What projects made you into a better programmer?

What projects made you into a better programmer? For me, I became a better front end dev when I was forced to make a widget for a start up.

ITT: Tell Jow Forums how you became a better programmer

Attached: quadtree.webm (542x544, 89K)

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I have done literally nothing to better myself, and I'll still be jealous of faggots who have the motivation to do it.
I regret my CS degree immensely, seeing as how there are much more qualified people getting them.
Fuck my life.

In a 168 line program that I copied from someone else for a C++ class, how much will I have to change/rearrange it before it won't be picked up by cheating detection software (whatever the fuck that is...). I changed almost all the variables to new names and rearranged the modules already.

Wrote a backend framework from scratch, it's something I hadn't done in years and learned a lot. It has routing, models, ORM, permissions, views, serializers and all that fun stuff.

Nothing improved my skills as much as everything I did in Haskell

i'm failing out of a CS degree, but i made a product that's selling pretty well, and i have the ability to make more. should i just quit university? i feel that i learn some things but mainly it's a huge time and resource drain

You're taking about MOSS, right? That's the Stanford source code plagiarism detection system, it should take more than just switching variable names/comments around. Try replacing if/else with switch statements, etc.

Idk what it is. Our professor just said not to work with other students, yet there is a groupme full of people posting their codes and I don't really have the brain for coding. I just wanna go to med school but my Biotech degree is making me do a programming class.

Goddamn it I'm stressed out over this class. I can do shit like Organic chem in my sleep. How could this be the thing that keeps me out of med school?

If it's 168 lines of code surely it's about the same level of effort to just rewrite it from scratch?

We have different definitions on what difficulty is. Programming is like the opposite of Biology, which is what I'm good at. I know I'm bitching to the wrong people for sympathy on this matter, but this shot is awful for me.

>If it's 168 lines of code surely it's about the same level of effort to just rewrite it from scratch?
Yeah, user should just rewrite it, assuming it's somewhat legible code.
Also, if there's a GroupMe of people cheating, you may not have to worry too much about the detection system (either everyone gets caught, or nobody does).

I'll do that for the second assignment for sure. If I don't get an automatic F before then. Unless one of you guys wanna get paid to the assignment for me haha

That software ignores syntax almost completely. It's a semantics tool.

Talk to me like I'm a fucking idiot please.

Why dont you tell us what yoi have to do? Maybe we could help.

It looks through your code and makes up a map of the logic flow, the essence of your program, the structure of your namespaces and purpose of functions.
Changing variable names is naive and destroys any chances of redemption.

It means that if you don't change the structure of the program it will be detected as the same, example: if a program has this code instruction order (if-> method1 ->method2(argument1)) and your program rubs exactly like this in that order, you get detected

Are you making enough from this product to survive on? If so, definitely.

Really? I don't remember Jow Forums being this helpful last time I asked a string of dumbass questions.

Here's my next assignment. We haven't even gone over arrays in class yet so these words mean nothing to me. There are answers on Chegg, but I would pay money for a program that can't be detected through MOSS or whatever.

Attached: d7775774-7df4-4447-bcde-2e3fc42df8ed.png (801x557, 37K)

you should quit school

ITT: Dumbass highschooler ruins his future by cheating on the fundamentals of SE.

Fucking dumbass.

posts like this make me reconsider the thoughts I have to go back to school
I've made 3 fairly large for one person projects without using anything I learned at school albeit I only went a year
I never got paid for programming so I keep getting the impression I need a degree
Is nepotism stopping me? I have pretty bad autism and can barely communicate with people on an interpersonal level
How can I get a job? Should I just be myself?

Guess I'd better go kill myself.

Sorry for hijacking your thread OP.

>Are you making enough from this product to survive on?
dude i'm getting rich

dealing with forest like data structures and graphs in Haskell.

>Programming is like the opposite of Biology
I know nothing about Biology
Care to explain the reasoning behind your statement
It sounds very interesting

If you continue cheating, in 4 years you'll want to kill yourself.

think of array as a set, the elements for this assignment are 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20. They may repeat or not, and the number of elements is not specified, meaning you are free to define how many elements this set will have, but don't be a faggot.

Biology is the study of life, and an applied form of chemistry. Programming has zero to do with life as there are no cells, DNA, etc. You could argue that DNA is technically a code, but no biologist is writing this genetic code from scratch. In biology there is life and chemicals. In programming there is only cold, lifeless data or something like that.

Interesting. What would the potential practical applications of an array be?

you are in for a wild ride kid, buckle up.

but I bet Biology has abstraction and operations, which is arguably be the core of programming
then again, I think almost all things can be broken down to abstractions upon other abstractions and the operations of them

I dunno man, you can look at Conways game of Life or Langton Ants to see how CS can behave in a similar fashion to Life.
There is a bunch of overlap and you could definitely better yourself by thinking of CS in terms of Biology.
Your program is an ecosystem and your data are organisms. An array has cells and you can think of external libraries as DNA controlling how your data behaves.

Yes, and epistemological philosophy is the backbone of all thought. That doesn't mean that the two fields in question are relatable in the same scale. I can learn chemistry because there are a massive amount of parallels to Biology. Programming merely has abstract concepts in common with Biology. While your argument is technically correct, the scope of what is relatable is such too broad. Direct equivalence in practicum is far more valuable than abstract concepts.

But a program has a clearly defined purpose, and everything is built with that purpose in mind. Life has no built in purpose, and the purpose must be defined by the user, who I guess is also the program itself? Getting out of my depth here I'll be honest... Programs are sterile, cut and dry pieces of data that perform a known function. Life is a constantly changing program that humans struggle to not only decrypt, but to find the purpose of.

Here you go you fat disgusting lazy slob, hope you choke on it, too. Don't even pay me.

#define ARRLEN 100
static unsigned arr[ARRLEN];

void makeArr();
void posDisplay();
void revDisplay();
void getAvg();
void findNum();

int main()
char input;
printf("\n[P]osition, [R]everse, [A]verage, [S]earch, [Q]uit\n");
input = getchar();
case 'P':
case 'p':
posDisplay(); break;
case 'R':
case 'r':
revDisplay(); break;
case 'A':
case 'a':
getAvg(); break;
case 'S':
case 's':
findNum(); break;
case 'Q':
case 'q':
return 0;
return 0;

void makeArr()
for(unsigned i = 0; i < ARRLEN; i++)
arr[i] = 15 + (rand() % 6);

void posDisplay()
for(unsigned i = 0; i < ARRLEN; i++)
printf("%d %d\n", i, arr[i]);

void revDisplay()
for(int i = ARRLEN - 1; i >= 0; --i)
printf("%d ", arr[i]);

void getAvg()
unsigned sum = 0;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < ARRLEN; ++i)
sum += arr[i];
printf("%d\n", sum/ARRLEN);

void findNum()
unsigned num;
scanf("%d", &num);
for(int i = 0; i < ARRLEN; ++i)
if(arr[i] == num)
printf("%d found at position %d\n", num, i);

Project euler problems of difficulty rating 50 and up

Don't quit mate, you'll regret it

What the fuck. Its been like 20 minutes. Are you even human?

Huh? I literally scribbled this down in 5 minutes. It's absolutely trivial. THis is why you don't cheat.
Also, I'm not making this easy on you. It's C11 and the program contains 3 hidden errors, only one of which potentially breaking.
Fix left as exercise to the reader.


>Life has no built in purpose
what about self-preservation?
if you go down to the cells, I'm sure that's the overall purpose between them is to stay alive

Did you know some of the best malware on the planet changes its own code on the fly upon different triggers?

I only became worse.
I contributed to several FOSS projects, work for 10 years now, but I have a feeling that I've stagnated. I have only marginal idea about new c++ features and haven't checked boost for ages.

C11 huh? Well I guess I have some reading up to do on just what that means. Thanks for the start.

>what that means

I'm cheating in an intro level class. What do you think? So these changes would be like nuclear receptors in a cell. What would be the programming equivalent of polymerization of nucleotides (fusing two A's, T's, G's, or C's together to make the code read incorrectly)?

At the cellular level that's the purpose, but at the organism or ecosystem level, that is not always the case...

Come see me in the ER in 5 years. I'll let you type up your own patient chart while I remove that bad dragon toy from your anus.

congrats, you can now get a job at starbucks

99% UI
1% algorithms

fuck this stupid monkey shit

I got a fucking brutal education for game programming consisting of 09:00-18:00 every day for two years, two courses at all times with personal assignments coupled with eight two-month projects in groups with level designers and artists. We had to make our own 3D-engine from scratch with DirectX at a gruelling pace the second year. Many days all the programmers just crunched through the night, working our knuckles raw. I was so close to give up at times, but looking back it was probably the most developing greatest most fulfilling part of my life, this coming from a married dude with a full-time job. Nothing compares to that fucking slaughter.

That's not the point. The point is to, for instance, change "while print " to "while send file in %USER% to "

>gets thrown out of university for cheating/failing C++ 101
Okay dic

I was asking a separate conceptual question there, not trying to expand on your point about malware.

Oh, I'm a third person not part of that convo.

I'd drop out then if I were you. If you're not enjoying it, then you're better off putting your energy into this. Seems like you have a knack for this.

The degree is mostly only good for convincing other people you're not complete shit, but you don't need to do that and even if you did, you could just show them your successful product.

that's all intro programming classes though
I remember getting 10 points because I failed to add the required range in the prompt, I just put a message saying that the number wasn't in range

In my fantasy I'm just a Janitor at the ER who is trying to help out an old friend, not a doctor.

Assignments that my lecturers gave me.

I have a Bio undergrad and can code in 4 languages. Natural sciences are mostly memorization. If logic were required women would fail out and the American nursing shortage would be far worse than it is.

For comedic reference I took Logic as a Philo major at a women's college and there was nothing more hilarious than watching women struggle with simple concepts. I implore you to look into it if you doubt my credibility.

>For comedic reference
>he has time in the day to live in a movie

Standford CS143: Compilers course resulting in compiler (non-optimizing and only MIPS assembly, but that's a space for later study) for a lang similar to OCaml and Java (not quite my cup of coffee but I went with it).
Simple forum website in Erlang.


It looks at patterns of logic. Names and syntax are not accounted for.

i know i'll regret it because i'll feel like i gave up, but is that as important as not being able to give all the time i need to give to this project?

people actually have problems with this level of assignments?
just fucking split it into subtasks and integrate it later
>how to generate random integer in given range
>how to fill on array with those random integers
>printing array content to screen
>reading simple input from user
>running something in loop
>matching the input to predefined set of answers and running according action
>terminating the loop
literally child play

I wrote a command interpreter and implemented scripting
That with reading the first half of SICP I was able to become a lot more knowledgeable

Another was a web server daemon many years a go
I learned all of the http 1.0 protocols
And I learned how tcp works since winsock wouldn't work

did an internship at the R&D department of an electronics company. they asked me to write a program in C++ with which they could see if a BGA chip worked properly.
it sends data to, and reads data from the chip. if both are the same, it werks.
the main reason why I learned so much was because I came in with zero experience in C++, I barely knew how to turn a led on and off with arduino.
they also taught me how to use Altium. it was a nice internship.

Made a 3D engine from scratch when I was still a beginner, went through hell but I acquired insane amounts of experience.


Is this user still here?

user, if you're here i'd like to help you. I could use the practice.

Not projects, but laziness.
I'm not renaming hundreds of files by hand when I can write a script that does it for me. Eventually .bat scripts evolved into .sh scripts, then .py scripts.
Now I'm learning actual programming languages (instead of scripting ones) to get to write plugins for software I use.


If you drop out now you'll be able to focus on your product and learn more on the job. Are you working on this alone?

I went to bed but I'm still monitoring this thread. My throwaway email is [email protected] if you want to contact me.

Meant to reply to

Currently working on a super secret hobby project thats about 11000SLOC

So far I've noticed the first chapter of the K&R book's exercises have really got my basic scripting down. Maybe that's not to a pro level but I guess I wasn't that amazing before it either. I do know now though that anything tagged 'easy' on r/dailyprogrammer is a walk in the park.

Same. Haskell taught me more about Java/C#/C++ than writing Java/C#/C++ ever did.

are there any good books/resources with simple project ideas? i am a bit tired of pushing integers in stack()