How hard is it for Apple to make a new tower?
How hard is it for Apple to make a new tower?
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It's not hard, its just they don't want to.
Why make a new Mac Pro when the people who care about upgrading and having a long lasting machine have mostly already went to a windows tower? There is just no incentive to make a new tower, the people who care about macOS will happily buy the new iMac Pro
Maybe if Tim Cook gets fired.
>"Apple will never sell customer data" - T C
>"get shrekt, customers" - next CEO of applel
They have one coming down the pipeline, there was a whole thing about them admitting that the trash can was a mistake.
If they did that people would be like, what makes this any different from any old PC, besides the OS and Apple looks? So they gotta make everything ultra-custom and proprietary to justify charging too much for commodity hardware.
Are they the slightest bit worried about the hackintosh community yet? Benchmarks of a hackintosh tripling specced out iMac pro performance for half the price have to be a little nudge to do better, right?
Towers and AIOs are separate markets. Sure the tower's more powerful than the AIO but the AIO's an AIO.
>If they did that people would be like, what makes this any different from any old PC,
Henry Ford once said:
"If I asked my customers what they wanted they'd ask for faster horses".
That's why Apple doesn't do focus groups or market surveys. They get it wrong sometimes.
I was taught that a customer will forgive almost any sin if they believe you have their best interests at heart.
>mfw I was working on one of these earlier
>Are they the slightest bit worried about the hackintosh community yet?
They've pretty much ignored the hackintosh community except for occasionally changing something just to make trouble for them.
They lost their workstation market the second they switched to X86. Intel laptop and consumer chips are nice and cheap but anything workstation or server related is hugely overpriced. Compare the price of a power 9 cpu to xeons, an 18 core 2.8/3.4ghz cpu with 2p support is just over $1000, IBM don't even bother to make separate 1p/2p versions or even try to charge for clock speed, they just ship every cpu at the max clock speed that amount of cores can do on standard voltage and cooling.
Meanwhile with an intel xeon 18 core, you pay a huge premium to get the highly clocked version despite all the slower ones being artificially restricted rather than actual binning. Then if it's going in a dual socket 2p system you have to pay another massive amount to get the version with 2p enabled even though its the same chip. Now even after paying all that to intel they still aren't allowed to set the clockspeed or do anything to separate it from a generic dell workstation hardware. Any vastly cheaper overclocked i7 will destroy it in most situations but they can't use those either since intel disables virtualization and other things workstation buyers may want.
AMD is slightly better since epyc but still very greedy compared to non X86 CPUs. The clocks on epyc products are bullshit, all of them would be able to reach the same clocks as the top 32 core model, if there's a defect it would be in the form of a non functional core. It's the same with the 2p version, it costs almost $2000 more, there's nothing unique about it just a cpu firmware change, AMD is able to sell nothing for $2000 just because competition is so limited.
They only go after people actually SELL new hackintoishes. Otherwise, they don't care.
Amd still has bad single core performance and workstations like iMac pro rely on workstation cpus with high single core performance.
seemingly fucking impossible with their current attitude
they admitted the trash can was a mistake, then they replaced it with the iMac Pro. It's pretty obvious that the iMac Pro was SUPPOSED to be the only Pro desktop in their entire lineup but at the last minute something swayed them to reinstate a stand alone tower.
Don't think for a second that we didn't come very close to a world where the iMac Pro was the Mac Pro replacement
>long lasting
>Otherwise, they don't care.
just wait until macs need a T2 chip to boot.
it's coming
Now that Cavium made competitve ARMv8 cpus maybe Apple will license them for their future Mac Pro, or outright buy them.
Desktop PCs are soooooo last century.
No one cares mactoddler.
>workstations like iMac pro rely on workstation cpus with high single core performance.
Windows you may have to reinstall every few years but at least the hardware will last if its from a quality OEM unlike fucking Apple whos machines just die from Apple's own stupidity and engineering faults
Even me a lifetime Macfag will admit that the regular iMac is a piece of throttling shit.
Someone will hack it.
Apple probably likes the Hackintosh community desu
This sort of nonsense reminds me of when Apple said multi-GPU computing isn't a thing because they fucked up the thermals in their dual gpu mac por and one strong GPU is all that matters (Everyone I know who does GPU computing has at least 2 and in most cases 3+ GPUs...).
Then they went on to release the iMac Pro with it's downclocked GPU.
People just make up shit to try and justify Apples bad pro machine decisions.
Aren't all macs throttling pieces of shit? A MacBook's CPU could literally be melting and the MacBook still won't turn on its CPU fan.
>IMPLYING this hard
Laptops are ok to throttle but not the fucking iMacs which have full blown cpus
Sick of this fucking meme
Zen 2 has great ipc on 12nm my 2700x kicks ass and 7nm will be even better
The thermals of the trash can are actually very good for such a small machine. It's only 5.5 litres in volume and I believe it can dissipate 400W+
If they chose to make the same design bigger it could handle dual Vega. They just chose not to because apparently they thought small form factor workstations is what their customers wanted.
the MacBook doesn't have a CPU fan
The engineering genius that had to come up with bending phones, overburdened voltage converter chips and single port laptops is currently designing the next secret sauce for their phone line.
Can't expect him to make the next fucked up overpriced desktop for the crappy OS that is OSX. And they wouldn't want to make a normal, useful product.
Oh wow, it's like they have an active fan technology!
Nvidia must be the biggest geniuses with their data center GPU being *even smaller* and still dissipating all that heat.
You seem like an angry pajeet.
Truth hurts.
AMD is way behind in single core performance compared to Intel.
And not all applications/workloads will be geared towards MUH COREZ you stupid fucking nigger.
Matter of fact, CInebench is a shitty way to test real world performance.
Hey (((Les Grossman))) is that you?
Mate they just computer parts calm down u geeky loser :/
>making a good desktop computer after discontinuing the Mac Pro tower in favor of the trash can
Fat chance
Breh I have a 10corelet Hackintosh and I'm pretty happy.
If I'm spending 18 hours a day on a computer it better be something I like, ok fag?
I use computers for work not gayment, so shut the fuck up.
>And not all applications/workloads will be geared towards MUH COREZ
Such as?
No clue who that is.
Apple is making crappy overpriced hardware with poor engineering running shitty operating systems. And they license all that software under you-got-no-privacy-we-can-sell-everything agreements.
That's what you need to know.
Adobe applications for example.
It's programmed by pajeet.
After Effects barely uses multiple cores and high per core performance is more important.
You're a fucking buffoon.
Apple is the only company in silicon valley that gives a shit about privacy because they sell (as your dumb ass put it) overpriced hardware and they make money off that not your data like Jewgle and Microwang does.
Also pound for pound, for example, iMac Pro is not overpriced at all if you try to build a spec for spec version,
Go do some research faggot.
>they sell overpriced hardware
>iMac Pro is not overpriced at all
Look at this retarded iToddler!
>Apple is the only company in silicon valley that gives a shit about privacy
Oh boy. It's not like Apple jews would miss the opportunity.
Took me 2 seconds to google.
Go do some reading you fucking monkey nigger.
>lasts a decade easy. Longer if the user gives a shit.
>Windows even had to force companies to stop using XP because it is too robust
>thermal throttles until something breaks in a year
>or the battery explodes
>or parts were faulty and apple spent three years denying it until enough people dished out the cash to offset paying for warranty work
On the up side Apple is great to invest in. They're so rabid for profit they even sue independent repair shops for trying to unfuck their mistakes.
Basically anything that's not VMs. Practically nothing uses multiple cores properly.
Apple is a """lifestyle""" company. Can't bring your desktop to Starbucks or Bali or wherever the hipsters now hang out.
Doesn't stop appletard sheep from trying.
that was years ago. you can get same performance as a imac pro for like 800$ now.
The iMac Pro hasn't even been out for a fucking year
Some pepole (mostly boomers) still use xp
*****Tim Cuck
same. I'm dusting up an old one to play quake on
g4 were the last good apple, design and power.
I remember lusting on that stuff like twelve years ago.
sorry thought you where talking about Mac Pro.
no way is the hardware in a iMac pro worth 5grand thou. you could get same performance for like 1-1.5k or some thing.