Any FAANG employees here?
I'm a new grad starting on Monday at Facebook Seattle
Any FAANG employees here?
I'm a new grad starting on Monday at Facebook Seattle
howd u land the job?
what's your onions consumption quota?
Interned at Google after junior year, Facebook contacted me out of nowhere afterwards. Did well in my interviews because I had done so many at that point and was confident because I wasn't scared to fail anymore, I guess it showed
howd u land the internship?
What's FAANG?
I did some online Google coding challenge, got passed a certain level and a recruiter sent me an email shortly after
The companies in the OP + apple
I work in Amazon Logistics, currently in a Distribution center but I want to move up to a Fullfillment center and then into Amazon Robotics, or just say fuck it and go Amazon Game Studios.
Did you do I got in touch with a recruiter through that while working, went back for MS and got that recruiter to send me to intern recruiter. Did you still have to do the technical screens? What did you do to prep for those? Rehash CS fundamentals and do some Leetcode for prep?
How much do you make? I work in non faang in Seattle and make 165k cash per year as an entry level. Im curious how fb compares here vs the bay
Yes it was foobar
Yes I still had to do the phone screens, just did a bunch of leetcode for prep, then practiced solving them on paper
Seriously nigger
double whammy, sucks to be you OP
>not working in military aerospace as a civilian contactor
>not being able to smoke weed
>being on fbi/nsa watchlist
I don't engage in degenerate activities
they don't test us, costs too much to replace us.
everyone with a security clearance already is.
Starting at FB MPK in a couple months as an E5
Miller, is that you?
Why is Netflix included with the big boys? So it's not FAAG?
Because Netflix will give fucking newgrads 200k starting
So will Goldman Sachs. They should change it to FAAGG.
What about Microsoft?
>tfw work at MS
How much do FB new grads make in Seattle?
FAANG just means that it's considered a safe high growth stock to invest in. It doesnt matter how much they pay their employees. Netflix fits that bill apparently.
is that an ea18g growler?
Sucks being a Canadian software dev. Right now in a ""data scientist"" (read: distributed db system developer) in hope of doing it with Palantir in Ottawa, Amazon in Toronto or CSE/CSIS.
Keeping my head low, going to try to become a god and going to look for jobs within a year.
What do you get paid? Some dude on HN said he was up to 250k total comp at Amazon Ottawa as a senior/principal tier engineer. I'm SE2 (not at Amazon!) and making 80k with negligible RSU, feels bad
Right now? I'm still in school (finishing last courses) and just got a job as a data scientist for 67.5k which is laughably low (CDN). My last job, where I built a UI in ng2 and set up automation I made 70k a year (also while doing classes).
The reason for my choice is that I wrote a web scraper for to compare incomes of fullstack dev vs data scientists. Let me get on my PC to show you the histograms.
At my last job, 27 year old was making 110 as a UI dev. There are a ton of good paying companies here. You just have to not be a plebeian. Amazon/Palantir route = big money, but CSE/CSIS spy = security forever.
Why didn't you join Google?
No, F/A-18F.
Oops, meant for
>Amazon/Palantir route = big money
the absolute state of Canadians
look at OPs attachment dumbass
>tfw at a terrible company not making much money
Couldn't find a job at all
>not interning at fb your junior year and getting a 100k sign-on bonus when you return full-time
Mayhe one day I could become a gentoo nfo
burn in hell ph*neposter redditor
yup just went to the local gas station and bought these for my late night of fapping and watching anime on my thinkpad
>mom normal people are using my secret website again!
what model/specs
I'm a developer living in Calgary but working for a company based in Vancouver. Cost of living so high in BC that I won't consider moving, even if my boss decides to make everyone be in one office. There's no jobs in Calgary though ever since the price of oil collapsed 3 years ago.
This country is in a shitty situation; you can either choose to be unemployed or move to Van/Toronto and pay shitloads in rent.
Come to Ottawa. We have a comfy tech park in Kanata.
Sorry I don't speak frog.
Take out Netflix and put in Microsoft.
Netflix is just some shitty website that could be taken offline overnight by the big boys.
Netflix is literally replacing cable TV for millennial. The "big boys" (Amazon, Apple, Google) have been trying to compete with Netflix for years and have not gotten anywhere.
netflix literally pays 400k cash every year
>le epic clean your room man
fucking based dude! I love worshipping jews too! I even voted for based trump!
Literally no one speaks french here in tech. You're better of learning Russian.
why is botan best girl?
Will any of these companies let me work full time from my home with meetings maybe 4 or 5 times a year? I'm considering applying but I like having time for me.
lmao no, you work for these guys you put in some crazy hours
good question
That's what I thought, I guess I'll keep doing freelancing pays for my house and see what happens.
>Why is Netflix included with the big boys? So it's not FAAG?
Have you seen their stock price? They've ROI'd better than any of the others the last 12 months.
It's so that it spells "GNAA" backwards, as a sign of who they are. FaceBook = Jews, which is an honorary part of GNAA.
>So will Goldman Sachs. They should change it to FAAGG.
Goldman isn't on the NASDAQ dipshit.
>It's so that it spells "GNAA" backwards, as a sign of who they are. FaceBook = Jews, which is an honorary part of GNAA.
See above
Someone's jealous....
> in hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt and almost 30 to be a dentist
> will probably make less than some entry level devs
Enjoy slave laboring for zuckerkike you sellout piece of shit.
>going for a dead end growth medical specialization
It's like working for Micropajeet: pays well, but you're not going to hit the big time.
Should've done internal medicine/endocrinology/cardiology if you're in Ameriland. Lots of Amerifats waiting for their triple bypass.
If u still there my nigga, what Google coding challenges are we talking about?
I work for Intel in Hillsboro as a diversity officer.
Not even memeing.
>tfw working for Netflix at 450k a year at age 21
Lmao get fucked poorfags
i bailed on my final interview at facebook HQ because i realized am not a faggot (120k 1 yr contract)
Literally scroll up where I asked him if it was and he said it was
Update your resume
Nah I’m a NEET