No Del key

>no Del key
>no End key
>shitty keys in general
>massive touchpad in the way

whoever told you macbooks are good for programming was a liar ad you were retarded for believing them.

Attached: serveimage.jpg (2592x1936, 848K)

Other urls found in this thread:

fn + delete
fn + right arrow
they used to label these i dont know why they stopped

Normies don't spellcheck themselves, Apple does it for them.

>>no Del key
>>no End key

>he doesn't use vim

That's the old model with the small touchpad though.

I'm fully aware of that, it doesn't make it any better. A stupid two-key acrobacy is not better than having the damn keys.

>no Local
>no Hyper
>no Super
>no Rubout

Attached: asd.jpg (1280x960, 181K)

this is the true abomination.

Attached: c.jpg (332x217, 18K)

>moving hand to top right in order to delete some input
>your chances are
>33% eject disc
>33% shutdown
>33% delete text

Osx usually detects if the keypress was intentional or not.

literally how

Well to be fair, you have to hold the power button down for a few seconds for it to shutdown
And mine doesn't even have disc drive

because it's smarter than the user

You don't need a delete key to copy-paste from stack overflow.

For shutdowns you have to press and hold

The last good model.

Those arrow keys are tiny. That's the biggest offender.

You forgot the worst anti-feature: no esc key

Mine has one! Hooray for 2012 MBPr!

I figured this out on my own within 5 minutes of touching a macbook. Typical Apple users I interact with have no idea and either use the pad or arrow forward.

>no End key
The MacBook is designed to be an endless laptop.


>a 2000 shekel fagbook
>a tablespoon of H2bOi

just get a thiccpad and be done with it. don't forget to give people in your university/workplace the stink eye

The Apple® MacBook™ is only endless if you treat it with love and care. While you might like to swim, it does not. MacOS High Sierra adds some water tolerance through Apple®'s patent-pending software emulation of waterproofing, but it's designed to deal with light rain and still cannot deal with an entire tablespoon all at once.

drunken NEET here, going to school late August
SO did Apple make a new Macbook this year or not? Might buy one if they did but looks like it's the same old trash from last year?

nigga they've been doing the same models since 2012, they just replace the CPU/GPU each year, sometimes the keyboard but that's it

The fuck? My $700 Jade laptop has the missing keys, a better CPU, and a dedicated GPU.

Attached: 0023582.jpg (775x500, 58K)

so my 2016 alienware still probably bests all macbooks?

I know you cant afford it, Apples products is not meant for everyone, plus it gives you a status at work.
If you are not able to spend 2k+ on a MBP dont bother talking about something that is not meant for you

TL;DR: keep ricing your old pc with linux

>complains about key combos because of missing keys
>unironically uses emacs

>he needs status symbols to feel worth
Are you compensating for something? There's a Low T Center near my work and I always see people with "status" cars parked outside of it.

Probably stopped labelling them because of muh aesthetics.

>eject key
Even their latest desktop keyboards still have the eject key.

absolutely, but only if you're running gentoolinux

I use Visual Studio actually.

absolute lowest quality bait. And I do own one which is why I'm complaining.


It's Arch

>>massive touchpad in the way
Criticize apple for literally anything but their trackpads, Apple machines may be absolute garbage, but you are full of shit if you say they don't have the best trackpad on any laptop.

>lifts hands off keyboard to push end/del frequently enough to complain about the keys being missing
>claims to be a "good programmer"

pick one

Attached: 1485831920648.jpg (4312x5000, 1.76M)

Attached: 1461205122780.png (720x535, 502K)

I had a mbp in 2007-2009
great the first year, fucking miserable from then after, and the apple warranty was written by """THEM""". never again.

Vim lesson for you:

x delete character
dw to delete word
$ for end.

Whats the problem?

>Using Del or End keys

Attached: 1530646541424.png (380x349, 70K)

End yourself

I'm not complaining about the trackpad itself, but it DOES piss me off to have that massive thing in the way of my key presses. First thing I do with ANY laptop is to disable that shit and use literally anything else. That's why I dig memepads, you get at least 1 other option to move your cursor out of the box (trackpoint, sometimes even a touchscreen)

t. /v/tard that only uses his keboard to logon to Windows 10, it's the controller from that point forward for you

The trackpads on the macbooks are great and you're retarded.

The keyboards on the 2016 and up models do suck ass.


>I use Visual Studio actually.

Color me shocked.

my job demands that I use certain hardware (macbook) and certain software (VS). I use a T530 with eclipse for my personal stuff.

Arguable. I prefer on a laptop body itself to have as few keys as can be functional. Most 'PC' laptop keyboards are overcrowded.

>no Del key
>no End key

I mean, have you ever used a computer for anything beyond shitposting?