Distro wars thread

Distro wars thread.

What is the best distro, in your opinion?

Name calling encouraged.

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Other urls found in this thread:


ur a faget

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Die already, grandpa.

I'll kick it all off with Debian.

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they are all great

Maybe in 1999.

Drops to knees in full-throated worship of Lennart.

Use Devuan, dumbfuck.

Linux is Linux. It all doss or can do the same shit. Some distros make it easier or harder to do certain things.

Use what you like, no one cares.

i use arch btw


Obvious Ubuntu user detected.

So's your'e mom
I agree with this twatface.
Poopy pants

Because systems is Redhat AIDS.

Because systemd is redhat AIDS.

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You replied to me twice cunt take it back.

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Now spit out the Redhat semen.

I'm impressed.

>Receives bonus (You)
>Complains about it.
Fucking bitch.


I installed m'arch

Nigger I run Gentoo and have a pcie pass through setup, kys.

Windows 10


The electric company must love you, cellar-dweller.


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Void will be my next distro.

Linux noob showing moral support for Fedora because they don't know anything else

Attached: Fedora-logo.svg.png (1000x1000, 51K)

>"they" used as third person singular pronoun
>especially when you could have just used your known gender

Calculate linux

I like mx Linux, but whatever works is fine desu.

Gallium is really nice as well.

>getting triggered over pronouns
Anyway I didn't wanna use he because it would clash with the wholesome vibe I was trying to cultivate

>init scripts
>ports based
I leave the guide if any of you want to try it github.com/mayfrost/guides/blob/master/INITIATION.md

Windows 10

faggots install gentoo

based fellow gentoo user

It has broken gnome schemes and nvidia optimus doesn't work.

Debian, next question.

>in your opinion?
your opinion doesn't matter when there's an objectively best choice
>Name calling encouraged
>lel XD roasted encouraged
you have to go back.
also, install gentoo

whaats that rainbow furry sticker in top left?

>be a light weight OS running some fantastic programs most would expect in their OS.
>Comes with all the bells and whistles that gives you what you need to take off from there from video card drivers to wifi
>Tells you when you're installing proprietary software or not
>Not sending data and not cucked by Amazon
>Friendly and easy to use. Anyone can pick up
>Because it is so easy to use, other Linux users shun it because it's just too damn normie for them.

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Is arch linux good?




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What is that choice?

Windows 10


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If you gotta be fag then atleast use Antegros

Manjaro is heaps better than Antegros. You only hate on Manjaro because it's for normies. REEEEEEEEEE.

If you like it so much, why haven't you clicked the install icon yet?

Solus because I don't want to do shit and Ubuntu/fedora is aids. probably far from the best (shit package manager) but it works 100% of the time as a daily driver. Also muh games.



ARCH is the way to go when it comes to linux. it offers deep configuration which force you to actually learn how your os works. not having an installer is good, it both serves as an initial hurdle to keep tech illiterates at bay and offers you the greatest possible way to configure to get a minimal and fast operating system. literally the only distro that matters. you might as well stay on wangblows if you use any other distro since all you do is holding back progress for the rest of us

inb4 impotent plebuntu rage

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fuck productivity, what's the best neet distro?

Windows 10 pro

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

Even they I agree with the other guy. About you being a tool. But Fedora truly is the best. Fast, new but stable packages, well integrated, dnf and it just works.

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Mint is pretty great. Installed it on a couple of older machines for my family and until now no one called me for tech support.

t. Debian user

I agree with Arch being best, but you are just being snooty.
Go back to the fucking 7th Circle Country Club, faggot.

The Superior Debian since Ian was taken from us.

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Solus is the best, cause "just werks".

anything that just works(TM)
the question should be
>what distro just works?

>look i replied to everyone!
mass replies should be banned

Linux for negroes?


Gentoo with EXWM

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>no systemd
>functional package management like NixOS
>all free software
>GNU as h*ck
doesn't get better than this, lads.

I used to use it, but it babys you so much that it discourages learning. I ended up trying other distros before I really figured out how stuff worked. CrunchBang is what saved me. I learned about window managers, and you can choose individual programs instead of a whole distro or DE. I started to learn how to use the shell as well. For this reason I would hesitate to recommend Mint anymore. Also, it uses systemd and has non-free software.

Not the one you were replying to, but it's Bad Dragon, where all my favourite dildos come from. They create "fantasy toys" designed to go up your ass.
They also have penetrables but I've heard they're too tight and firm.

lol fag

When will Arch and NixOS merge and become the one perfect distro?

>gee end you af
>all free software

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Just do it!

I love me some good Emma Stone. Rest of the .gif didn't need to exist.

Delete this you uncultured swine.
Arch is only for richard and mortimer fans such as myself.

Why does the fat man make you upset?

OpenSUSE, just because works for me.

Fucking manchild

for Jow Forums or the average normie?
if for Jow Forums then Jow Forumsentoo or arch
if for normies then ubuntu

I'm talking about Debian, nigga.
Accept no substitutes.

For me, it's MX Linux
>systemd free
>based on debian 9.4
>best battery life distro
>mx tools
>antix systems

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