>women in tech
Women in tech
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Inspirational women who prove they can do anything boys can do -- better!
Is she actually going to jail or will she get the pussy pass?
Just read the book on theranos. The woman was a controlling narcassistic nutcase who uses those huge fuckoff eyes and the fake masculine voice to enchant and deceive people.
The reason they are such bad executives, and why women are bad executives in general is that it requires a huge amount of creative vision, as well as market understanding, product understanding and organizational skill to direct a corporation to great heights. It is genuinely a very demanding job if you work in a new area or an immature field.
Too bad women in tech makes programmer salaries cheaper by proxy.
Fuck you and your jail, you cis white piece of shit, trying to lock away your competition, because you know flowers don't bloom in dark boxes. I can smell your fear.
The rest of the world supports the strong leadership of fierce, confident women. We should be fostering them.
I want to put my seed on her
>either you haven't heard her talk or nigga u ghey
She won't talk with my dick in her month.
I'd ironically milk mumma su she's thick smart compassionate and seems like a genuinely happy nice older lady who don't need no Intel jew.
She thicc
What did she do?
T. Slowfag
This is only 3 examples, anons. I am not convinced.
Who is she?
Why isn't there more big titted thick Goth coder hacker waifus in tech? I thought this muh woman in tech shit would bring in a fuck load but it's all blimps and sticcs with even blander personalities
what's in the box?
How is that not a trans man that couldn't get hormones back in the day? She looks exactly like those old dudes that start their hormone therapy in their 50s.
Bitch looks like dobby
Don't u talk shit about mummy su
Made false claims about medical shit. They claimed they had developed a new technology to do full blood tests with only a tiny drop of blood, and a bunch of other shit that wasn't true at all. Her Theranos company scammed 9 billion dollars or so out of people's funding and investments. Then it went public that her idea was a lie, and she's hopefully going to jail soon.
I think there's one who helps develop Brave. She's asian too. Not sure about big tits tho
>women can't succeed in tec-
more like Tearanus
Post itt
So rare to find buxom built it babes
Kek at least she succeeded until she failed typical normie women lying and sleeping her way to the top just to have it cum all crashing down
She's basically the only girl I like in tech ticks all my boxes
>opedius complex mummy
>huge ass big tits decent belly
>cute nerd
Just the fact that she shit over Intel is hot enough then she goes and does decent stuff with Vega 7nm and navi and even pulls Vega 14nm out of the gutter with decent drivers (56 pulls near a 1080 g1 oc stock lol)
Absolutely based
pic related. Her name is Yan Zhu
here's more
I gotchu f a m
I like where this is going
Any body's shots?
Asians are literally Butterfaces the race
Is this the new incel thread?
She literally looks like one of those smut cartoon bimbos that everyone wants to fuck. God, her eyes lips and ears are huge. Her tones are bright and colorful.
Her entire existence is a mistake. She should be popping out clones.
best I could find so far after scrolling through tons of pictures of her rabbits
That is one ugly woman.
>implying every thread on this site isn't incels larping
That's a cool shirt shame she looks like a sticc
Mumma su fucks hard step off low test incel inside soicuck1155
That is one shit taste.
Does she dream in code?
When you allow people to work for the company due religious reasons rather than skill, soon enough you not only get your company fucked as you get the class you privileged fucked, as they get the fame of being bad at the job.
The retarded collectivist left did yet another blunder.
She dreams in s o y.
Are they related?
I don't into Twitter what's the exact content/context
>nvidia will unironically die in my lifetime
Lol leatherchads Chad's btfo
The only sphere women should apply is biotechnology, if you know what I mean
Some pink-haired chick posted an article about how testosterone is bad for men and makes them worse people or something, and she replied by suggesting men chop their balls off.
Again I don't get if she meant that comment as a joke or not
>investing billions into a 19 year old girl
What makes you think that?
Their lack of ability to get anything outside of the dying dedicated gpu market to take off and their 12nm sucking ass as well as 7nm nowhere to be found
wtf is this satanic bullshit?
literal autismos would fuck this creatura
Their data center stuff market is gonna get cannibalized in 2020 by Intel as well and amd have already started with 7nm vega desu
What do you think?
pointy buttplugs
>doesn't realize AMD has lower operation costs, and higher yeilds due in part to segmented processors
>thinks intel's low yeild, large die 10nm process beats out Samsung/GloFo & TSMC 7nm
Keep dreaming.
>dying dedicated gpu market
People actually believe this meme holy shit.
Lol k
That's exactly what I'm saying tho Intels 2020 gpgpu and next gen rtg will fucking shit over nvidias stuff.
Even pascal and Volta are starting to show their age with fuck huge dies
they actually are related, he is lisa's uncle
Lel the kikes at intel have been trying to build a GPU for like 15 years and they fail miserably every time
Better having tried and failed then to never try at all.
Vodoo and s3/matrox and all the others died so that amd and nvidia could live
Seems legit
why is there so many faggots larping as women on this board
post tits or gtfo fucking losers
She did what thousands of start ups do in SV every year. She made a few key mistakes:
1. Publicising it as a scientific breakthrough instead of a tech breakthrough (which is easier to bullshit about)
2. Entering a bleeding-heart industry (healthcare) that is closely watched and regulated by the government and civil bodies.
3. Bringing attention toward herself as a woman.
this noass faketit chink slut from reddit is repulsive tbf
Wtf they are
>He is the uncle of AMD CEO Lisa Su.[17]
Feels fishy to me.
compared to that tranny looking whale on the right, you are going to shit on sexycyborg? Really?
the environmental canarge produced by human impact.
also ironically an oil painting
Step aside for Granny Spanning Tree
bad genes if you skip the rubbers
ebert detected
fucking gross atleast wear a waist trainer
U can't even into natural women mate bellies are perfectly normal for her build
>muh APU
>on her
that's called bukkake
Basically every device on earth with a video out and or screen is a soc/apu even some servers and desktops
Standalone video cards are slowly going away
wow i didnt notice that caricature on the right, cyborg does look acceptable in the same picture
she should had invested on bitcoin
>your relative is coming ever closer to BTFOing you while also demolishing intel
I wonder how that feels
How much more likely is that they are working together?
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
She's a absolutely thread ripper
>tits on blue board
Would love to tell you but dont want to spoil it. Read (or get it on audiobook) Bad Blood.
Long story short, she promised a home blood testing kit that would be able to diagnose every disease but didn't know how to do that, turns out it couldnt be done, still promised it and scammed investors out of a fuck ton of money. Also sueing a lot of people, and she has an unhealthy obsession with Apple and Steve Jobs (to the point where she used the same marketing companies and made sure to schedule their meetings on the same day apple used to).
Her story was more about high level corruption in the military, rather than the fraud around the blood tester. Of course it's easier to blame everything on this retard.
stupid roastie post tits or FUCK OFF
>also ironically an oil painting
Oh God whyyyyyyyy D:
daily reminder this bitch sounds like a man
Put it her ass until blood starts to come out.