Visual Studio vs. CodeBlocks

want to start some projects using cpp, blease help deciding IDE, thanks

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Code blocks. It’s comes with the compiler and can natively compile for you.

so with what languages is visual studio good for?


is it true that using a Macbook is better for devs btw?

Visual studio is in my eyes better but it comes with a shit load of extra components and it's from Microsoft which brings me worries as well.
Codeblocks on the otherhand feels quite simplistic and not complete.

Visual studio is also good for numerous of languages since it keeps getting updated for more language support.

Keep in mind visual studio 2008/2010 have support to older C/C++ variants
Newer version don't seem to have this!

MacBook is very limited in support for building since xcode runs Mac

Visual studio has hit mac and various other ides can be used on Mac as well but xcode is the goto for IOS/MacOS users.


most annoying parts of each IDE:
MSVS: linking technology is complete shit and you have to type in everything manually multiple times. It's a pain in the ass for beginners especially.
Code Blocks: If you have codeblocks use mingw it is yet another pain in the ass. Other than that it's pretty nice, if basic.

I actually recommend CLion from JetBrains. If you're a student it's free, if not, it's still one of the best IDEs for C and C++

if you are doing any c or cpp, unironically install linux
install newfag linux (ubuntu)
sudo apt install vim gcc g++
or if you are a macfag, just install vim and homebrew

I don't agree that CLion is better than msvs or Codeblocks at all rather have same goes for Rider and Resharper jetbrains is good for web development but strongly dislike it for software.

Deff better than Windows. Arguably better than Linux in some cases.

The terminal

alternatively if you absolutely MUST use a gui editor, visual studio code is actually pretty okay, as okay as malware can really be
its got a nice editor, built in CLI, built-in git controls, and plugins for anything else you might need. its on winblows, blackedOS, and lincucks

Actually some addons allow you to make a project with vscode

relying on projects and .sln is a pretty bad programming practice imo
some parts of them are nice but mostly they just encourage dumb developers to stay dumb
might as well learn to use a makefile now than later

In the terms of just more swing around a bit I wouldn't say it's a big deal but if you're determined to use it for a higher purpose you should atleast know that already else you truly have no clue what you are doing to begin with.

Messing around - my bad using my phone and didn't check if autocorrect altered my input.

use emacs

g++, vim, and make is literally all you need. gdb if you need a debugger.

I haven't tried Codeblocks. I can get an old Visual Studio for free as long as I'm working for the university, and that's OK.

Some projects I have to run on Linux and Windows, though, and I use Qt Creator for that. That is free open source software, and once you've got the hang of it, it allows for pretty fast GUI building.