What the fuck is this shit?
What the fuck is this shit?
use no-script captcha
You've been screwing up too much, and not following the instructions.
What is that?
Just buy a pass.
Just login to your Google account and you won't have to solve hard captchas or at all
Or buy a pass like a good goy
Did you fail basic reading comprehension?
Also use noscript captcha.
>clicking on things you aren't supposed to
wew lad
Why are they disappearing when I select them?
you are an fucking ape
so a new one can appear for you to solve?
what, you don't like working for Google for free?
>Click verify once there are none left
You keep clicking the ones that fit the criteria listed. THEN you click verify.
Randomly clicking boxes and then hitting verify isn't gonna do shit.
>Back then you just had to type a random word, much simpler times instead of this confusing whatever.
>nu-Jow Forums can't even read anymore
go back
>Click cars
>Another image of cars shows up
>Click car image again
>Another image shows up, this time without cars
>Hit submit, captcha is solved.
Dunno how I could make it clearer to you.
Go back to where you came from and stay there you fucking faggot
Just click on the reload button (bottom left) until it sobres up.
>that 30 year old boomer who uses his phone to record his computer monitor
fucked up the first time
need that for appchanx
it's a retard test
ah did not mean to quote you
think that's bad try the audible captcha. WTF