/ Daily Linux distro wars thread /

/ Daily Linux distro wars thread /

Why should everyone use your shitty distro?

>My choice is Ubuntu and everything based on it, because it's just werks.
>Literally every tutorial, every how to, every package first comes for Ubuntu.
>Choosing Ubuntu means you are smart and ahead of all other hipster dipshits that stuck with 2-3 year old software because they are "stable".

Attached: platform_linux-1.png (480x480, 23K)

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kubuntu, had to fix some small stuffs but it werks

use debian testing. ive been through arch gentoo debian stable and debian unstable and ive finally found a distro that is minimal and stable and still has new software.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

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Fuck GNU
t. Alphine user

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>hurt durr i love Canonical because corporations ftw
i hate ubuntu newbs. just go back to windows and leave us alone.

t. FreeBSD user

Search for linux how-to on popular internet search engine.
>arch wiki : superb exact concise
gentoo: ditto
>fedora forums: a different solution that works equally well.
>stack exchange : to much info but one of those responses is is what you're looking for.
>ubuntu: 12 responses from idiots who didn't even understand the question, and 4 other solutions that were well intentioned but probably actually ineffective or even harmful. If even one of these dolts has a solution, it's on page 14.

I'm still hoping you grow a brain one day.
Pulling for you, buddy. Cheers.


going to shill elementary because it's visually appealing (and pantheon is a piece of shit to configure on other distros) and underneath it's ubuntu LTS so it's really stable if you don't mind ancient packages

alpine xf86-video-vmware driver segfaults on X startup, great distro you got there


windows 7

Attached: A3F.jpg (1969x1231, 935K)

how do i find instructions for setting up pantheon on other distros/OSes?

my dream is to have pantheon running in FreeBSD or PureDarwin. it would be just like having a mac, but FOSS

>freebsd user
>complaining about ubuntu users
Fucking cuck piece of shit! Suck my dick, sjw.


Crux, because is the best distro!

>i’m not a noob!
>look at me complain about a CoC
>now let me install a new DE so i can look leet, cuz wtf is code or a command line

I really liked the way elementary looked, but I was running into issues with it which made me sad.

free watermelon

Are you using the image meant for virtualized guests?

>teaches you how to use a computer
>most minimal and sane distro (no bloat)
>most customizable distro to your tastes
>no botnet, your distro you choose what software you want, nothing preinstalled
>rolling release, always get newest software
>no bells and whistles, keep it simple stupid

Anything debian other than stable is a huge meme. Once you go testing or unstable debian becomes the most broken distro in existence where literally nothing works.

I use Void because its one of the few 32 bit distros that actually works well for me. Everything else aside from Xubuntu would give me major problems in the 32 bit iso, and I don't have a free as in freedom wifi card which leaves a lot of other distros out of the picture.

For any computer I use for work:

Debian stable with the backports repo.
Takes a while to set up, especially if you buy your components individually. After you set up though, it works well and never breaks. All the code (C, Octave, Fortran, Python) I write is very portable and I can depend on libraries working more-or-less the same across other operating systems.
5/5 highly recommend.

For personal use machines, just use whatever distro makes you happy. They are all linux and any statically linked code will work fine (assuming architecture is the same).


no i did an install from the rootfs tarball, not that it should matter as it’s probably related to the meme libc.

> Everybody at work using ubuntu
> Run update
> Fails to boot after starting up computer next time
> Problem lies in apt-get that fails to rollback kernel update and makes boot partition full because it doesn't remove any old kernel
"It just werks".

> Literally every tutorial, every how to, every package first comes to Ubuntu.
This is plain false. Arch has the biggest and greatest wiki. Ubuntu is one of the slowest distro to get packages. Those "tutorials" that tells you which ubuntu packages you need to install something is only there for ubuntu because ubuntu is missing a lot of packages in the package manager. For arch you dont even have to follow those "tutorials" as you can install the software directly from your package manager.
On ubuntu you need to hunt for repositories on the web, making software experience similar to windows, which is just awful.

As an example, compare these two:
As you can see, ubuntu makes simple things complicated and that's why you need your "tutorials".

>solution on page 14
My entire Ubuntu experience so far.

> learn about computers!
Ah yes, because following a guide on a wiki and typing "install (package)" teaches you so much about computers.

> no botnet!!
> tfw intel management engine, and proprietary kernel blobs/packages

Arch is overrated.

>Once you go testing or unstable debian becomes the most broken distro in existence where literally nothing works.
Nice meme. I've used Debian unstable for a while now and it just werks. On a laptop and desktop too.


>teaches you how to use a computer
>sane distro
>no bloat
>no botnet (what is systemd)
>kiss philosophy (implying arch follow the KISS philosophy)

Attached: 1495502939403.jpg (1024x768, 398K)

>no botnet
>comes preinstalled with systemd
Pick one

systemd is free software

any other fedora bros here?

Attached: bsdlinux.png (680x649, 500K)

Why are you riding towards a kernel?

>Red Hat approves this message
ugh corporate shills...

really like Pantheon but their super out of date packages are the reason I switched to Arch

fucking conformist

Manjaro xfce, it was made for brainlets, it looks nice and it is "lightweight"