How hard is it for Apple to make a new tower?

How hard is it for Apple to make a new tower?

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It's not hard, its just they don't want to.
Why make a new Mac Pro when the people who care about upgrading and having a long lasting machine have mostly already went to a windows tower? There is just no incentive to make a new tower, the people who care about macOS will happily buy the new iMac Pro

Maybe if Tim Cook gets fired.

>"Apple will never sell customer data" - T C
>"get shrekt, customers" - next CEO of applel

They have one coming down the pipeline, there was a whole thing about them admitting that the trash can was a mistake.

If they did that people would be like, what makes this any different from any old PC, besides the OS and Apple looks? So they gotta make everything ultra-custom and proprietary to justify charging too much for commodity hardware.

Are they the slightest bit worried about the hackintosh community yet? Benchmarks of a hackintosh tripling specced out iMac pro performance for half the price have to be a little nudge to do better, right?

Towers and AIOs are separate markets. Sure the tower's more powerful than the AIO but the AIO's an AIO.

>If they did that people would be like, what makes this any different from any old PC,
Henry Ford once said:
"If I asked my customers what they wanted they'd ask for faster horses".
That's why Apple doesn't do focus groups or market surveys. They get it wrong sometimes.
I was taught that a customer will forgive almost any sin if they believe you have their best interests at heart.

>mfw I was working on one of these earlier

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