Getting around twitter bans in the current year

Used to be able to just make new accounts.

Its getting more complicated now as twitter is stepping up its "protect democracy AKA ban right wingers with followers" thing.

What exactly is the locking mechanism now? is it IP?

Is it phone number?

I dont want to go out and buy a burner if i can continue using my phone and just reset my IP (i dont think google voice works anymore does it?)

Does anybody have knowledge of how the new banning system works and how to get around it?

Attached: twitter ban.jpg (300x168, 16K)

>still using twitter
For what purpose?

dude just stop using fucking twatter

listen do you assholes run around telling alcoholics to stop drinking alcohol?

try some thing else there's plenty of micro blogging platforms out there

>micro blogging

Nah dude I have like 1000 built in followers every time i sign up. twitter is a community in some areas.

Try not spending your youth endlessly yelling at people online for having an educated opinion just because you'd prefer to believe what your fee fees tell you.

>spending my youth

shits gone bruh how does twitter banning work

Don't tell us you're a 60 year old boomer?

much younger boomer

Attached: 1530706993652.png (827x883, 724K)

If they were asking for help getting beer after being banned from the store yes

40 is the new 20, though. Unless you've trashed your health by doing nothing but listening to right-wing propaganda.
I'm 42 and my youth is still going strong.

anybody want to help me with my question on how twitter bans work or nah?


No, we don't exactly like Jow Forums here. I wonder if it could be because you don't talk about technology, you only whine about women and darkies in tech?

>actually using twatter
wtf, this is the worst summer evar

>like Jow Forums

where the fuck was pol mentioned?

When I had a throw away account shoad I just made a burner email to use with a new account and it werked. That was a year ago tho, not sure about now.

>I'm 42 and my youth is still going strong
would somebody who's actually of a youthful age look at you and think "wow, that guy seems really youthful for his age"

if not, you may need to reconsider

Nah, the mods have been cleaning up the place nicely lately.

The OP.
>AKA ban right wingers with followers
AKA Jow Forumstards.

doesnt work now. It instantly dumps you into a phone confirmation if you make a new account on the same ip.

Thats why im asking if the ban is IP based or phone based.

i like pol but really why you bring that up

Its actually based on how much of a nigger you are.

>he thinks anybody with views right of micheal moore is a Jow Forumstard


okay maybe if your gonna talk like that maybe we should send you back over there

>the mods have been cleaning up the place nicely lately
this thread is still alive and has now 25 replies


It's most likely based on the phone number.

Use a google phone number. You can delete it the second you've signed up.

If you are looking to circumvent phone# verification, sign up with twilio and provision a phone # w/ SMS enabled each time you want to sign up a new account and just delete it after you get your account. These cost $1/m per, so you have to have a non-zero amount of cash if you want to beat the system at this point.

do these still work? I read somewhere they might not work anymore. I will give it a shot. Was hoping somebody on here who makes alot of accounts would know how all this works