What programming language is the best for learning how to hack?
What programming language is the best for learning how to hack?
What do you want to hack?
>Old/dumb webpages
>Legacy hardware and software
Scan ports and then use metasploit
>Brute force for something with no password policy
Premade tools like jack the ripper
I can't think of much that you actually need programming for unless you are writing exploits which 5% of people in the field actually do.
What if you want to write a virus like WannaCry? What if you want to intrude into someone's PC or network?
>unless you are writing exploits which 5% of people in the field actually do
>pentesting makes up the majority of infosec
It's all social engineering nowadays. Or exploiting really old Wordpress/Joomla/Drupal/Struts websites
all of them
Unless you can do flat file assembly with no macros you’re basically a script kiddie.
illegal and not allowed
Not asking how to do those things, just asking what programming language can you start with if that's what you're interested in?
No, unless it's wildly different where you live people set up firewalls and go drink a beer.
The pareto principle applies and 80% of people leech of others to fix zero day exploits.
ass embly
hasn't social engineering been proven to be way more effective than literal hacking?
so learn to be a good actor
>people set up firewalls and go drink a beer
That's fucking IT, not information security. Infosec is mostly vulnerability research, or as I call it: CVE-farming.
C & Assembly, the holy dyad.
Stop. Just don't. I'll be honest with you, you'll more than likely find yourself in a position you don't wanna be in. The information you want to find is readily available in certain darker area's of the internet, but it's full of spooks. You will most likely end up in a sting
Either ladder logic or G-code.
read just don't do it. please. for your own sake.
you are not approaching your learning objective from the best possible vector if you feel the need to ask this question
Well on Loonix C will suffice. On windows you can use either C C++ C# or even .NET.
So you want to be a real hackerbro? You got to learn how to use the internet to find out how to become a hacker first.
read and try out your skills on
and ctftime
*Inspects your element*
heh. nothing personal kid
Depends what you want to do. You basically need to understand the platform you're attacking, so for binary exploits you need to know Assembly, for desktop applications you'll need to know stuff like C or C++, for web you'll need to know things about Javascript and SQL. You'll usually have a scripting language like Bash or Python to stick it all together.
All of them.
C, I guess. Because, you know, everything is written in C.
>web shit
>everything else
Assemblies (multiple), C, BASH and Python to make stuff easier (not required though)
C, and learn networking
Not always, but social engineering is probably the single most important skill for hacking
some of us are past the point of no return user. we don't care what happens to us anymore.
Assembly & C
Python for tests/xploit
>What if you want to write a virus like WannaCry?
You wait until triple letter agencies lose their paid for vulnerabilities yet again on a wikileaks publication in a sheer display of incompetence, then you smell your own farts for 3 months while implementing something with it and then the media is clueless about omg where did these vulnerabilities came from! the evil russian hacker know as Jow Forums has done it again! let's abolish cryptocurrencies!!
pentesters use python for general automation, and ruby for stuff like metasploit.
Bash lol
>approaching from a vector
Mathlet detected
lisp, but any language works.
hacking is just a clever manipulation of something.
>tfw no gf to pentest
just run script kiddie shit, then type random keys until the script completes, and finally smirk and say "I'm in."
just install kali linux
Since you arent actually going to want to put in the time required, unironically goto hackforums. Everyone is so fucking full of themselves theyll just post source everywhere and answer every question hoping to get a "wow you're so cool" out of you.
If you want my answer just learn software development normally and stuff comes second nature. All guides and learning material you use will very likely tell you how to defend against certain things and you will equally understand how to exploit it.
So you want to be a hacker? It ain't no easy task kiddo. You should just stop now. Don't even try.
The most you can probably ever do is click buttons on LOIC and buy crypter packs on Nulled. Even
Cain is going to fly over your brain. Do you know how fucking hard hacking is? Pentesting is not for
the light-hearted. Are you willing to learn and understand a bunch of programming langauges? Python, Ruby,
and Javascript can probably be learned in days. Maybe a few months for Java. But C++? Haskell? C? Assembly?
And those probably are not even enough. On top of that, are you willing to get comfortable in a Linux system?
It's quite different from the clicky pictures you have on your RGB covered Windows gaming system. Are you
willing to learn sofftware engineering, OS development, networking, reverse-engineering, malware analysis,
exploit-writing, fuzzing, data structures, and all the other topics required to become a proficient pentester? Are you
smart enough to know how to perform a social engineering attack? Are you willing to learn Mestasploit, Aircrack,
Hashcat, Ettercap, and all the other tools a pentester needs to know? Or are you just going to download and run
wifiHAX_n0t_V1RuS.exe? Are you willing to understand computers to the hardware level? Are you willing to spend
years mastering and perfecting your skills? Are you willing to spend time everyday to stay updated with current
pentesting news? Just stay in your little gaming world, kiddo. Go show off to your friends and DDOS some minecraft
servers or click on open IPs in Shodan. You don't have the drive to become a real hacker. You never will.
Derrailing the thread,is required a IDE to learn C?
Or is just utter shit
Why is the text on his monitor backwards?
the image is mirrored
this is shit you shouldnt get involved in
i had to abandon my entire identity and move to another country to escape from it, and im afraid i will get pulled back in anyway
unfortunately it isnt, its a lot of low skill monitoring and analysis. Reverse engineering/vuln research is a small niche in the field right now
t. Reverse engineer
>Copy pasta in every haxxing related posts
Why are you such a virgin, user?? Dont get stuck in 4channel
The best programming language is a hand gun and a bullet. A pathetic technocrat has no chance against the might of god's children.
Still you wanna learn fast methods of retrieving information, also social engineering is not like uhhh may I get your password sir, it would help you get a vulnerability if any.
You are definitely an Indian.