Do you use your Jow Forums skills to fuck with your family?
>know my brother is a closet fag
>add a rule on our router that blocks /lgbt/
>h-hey user, is there something wrong with the router?
>no why?
>n-nothing. it's just that a webpage i want to access won't load... i-it's probably just their servers acting up...
Do you use your Jow Forums skills to fuck with your family?
Other urls found in this thread:
Your brother browses /lgtb/?
You are an asshole.
Why did you restrict your own access to /lgbt/, OP?
Should kill him. Faggots deserve the rope.
redirect it to your personal trap porn collection, and then mix in some incest stuff to freak him out
>>add a rule on our router that blocks /lgbt/
No one believes you.
>Blocking a specific page on an HTTPS connection
Nice meme ultrafagget
uhhh user, Jow Forums doesn't use https by default
today in things that never happened. story would be more believable if you say you block reddit.
you're asking to get rekt if you don't use HTTPS nowadays, especially on 4chin
I'd be willing to bet there are a lot of technologically inept people that Jow Forums these days
why would you treat your brother like that you dick
It still boggles my mind that /lgbt/ actually has visitors. Almost every board is filled with unadulterated faggotry, we didn't need one that's designed for it.
lgbt is adulterated faggotry
/lgbt/, /soc/ and /trash/ were mistakes.
shut the fuck up Jew.
I went on there recently and it's almost exclusively trans-posting. I even saw posts where the replies were assuming OP was trans and he had to say he was just a normal fag, not the special modern kind of fag.
>still lives with his family
>treating your own family like shit
That's pretty low, OP. Mess with other faggots instead.
Shut up Sheldon, I'm telling mom.
Faggot detected
>implying you can't be 18 and still in high school
>implying you can't be over 18 and still live at home
>implying you're not in your mom's basement right now
What the fuck is the point of /trash/? I though it was supposed to be a trash can, somewhere mods would move shit threads to let them die. In reality all the shit threads on /trash/ are made on /trash/ and what the mods do is move shit threads to non /trash/ boards, pissing everyone on both sides off.
Mods can move threads to different boards?
Yeah. The people in the thread when it's moved get a nice "This thread has been moved to >>>/whatever/100000" notice and the people on the board it's moved to get a new thread with potentially hundreds of garbage replies and however many posters from the moved thread that decided to follow it to the new board. Great when a thread is moved from a fast, cancer filled board to a slower board.
Homophobia is a jewish trait now?
Is the thread marked in any way on the new board or do you just suddenly end up with a thread with hundreds of posts that wasn't there before?
Not everyone is an amerimutt that gets kicked out of the house as soon as they turn 18.
The latter.
>hostility against white people
My roommates once pissed me off so i rerouted all their dns requests
OP is a dumb cunt with signs of autism
> gettimg kicked out the moment you turn 18
Why do burgers do this?
calm down Muhammad
>implying everyone follows the rules of Jow
All negative traits are jewish traits tbqh
HTTPS encrypts the content, not the address of the page you're connected to.
that's why this site is a shithole.
Everything after the fully qualified domain is encrypted in the url. So someone can know you're on boards.Jow but not on /lgbt/.
yes. homophobia is everywhere in the torah
haha epic, for the next prank you should pull down his pants and suck his weewee
Reminder that christians and muslims are jew mixbreeds.
have you fucked him yet?
Isnt their religion what spawned the abrahamic religions to kill and persecute gays? It says to kill them in the torah, Lol wtf you been smoking
Ever been to Jow Forums? It's nothing but retarded boomers now.
This post actually made my piss my pants and bang my head on my desk.
I gotta go change, I fucking love you.
found the faggot
>xd shitty website
Better than others. I bet you believe Jow Forums used to be good too? No. Jow Forums was never good. We are here to waste away and die, not have a good time, fucking newfag.
you weren't here before the normalfags showed up were you
Sadly it is a matter of family honor.
If and only if you are not talking about israel homophobia is bad.
I know all my rommates' usernames and passwords. I sniff our router traffic constantly while staying connected to a VPN (for the most part, except for when I post) myself. I pay for the house, I own everything inside of it. They buy something on Amazon? They go through me. I know credit card numbers and pin numbers (not that I would do anything with them, i'm a fucking faggot). I am just a curious person, ya' know? Like, you are buying something on Amazon in my house. I wanna know what you are buying.
My uncle was an originalfag moron. I have been in contact with this website before I even browsed the web. I personally only started browsing in 2012, but my uncle talked acted the same exact way we all act to this day. This website was never good. You cannot play this stupid fucking meme image that only gets posted by newfags and then say you are an oldfag. Only newfags believe this shit.
The site was never good. Since it's conception, this website has been a place for us super autists to go to die.
I've been here since fall of 2003 bucko, contrary to popular belief, this site used to be fun, angry bitter autism and political shit wasn't even a thing until years later. Even /b/ was way better than it is now,aybe you onlu believe that other shit because your uncle is a massive angry bitter autist
My dad works at Nintendo, and he says you're full of shit.
My dad also works at Nintendo, and he told on you to my uncle!!!!1!!1
Legit though, he is (I think).
He used to act like a chanman when I was growing up. I am really just assuming, but it only makes sense. Autism can be genetic.
That's just oldschool BBS and general internet attitude.
He could of, I won't discount it.
I should ask him about it.
Your brother sounds cute :3
Only on top replies in the whole thread
I blocked Reddit and Jow Forums on my younger brothers computer because I don't want him to end up like us. I also forced him to use linux and he got good with it and was able to circumvent the block eventually though.
lmao the "Jow Forums was always shit" meme is the oldest of them all, and much like calling everything niggers fags and cucks, absolute retards fail to realize it's a joke.
The reality is Jow Forums was always good. That's why we stay. It's so much better than Facebook, Discord, and even Reddit (which is actually alright if you know which subs to visit).
I've been here for 14 years and I'm probably never leaving. This place is a bastion of deadpan honesty and unrestrained thought.
Unbelievable lol you have roommates but no friends
Funny that every gamer kid has lied about this lol I told some girl my cousin worked for Nintendo Power and that's why I had the magazine that was dated for the coming month
This but unironically.
>implying homophobia is a negative trait
the ABSOLUTE state of Jow Forums
which one is you? How much disappointment have you faced over the years? Where did you learn about it from, SomethingAwful?Are you married now, or still a virgin? Why don't you post Waha? Where did all the original fags go? Any screen caps?
hah wow that is old as shit, loli and guro, back before Jow Forums became completely rulecucked, /b/ used to have daily beast and raid threads too. I got the link from m00ts post on SA, shit was fun, we did whatever we wanted that wasnt straight up illegal like cp. Memes didnt exist, there were stupid fads etc but we literally invented memes, we created new shit constantly and it was just fun. Now everyone is an angry bitter butthurt faggot, theres no new shit, everything is recycled low effort trolling and baiting, and nobody actually works to make cool shit or figure out problems. Jow Forums and the rest if the Internet is dead because of normalfags and politics and corporations infecting everything.
sad, but at least we have people like you who hold on. If you can make the content yourself, then maybe we can make Jow Forums great again. One more question, does thrust vectoring still own the skies?
Most routers support domain name blocking, not directory blocks. OP is indeed a visitor of /lgbt/
Both are you are fucking faggots. Oldfags went to die on textboards a long time ago. Go join them.
I moved out last year at 24 after accumulating nearly $400K. I still drive my shitbox but now I have a comfy house and $300K in investments performing relatively well.
Leaving at 18 is exciting and courageous but it gimps you during college because you need to make rent. Those work study kids were more motivated than me.
That IS what it's meant for. The problem's that some butthurt furries got mad when moot wouldn't give them their own board, so they spammed /trash/ with their garbage till everyone else left. It used to be kinda fun, now it's just shitty furry generals. Those cancerous shit stains think it's acceptable to have a different general for every fucking conceivable concept. They have a different general for each of the main MLP characters. God damn I hate furries.
traps are not gay
Am I gay if I jacked off to pic related?
Yes. He isn't a trap, or even a trans for that matter. He is just using it to get girls.
I posted this image the other day, and some user actually believed him to be a girl. He spoke like he didn't know who Chris was, and he wrote that he felt sorry for "her" for being so ugly. Now, maybe that was some elaborate failed trolling attempt, but I believe that somebody out there was genuinely tricked by Punished Chris's facade. Chris might be passable in the eyes of the normie. You should be terrified.
Discretly manipulate your brother into becoming a brony.
He will want to fuck horses, female horses and then it's a slippery slope into real women.
I saw a few fags fall into that weird path.
I went to this convention a few weeks ago and supposedly Chris was there and got kicked out. I don't know if it was on the same day that I was there though.
He was kicked out for repeatedly groping his fellow attendees. Both men and women were assailed, I believe. It's an underreported fact that Chris is an unconvicted sex offender. Megan Schroeder repeatedly accused him of sexual assault, and Chris implied that the only thing holding him back from "doing something" to her was his hand-drawn smut featuring herself. Chris is a genuine danger to society.
thanks for proving my point angry fag, enjoy your torture chamber of meaningless empty rage
>implying you can block specific path with https
nice larp
>implying https
>implying modern browsers dont https by default
>implying they do
yes are you fucking dumb?
if he is young enough you should be the first to destroy his boypussy
Muslims hate gays?
>Jow Forums skills
>adding rules to routers
>This place is a bastion of deadpan honesty and unrestrained thought.
LOL. No, try again. This place is filled with name spewing retards with no actual arguments in defence of their opinions, only dumb memes.
get cancer faggot
You're a faggot.
why would you be such an asshole to your brother u fucking faggot
>Falling for Jewish tricks
"Renting" is a scam.
WTF dude, being in the closet is one of the worst things to experience mentally. Why make his life worse? You're a dick.
Unless you’re running a proxy on your router to filter the traffic via url I call bullshit. Also kill yourself you petty shithead
>2018 no one end sentences with "-desu"
degenerates have to go senpai