because it needs to spend less effort staying connected on WiFi) Is this something that could have been caused by the smartplug polluting the network and been fixed now that it's rebooted itself, or some kind of coincidence?


(...)leVGWmhgY.mp4 has already been downloaded
[download] 100% of 198.67MiB

How to make it forget that and download something again?

LAN cable

im going to choke you to death with a LAN cable.

>One 1080p 22"
>Two 720p 19"
Which option is better in $60 for productivity and coding.

--no-continue will force it to restart the download even if it's completely downloaded

are apps for real like people like in tron

Attached: 4L_SPvhxi4m.jpg (700x393, 314K)

two 24" 1080p

So I wiped my old laptop's hdd and reinstalled Windows 7. Noticed that I couldn't connect to my router wirelessly so I downloaded some wireless drivers. It said these drivers were already installed, which was a bit weird. I thought perhaps installing SP1 and other updates might make something work but it still isn't.

What do I do? I feel like this is something super fucking easy to fix but my brain just isn't working.

about 3 hours ago I clicked on a reg file trying to install chrome enterprise. Needless to say I fucked up and I cant get google chrome to run now. heres the source of the reg file: pastebin.com/YVHPswYz

what do Jow Forumsuys
I already tried restarting, reinstalling and shit...

are android emulators really that resource intensive?

I have a 3.5ish year old gt dragon (i7 hq4700 i think and gtx 780m) and I can run games fine but when I emulate something shitty like might and magic elemental guardians on the lowest settings it runs at like 15-20fps and takes a second or more to transition between screens.

its using up almost all my cpu and 40% of my gpu.

it might be using my integrated gpu but i already toggled it to high performance, and my cpu usage is at 99% as well.

This shitty laptop is kind of old though, but its still about equivalent to a gtx 1050 and a shitty i5

I mean, to be fair on my huawei p9(the premium version) the game has to be on the lowest settings as well and the battery actually drains even when charging and the phone is hot as hell, so it could just be really demanding/badly optimized

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What's the deal with the gay OP image?

There was a Samsung bug that caused phones to send random messages. Maybe something similar is at fault?

It's comfy

Is it safe to use my work iPhone for sexting or watching porns? It's the iPhone SE with some company tools installed but locating is deactivated and I'm using the internet provider/contract instead of Wifi.

Can they still somehow see what I do with that phone?

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Assuming I'm not doing anything illegal, should I still be afraid of the botnet?

No idea about android emulators but I can guarantee that a 780M is NOT equivalent to a 1050. Nvidia Laptop GPUs (notice the m for mobile) are way weaker than their desktop counterparts.

Don't forget that "the cloud" literally means "someone else's computer".

Did somebody here ever use this one? does it work inside an actual phone and can it receive sms from all 16 cloned sim cards? how does number changing work? can't find any vid on it

Attached: x-sim.png (507x337, 363K)

my 780m benchmarked roughly within 10% of a GTX 760, and it played games on max settings 3 years ago, but that was then, anyway.

It shows 100% cpu usage 20% gpu usage(gpu-1, which is my gaming one).

I dont understand, I'm using an i7 4700mq which aint exactly the best in the world (2.40ghz, 3.20ghz turbo, has extra threads) but why the heck is it so taxed running some shitty android game? it plays modern games fine, its usually the GPU thats taxed in those cases.

Could a bent CPU socket pin affect GPU? after installing my CPU two of my ram slots and GPU stopped working and when I took it out the new processor the socket had a couple of bent pins on them. I can careless about the ram, I'm more worried about GPU.