Swift is the best programming language there is

Swift is the best programming language there is.

Prove me wrong.

Pajeet brainlets need not to apply.

Attached: swift-og.png (1200x1200, 25K)

Other urls found in this thread:


whats a swift?

A bird.

Attached: minden_70050594.jpg (2400x1350, 356K)

some brainlet language from pajeets for pajeets

is it easy to learn?

LOL, Pajeets using Swift? That would be new.

Just another "me too" from apple when C++11+, rust, D, go, nim, and crystal exist

It is quite similar to kotlin if you'll get used to the syntax it's not something extra hard

No, it isn't.

> rust, D, go, nim, and crystal

Total failed languages.

everything is first time for everything....

> similar to kotlin

You wish!

Bullshit it is!

Show protocol extensions in Kotlin then...

Less so than swift

>closed source
>only supports iOS and linux
>confusing syntax
>barely changed over the long course of time it's already existing
>too many tutorials online, hard to find the actually decent one
>too fast, threatening intel because people won't bother upgrading their PCs anymore
>needs to be recompiled every single fucking time


It's ok if you don't mind spamming ! everywhere and all that verbose unsafemutablerawpointer.pointee.storeBytes(of: ,as: ,fuck:) bullshit.

But it's ok because they deprecated the ++ and -- operators because they're "confusing" and "hard to learn" lol

Attached: 234235.png (387x366, 8K)

>barely changed over the long course of time it's already existing
What? Apple literally breaks it every major release

reported for hatespeech


>>closed source



>>only supports iOS and linux



>>confusing syntax

You are a brainlet if you say that...

>>barely changed over the long course of time it's already existing


First, no, they are always introducing source-breaking changes even.

Second, Swift is only 4 years old.

>>too many tutorials online, hard to find the actually decent one

LOL, tutorials.

You have a Standford University full course online.

Apple's book.

Ray Wenderlich

Two straws, etc.


If you can't learn something that millions of people use easily every day, it's because you are dumb.

>>too fast, threatening intel because people won't bother upgrading their PCs anymore


>>needs to be recompiled every single fucking time

"Every single time"?

Yeah, sure. Like every language.

>reddit spacing

What's similar?

He is the typical Rust/Go/Kotlin retard, he doesn't even know that would actually be a good thing.

I like Swift's generics. ARC for everything is retarded, tho.

> ARC for everything is retarded, tho.

You are retarded.

Swift has manual memory management.

ARC is just superior, it's easy to manage like GC, and lean like manual.

I mean, ARC is basically shared pointers all around.
You do know why that is retarded, right?

No, it's not "shared pointers all around. "

> You do know why that is retarded, right?

Name it...

Attached: Captura de ecrã 2018-07-05, às 18.22.16.png (1382x1946, 275K)

Whoa. Kotlin is almost at 1%.

Since they must support weak reference (to avoid reference cycles), swift's arc is basically a sepples shared pointer (keeping a count of the strong and a count of weak ownership).

And since that must be thread-safe in order to work, you need to perform the counting with atomics or other sync primitives (which is slow as fuck).

And that is why it is retarded.

if your main language is anythiing aside from C/C++/Java you are not a real programmer

That doesn't matter, Kotlin and Typescript have 3 up arrows, meaning they elevate your soul the most. Swift disappoints in that regard.

And Jow Forumsscript

> And since that must be thread-safe in order to work, you need to perform the counting with atomics or other sync primitives (which is slow as fuck).

Fucking untrue.

That's just bad pajeet programming practices.

And that has nothing to do with mem allocation.

Attached: Captura de ecrã 2018-07-05, às 18.26.55.png (998x1202, 127K)

> if your main language is anythiing aside from C/C++/Java you are not a real programmer


Obsolete languages.

> Java

t. Pajeet.

Good thing you can actually read the source and find that it's true, you fucking idiot:

Made me realize Apple is beyond fucked. They host their "future" on Microsoft servers.

Timmy is really trashing (ha) the company with no survivors.

>Obsolete languages
C/C++ are 3rd in stackoverflow's most used languages, any serious software(not
apps/websites/myscript) is written in C/C++ and will continue to be, you can stick to JS kid.
> Java
>t. Pajeet.
nice meme friend, but java is ubiquitous most enteprise software is written in java, you
frowning upon this language probably means you are unemployed

That's not working on your behalf, idiot.

1. mem ownership != mem allocation

2. Using the same vars in multiple threads it's just bad programming, no matter which the programming language.

3. When you use the same vars in multiple threads in GC'ed languages, it's the runtime doing that sync work for you, just because you don't write it down, doesn't mean it's not happening, and it's slow.

Means Microsoft is fucked, they need Apple as a client.

> C/C++ are 3rd in stackoverflow's most used languages, any serious software(not
apps/websites/myscript) is written in C/C++ and will continue to be, you can stick to JS kid.

The only reason C and C++ are still in use today is because Swift is only 4 years old.

> nice meme friend, but java is ubiquitous most enteprise software is written in java, you
frowning upon this language probably means you are unemployed

Because Java "engineers" are cheap, because Pajeets.

Nothing more.

are you pretending, user?
1. swift uses ownership to free memory resources. it's literally in the source code.
2. you can safely use immutable data structures from multiple threads without issue, look up rcu's for example
3. gc langs are superior for this use case, since they don't need to sync as often as reference counted approaches

> 1. swift uses ownership to free memory resources. it's literally in the source code.

Like every programming language.

> 2. you can safely use immutable data structures from multiple threads without issue, look up rcu's for example

you can't, that's basic CS.

> 3. gc langs are superior for this use case, since they don't need to sync as often as reference counted approaches


If you want to use a GC so bad?

Then make one and use it on Swift.


>you can't, that's basic CS.
And you've just showed that you don't know shit.

> And you've just showed that you don't know shit.
Now you did just show up exactly that.

Dude, OP is right, when you use garbage collections, it's the garbage collector doing that sync stuff for you, it's one reason GC is slow and it sucks.

Also, it's true that the only way you don't have race conditions is to code at least the memory access procedures in one single thread, that's what basically what locks, semaphores, etc. do for you.

Swift is too complicated for me. For my ios app i wrote a javascript wrapper for swift and made most of the app in js. It made everything easier.

Fine, you got Garbage Colletion, like a true pajeet.

No, it depends. If the priority is realtime behavior (i.e. a user interface, for example), ARC tends to more determinism, but it is overall slower.
OTOH, since gc can use a single sync operation to release multiple resources, it is better for handling batch-like operations in a multi threaded case.

Boy, you are surely a fucking troll but know this Swift is not dead is because apple pushes it down your throat, if you want to develop for mac or ios you choose either Swift or objective C and kotlin is probably more popular(or will soon become more popular) than swift
>Java "engineers" are cheap
Google's 2 billion codebase is written mostly in java , the NASDAQ super fast, ultra low latency software is written in java, all very critical software written by the best of the best

> trying to imply that GC is faster than ARC

> Google's 2 billion codebase is written mostly in java

That's why they didn't even invent Go or Dart or are using Kotlin for Android now...

> the NASDAQ super fast, ultra low latency software is written in java, all very critical software written by the best of the best
Yeah... sure Java is fast, if you halve BILLIONS to pay for humongous hardware.

Attached: Unknown-1.jpg (279x181, 6K)

not only that, but gc's like OCaml may use less memory than swift's arc:

Wished Swift was backed by any other company tbqh, Apple just isn't doing a good enough job at encouraging adoption. It's a fine language otherwise.


A good concurrent GC will always outperform automatic refcounting, assuming your compiler isn't retarded and does escape analysis to determine what needs to be heap allocated and what can be stack allocated.

Yeah, fucking Apple hater compares Swift with programming languages nobody uses anymore and nobody bothers to make comparasions to disprove him.

Go use your stupid OCaml somewhere else.


Attached: 2.png (872x616, 112K)

That's why it's used even at Google and IBM, among other Fortune 100 companies, right?

>need not to apply
pajeet spotted

no need to be mad, user, it's not too late for you to learn OCaml.



Sure buddy!

I'm starting right now !

Literally why are you using two newlines between every fucking line?

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>> Comparing an ahead of time language to interpreted/JIT-compiled languages and being surprised that the JIT VM has overhead

Literally any AOT compiled language with a decent GC that gets linked with the binary will do better than ARC.

See monkey brain

lame fanboy reasoning LOL

> Literally any AOT compiled language with a decent GC that gets linked with the binary will do better than ARC.

Fucking idiot.

It's okay, Swift needs less than 128MB, brainlet.

Google is using Swift for their next OS, Andromeda.

Argue against that.

Attached: MemoryBenchmark.png (480x289, 4K)

samefagging or 2 reddidiots arguing?

Glad we're off this hypetrain

been working with arkit and swift 4 for the last couple of weeks and HELL NO

Sure thing, Mr. RMS

>> Google is using Swift for their next OS, Andromeda.

Google is using Dart, Go, and Rust but not Swift on their OS project which is actually important.

>post an opinion
>gets salty

not being anti apple, just saying that i am impressed on how a company that creates nice products, can have such retarded tooling

Attached: download.jpg (259x194, 11K)

Literal best lanuage
t. Pajeet brainlet

Fucking retard, what's this, then?


Attached: Captura de ecrã 2018-07-05, às 20.39.34.jpg (2170x808, 377K)

A port of the Swift compiler so you can compile swift code on Fuchsia. It isn't used in the OS at all.



Nice try

Nah, its Haskell, but I like Swift. Swift is okay.

Attached: Captura de ecrã 2018-07-05, às 21.01.34.png (1544x2202, 601K)

> java