>KDE is bl-
KDE is bl-
Other urls found in this thread:
KDE is a buggy and broken piece of shit.
its not about bloat, its about being horrible to use and look at
>judging by package count
are you retarded
>1130MB idle
>not bloat
riced xfce takes about 400MB
>almost 1200 fat arch packages, on any sane distro there would be at least 1800 packages.
>1.1GB of ram in use doing nothing
>Arch linux for retards
this, nothing will fix the segfaults in KDE short of a complete rewrite.
why did you even make this thread? kde is bloated and buggy and yet Jow Forums still shills the fuck out of it.
this but the actual package count will be much much higher
False flagging gnome nigger detected
Why are more packages better?
How did you reach that conclusion from my post?
on startup i use 130mb in total with openbox. u jelly manjaro tard?
350 for me on Xubuntu
I was saying about manjaro specifically since i use it, it's very possible that it takes much less on other distros
Someone memed me earlier today to try Manjaro KDE after I said my experience with KDE was shit.
It's actually excellent and I'm sorry I ever shat on KDE but the previous distros I tried were absolutely awful: Kubuntu, Neon, openPEPE. I value stability so I never even thought to try an arch-based distro but I'll just try staying away from the AUR.
>at least 1800 packages
>sane distro
Well you see, most distros that see use outside of mommies basement seperate the binaries, documentation and development libraries (and source packages) into seperate packages.
Arch (and by extention Manjaro) just pack it all into one package. This is the reason why you see Debian/Ubuntu/Fedora/openSUSE with package counts in the 2-3k range.
English isn't your first language is it or are you retarded? Im not saying more is better, I am saying the exact same setup on any other distro would have close to 1.8k packages installed if not more.
unless you thought I was saying Arch linux's fat packages were a good thing?
I have no idea what you are getting at.
>English isn't your first language is it or are you retarded?
blugly and bloated
KDE being bloated is an old meme, not really up to date.
This is closer to the truth
Still the best DE by far
>screen effects have stopped working and have had to restart
Well if you are a non-native english speaker I can see how my post would be confusing.
Sorry for splerging out.
openSUSE's KDE was unstable for you? Leap or Tumbleweed? And honestly, Arch is great partly for the AUR and for the most part (and I mean vast, vast majority of time) AUR packages aren't going to cause stability issues. More likely that those packages aren't going to build for whatever reason or they're missing keys or something.
What is the point of separating binaries, documentation, development and source packages? Sorry, kinda new to this
The biggest use cases (I can think of) would be servers and embeded platforms. for desktop use things like documentation updates not requiring redownloading the whole package or maybe you just don't need/want the libraries/documentation for every package on the install.
on servers it is a security issue with size being secondary most of the time.
on everything else it just comes down to size of the install.
imagine if you ran a couple hundred servers that just included everything, it all adds up and in an enterprise enviroment costs money.
The "just include everything" mantra isn't how I like to setup my systems. I guess its "Just works" vs Knowing exactly what you need
Kubuntu 18.04 idling, with Dropbox open, uses like ~700mb here.
No crashes, no slowdowns, no memory leaks, it literally just werks.
When I used Manjaro it wasn't a bad experience, but OP's memory usage is pretty bad.
atantly shilled by a samefag daily.
Tumbleweed, I haven't tried Leap. The same person who memed me to try Manjaro also advised against OpenSUSE, but would you recommend giving Leap a shot? I'm not beholden to any particular distro, just want the one that gives me the least fuss.
i forgot how fucking beautiful shit can be at this res
>wants distro with least fuss
>picks rolling distro
RAM is meant to be used.
Would prefer non-rolling. Last time I tried OpenSUSE my experience was shit, but willing to give it another go if an user recommends it
when i used it i never crashed. i forget what complaints i did have but it was real reliable. i am back on xfce4 though because its so much lighterweight while being slightly better about how the panel bar works (it was bad on top of the screen and didnt work the way i wanted it too for double rows). ironic of course, as i started using double rows because kde3. either way i thought it was nice and looked really good, after i used one of the alternative default themes i forget what but it looked amazing
I have 200 packages less even with all haskell libs installed
Meanwhile i3 is using 2MB
>over a gigabyte of ram with nothing open
yeah xfwm4 uses 10 megabytes
Both the development and source packages take up a lot of space. You need the development package if you're going to compile something that links against that package but you don't need it just to run the stuff that comes with your distro. A lot of people aren't going to compile anything and even if you do you probably just need a few -devel packages.
Gentoo and distributions like that tend to end up with a lot more files which take up a lot more space because of all the header files and so on that other distros don't put on the disk by default
Just werks on my machine :^)
Yeah you're right. It's only using 1.3MB, not 2
>mfw Tumbleweedbro
>dat font rendering
your eyes don't burn after a couple of hours?
I just installed manjaro kde, looks just like OP's pic.
Seriously why does it looks so bad?
At least I haven't experienced any major bugs, yet.
Do you have a dedicated video card? When I use one it cuts the ram use in half. I go from 1.3 to 600 mb.
KDE still the 2nd most bloated DE after Gnome
XFCE is way lighter than KDE
>sure kde does not crash every second
>sure it is just a meme
>superior waifu material
Mine consumes around 625 mb of RAM at startup. And I haven't done anything to "de-bloat it"
>Not using XFCE
enjoy your bloat
with kde, i don't have screen tearing with default compositor. compton helped but never 100% fixed it.
Was thinking of trying KDE neon but i guess ill install Zorin OS, if you think otherwise please politely tell me why,
jordanDE might takje a gig or so but it's all good
mo poorfags welcome
Shiggy Diggy
OpenSUSE Tumbleweed with KDE patches Firefox so you actually have Dolphin as the file browser. This means thumbnails, better navigation, etc.
It's also supposedly more stable than Arch as a rolling release. only had it a few days though, so can't comment yet.
OP's computer crashed from too much RAM usage.
200mb for me, fresh install of arch with xfce4
Enjoy your screen tearing.
ahaha right on man
It's rolling release with various levels of bleeding edge. Also plasmashell5 is fucking awful and has no widgets. Kwin5 on t he other hand is glorious. Being able to take the goodness of kwin away from shitty plasmashell is the only thing kde5 did right. plasma4 > plasma5 by a large fucking margin otherwise, even without the hw accel
all you screenfetch cunts with less than 15min uptime
>1 gig of ram to run my desktop isn't bloat
HAH the state of KDE cucks.
It literally takes over 200 packages on arch from a headless install for the QT framework and all of the other shitty libraries and meta-packages.
Just use a WM already.
Nigger that is bloat. My xfce desktop idles at 400mb.
Works on my machine.
It's pretty telling that GNOME shills are out in force trying to get people back on the plantation again.
Get it through your head - we don't want to use shit GNOME and your threads aren't going to convince anyone to change to the worst DE going.
I put a fresh install of Debian on my desktop and decided to give KDE a try. It has numerous bugs (wallpaper slide show lags my whole system every time it changes) and also randomly crashes everything now and then. It could be twice as light as xfce and it wouldn't matter.
I am almost sure you were using proprietary GPU drivers, as virtually everyone who reported crashes in similar threads.
Not really. I bet you use i3 and wash your hands after you piss.
Personally, I use bspwm and despise gnome niggers for the way they destroyed the GIMP Toolkit with version 3.
This does not magically make KDE any less broken piece of shit that regularly crashes. Nor does it excuse retarded policies like nepomuk that you literally cannot turn off or retarded mandatory keyring without which even wifi password is not saved. The latter was FINALLY fixed in the latest release, but that's a poor excuse.
Fuck you OP, I'm going to french konqi's butt hole sloppy & deep until he starts squeaking uncontrollably while little dragon pole starts bouncing and squirting without even being touched and you can't stop me.
> he
T-that's gay.
>using over a gig at idle
Mine uses less than 400MB after I disabled baloo and some of the plugins in krunner.
Same here on Slackware
if i was male yeah it would be
It only uses around 550MB in my PC.
Butt ugly
Who the FUCK thought pixel width selection borders were a good idea?
KDE is crap, but I like the aesthetic you have going on there...
wtf is a selection border, i know gnome has fuckhueg widget borders that look awful.
Nice try, KTard
enjoy your filepicker
>installs ubuntu
>omg I love orange and brown. gnome is awesome.
>tries kubuntu
>what a fucking mess. omg it crashed. kde sucks.
The absolute state of gnometards.
>1GB used ram
>not doing anything at all
Memepad X201 here, with Intel® Integrated® Graphics®.
oh look, it's the daily KDE shilling thread.
I swear to god if you turds took this same effort into making an actually usable, stable DE you wouldn't need shilling in the first place.
Needs Konqi shopped in in place of Elsa Jean.