/wdg/ - Web Dev Gen

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>Free beginner resources to get started
Get a good understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - a good introduction (independent of your browser choice)

>Further resources
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - excellent documentation for HTML, CSS & JS
github.com/kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap - Frontend+Backend learner-path suggestions

jsfiddle.net - Use this and post a link, if you need help with your HTML/CSS/JS

Attached: wdg.png (822x552, 868K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I just got asked in a job interview whether I knew Redux, naturally I said I have some experience with Redux and Mobx.

I'm now about to learn as much as I can about them in case they follow up on it, anything I should be particularly aware of?

Is Mobx as complicated as Redux with its reducers and reversible updates and things?

Redpill me on Elm


It's a very simple mailer though actually fully featured. It's ok now but it used to have issues where the university that owns the IP was being unreasonable.

Someone forked or cloned it as Pine (Pine Is Not Elm) and now everyone uses Pine instead. The issues with Elm were resolved when the owners came to their senses or replaced some idiot staff member or something and then adopted an open-source licensing model but by then it was too late and we all use Pine now.

Whats the link of the Jow Forums api again?
Yes I'm gonna use Jow Forums-related stuff in my portfolio.

Jow Forums 10 years ago is full of epic threads, "notorious threads", "epic raids", "real-deliveries", etc. It was really an ocean of piss and I like it. I wouldnt want it on my portfolio back then.

Jow Forums these days is nothing but frogposting.
Check out /b/ : instagram facebook """fap""" threads. Nothing but millenial normie shit oldfags wouldnt even give a damn. Reddit has turned more hardcore than this site. Thats why I wont hesitate using Jow Forums api as part of my project portfolio because this site is harmless as fuck nowadays

Jow Forums ruined the Jow Forums image though. You don't want Jow Forums shit in your portfolio- it's bad optics.

He could get lucky and score a job with a racist boss.

If you've used React+Reduc+some type system, it's basically the same thing except with Haskell-y syntax. Also the tooling is fantastic.

See above, I recommend you try a small project in Elm first as it allows you too little room for error and has much cleaner syntax around actions, reducers and side effects. Once you get a hang of the architecture moving to any other event sourcing type state management much easier.

I don't understand. I thought ++ after the value always increase the number.

Attached: Screenshot_3.jpg (860x682, 75K)

Are there any other frameworks like Angular that have their own tutorial. I really liked the Tour of Heroes, got me somewhat familiar with the changes.

Guitar Hero


Why is it returning what it is and not

// [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [10, 9, 8, 7, 6], [11, 12, 13, 14, 15], [20, 19, 18, 17, 16], [21, 22, 23, 24, 25]]


++variable increments the variable on the same line
variable++ increments the variable afterwards

let a = 0;
console.log(a++ === 1); // false
console.log(a); // 1
console.log(a === 1); // true

let b = 0;
console.log(++b === 1); // true
console.log(b); // 1
console.log(b === 1); // true

missing ++a and ++b

Here's a roadmap to React development. One missing portion is static site generation, and the top options there are Gatsby, React Static and next.js (with next export)

Attached: roadmap.png (1572x3028, 503K)

What's an abstract class in PHP? What's a real world example in which someone would use it.

Are there places similar to Dribbble or Behance but dedicated entirely to web developers where I could see someone's work, search by keywords (e.g. 'front-end', 'WooCommerce') and be able to contact/hire them and it's not on the level of Freelancer or Fiverr? Thank you in advance.

An abstract is just a class that you'll never create an instance of. You use it when you intend to subclass it for various purposes and actually create instances of the subclasses.

I often have an abstract Controller class, which has route handling code and debug methods etc. Then it's subclasses for the actual route controllers.

This reply explains it pretty well:

What's the difference between an abstract class and an interface?

(Thank you btw, that explanation was very clear)

The main difference is that interfaces are outside the inheritance system and more like some functionality that you bolt on to a class.

You can only have one parent class but you can have many interfaces.

It's gonna take some time to digest that one, but thank you user. I greatly appreciate it

That's not a great explanation because I don't have as clear as understanding of interfaces as I do of abstract classes and OOP concepts. I use them but only when I'm forced to. I've always felt that their role in PHP is a little vague and that I've always been missing something there.

I understand that completely. Up till now I've just been doing my own thing in PHP without following any rules (I think that's called procedural programming?). It's pretty embarrassing and I want my code to finally look a bit more respectable, so I'm studying up on concepts that I've long neglected.

The reason PHP has a bad rep is that it lets you do whatever you want, which includes make bad decisions.

PHP supports very clean and structured code, it also supports dirty and haphhazard code. The web is built on a lot of both types.

I'd suggest you use some Laravel, it has a good reputation for code structure etc.

I was thinking of messing around with Vanilla OOP PHP first for a while. Do you think that's a good idea? I found a tutorial on youtube for building a login system using OOP PHP which I thought I'd watch. It's 4.5 hours and seems to have good ratings.

But I know that if I were to build my own thing, that having to create an email verification system and everything from scratch would be a lot of work. I heard that Laravel already has that.

I'm not being very clear. I guess my current objective is to learn the fundamentals of good coding practices, which I assumed would mean I'd have to study vanilla stuff first rather than jumping into a framework. Am I wrong in assuming that? Would you recommend just jumping straight into Laravel?

One question from retarded code-illiterate.
I'm on FF 56. I have FT DeepDark.
How do i access FT DeepDark to modify some color schemes? I have Notepad++ if that is of any help regarding this extension, however i don't know where to look for the juice.

1. Download xpi
2. extract with winzip or whatever
3. find .css file
4. ???
5. Profit

You have to find the location of the theme on your computer. Here's a resource for when you do:


Although that might only be for the default skin, it probably still applies for when you find the .css of the theme you;re using. I dunno, google around for firefore theme devving.

I don't know anything about web dev but I know a lot about Haskell, would Elm be a good place to start?

is there a bookmarklet or something to change a website's fonts to sans? like hit shift-F2 and input something?

Ah i managed to find it and i unpacked the .jar to find shitloads of stuff. Thanks anyhow.
Now new questions:
- After making my modifications, does re-zipping it and then renaming the zip into .jar and afterwards replacing the original jar do the trick?
- Is there a plugin for Notepad++ which has a color code ID preview like stylus does (pic related)? So i can much more quickly visually identify what i want to change.

Attached: 2018-07-07_175019.png (298x734, 21K)

.jar? I don't know about NP++, haven't used that in years.

Whatever text editor you use, or if you know of any that does have it, does it have that shit with color preview next to color code?
I'd find it very helpful.

I use sublime, there are a few plugins like that, I haven't tried all of them but checking now there's this one called "Color highlighter" and looks like this.

Attached: colors.png (266x134, 14K)

Noice, thanks.

Thank you. I understood.

Hey /wdg/, is your code tasty?

Attached: torvalds.jpg (1280x720, 215K)

Man what's the best way for someone to become a competent JS developer with knowledge of all these frameworks and libraries?

You get started, run into a problem..Think "there must be an easier way to do this.." and then you find a library to solve that problem.

If you don't understand the use of something and you just use it because other people do then you're missing the point of it in the first place.

>literally a fucking roadmap

Fuck IE11. That is all.

Is Freelancing webdev even a thing in 2018?
People are making website dirt cheap and there are tons of easy framework to make website quickly.
Whats the point now, career wise?

So I am using nuxt and when I refresh my get token disappears what do?

Truth is most people can't even make a website using a drag and drop interface. That's how skilled the average person is in IT.

It is, but most of the work is acquiring clients and if you can't do that, it ain't the career for you.

It's not IE's fault. It was actually a pretty good browser for its time.
The blame lies with sysadmins refusing to upgrade from it and the big websites' refusal to make changes to their website that break in IE out of fear of losing customers.
If they made these changes, the sysadmins would be forced to change the company browser.

In the end, once again, lazy sysadmins are to blame. No surprise. They LOVE holding progress back in the name of lazyn- I mean stability.

finna buxt a nuxt

The worst thing is when they discover WordPress.
"Oh my god, so I can just install this plugin, and it does the thing I want?"
And then eventually they employ you to take a look at their website, why it's so slow and so buggy, and they have almost 100 plugins installed, all messing with each other and overriding each other and making hundreds of sequential HTTP requests before each page load.
Fuck the pleb trying to actually do things on their own.

I made website

next: SSL or vulnerabilities pointed out by /wdg/

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Well also antitrust suits put a screeching halt on the real improvements IE was looking to push forward which just encouraged more sysadmins to keep the system 'as-is'.
Thankfully the world has changed since.

Now if only browser makers worked together more, for accuracy sake.

Attached: same div.jpg (1200x800, 35K)

Freelance web dev is literally just scamming normies with your wordpress template generated sites, it's more about selling yourself and finding clients than it is actually about the code.

Anyone who needs a real web dev will likely just contract someone with actual experience, or find remote work etc.

Also it's a shit career path because being a wordpress freelancer is the bottom % of web dev, and as tech advances the bottom % is always cut out and you have to advance to stay relevant. The only way to avoid it is by what they do now, scamming retard normies with their promises of "Bespoke world renowned CMS, Perfect SEO™ etc etc" but everyone who has heard of wordpress knows it's literally just installing a theme and changing the text to whatever the client asked for.

With a bit more adverting and a few years of time wix/squarespace will BTFO Wordpress, and freelancers will have to actually learn to code to provide customized solutions based on what a client can't find on WYSIWG

You have been wordpresspilled

also how do I do proper logging
using nginx, ubuntu digitalocean

I made a webshop for a client recently.

>the client pre-picked the webhost
>decide to stick with it
>turns out the hoster doesn't even provide sufficient resources for wordpress to run properly, so I can't enable auto-update
Oh boy
>the woman never clicks the update button
Ooooh boy

Where the fuck do I put the license for a 3rd party lib? They have a license file, should I just keep it in there on the lib's folder?

put it where they put it, ya ding dong.
Or anyhow, put it wherever you'd like. The reason for having it would be if you became involved in litigation, in which case you'd present the license and show how you followed it. So it doesn't really matter.

not a lawyer, talking out my ass, but that's right, right?

Just make a long page for your cookie policy / privacy policy / terms of use / 3rd party licenses and so on. And put the link to that page in the footer.

What does the -p stands for in virtualenv -p python3 envname

>new to php
>search for the simplest file upload percentage indicator (just like the one Jow Forums uses) and one that I can also read and understand without jquery getting in the way
>vomit inducing "animated" gaybar progress bar scripts appear endlessly when visiting ShitOverflow and google in general
>all of them use jquery no matter what

I fucking hate progress bars, I fucking hate jquery and I fucking hate "animated" SHIT.

I'm about to fucking end my life Jow Forumsents, can a seasoned web dev advice me here? Is it a crime to have a minimalist upload progress indicator these days?

Attached: 645646.jpg (576x521, 41K)

I'm following this guide to use a google cloud environment but the shit won't let me install the dependencies used in the cloned git repository locally


// clone and go to project
git clone github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/python-docs-samples.git
cd python-docs-samples/appengine/flexible/django_cloudsql

// install gcloud SQL proxy to work locally with the database
curl -o cloud_sql_proxy dl.google.com/cloudsql/cloud_sql_proxy.darwin.amd64
chmod +x cloud_sql_proxy
// ... create SQL instance, a database and a user for that database ... //

// ... modify settings.py with my instance ID and user credentials ... //

// run app
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

// requirements.txt

// not working so I decided to install them one by one, Django works but not mysql client, pic related

Any idea what's going on?

Attached: 13.png (747x297, 94K)

I need to develop an ecommerce website for an aunt, which backend should I use?

I only know about flask but I've heard about node, problem is I don't know anything about it.

How do you plan to serve a dynamic loading bar from static pages generated on the server exactly?

Not a fancy bar just something that tells me the %

And instead of being a smartass elaborate because as I said I'm new to web dev.

Don't fucking make an eccomerce website for relatives. You'll have to be their maintenance person for the rest of the website's life. Chances are they'll always expect you to be available, will expect you to do it for free, and will always blame you for how poorly the business is doing online.

The only exception is if they're fairly paying you for the site, and you make it clear about maintenance fees. But even then, not a good idea. Even as a portfolio piece I think it's bad practice.

I'm not being a smartass lad. OK, so when you make a request to the server where your PHP stuff is in what happens is that that code is run to generate a static page and then the server returns that page, there's no more code running, the code runs only once, after that all you've got is the resulting page. If you want to do something that runs dynamically like that there's no other option but to write some JavaScript code.

And to answer your question, just use WordPress + Woocommerce.

what about shopify

Yeah I get it, but pure JS none of that jquery crap.

I know that you have to get the progress key from the uploading file and then JS has to display it somehow.. but this is where I'm stuck with endless jquery solutions but none minimalist pure JS ones.

Attached: 1380831700518.gif (203x200, 635K)


Here you go, no jQuery.

Basically, it’s a class that you won’t instantiate, but that you want to have methods, with or without bodies, that are accessible in classes that extend from it. If you create methods without bodies, they will have to be overridden in child classes.

You have to pay a monthy fee for shopify. I don't have experience with it, but it seems like a good option for people with no devving experience.

If I had a small business and had no website experience then I'd go with shopify. I think they handle hosting too so it seems great for the price. ($30 a month?). Another option is namespace but I know even less about them.

I was completely clueless as to where to start I was going to code a site to manage products and the main site, thanks user!

Can you recommend me something else to look into?

PS: I won't be maintaining it fuck that shit.

Abstract classes are like interfaces that can have method implementations. Interfaces can only define what methods must be defined. Interfaces are nice to make sure that certain instances of classes can be used for certain things. For instance if you had a LoggableInterface, you might define a method called getLoggableString that you would then have to implement on all classes implementing that Interface.

Do not, under any circumstances use Laravel before you have a firm grasp of PHP. I was interviewing for a mid level PHP dev recently and this guy with three years of experience with Laravel cam in and couldn’t answer some rudimentary PHP questions. He kept answering, “I could do it in Laravel.” If you want a framework to start with, try Phalcon. It has all the MVC goodies, it’s fast as shit, and it won’t abstract away all the functionality of PHP so that you don’t just learn the framework, you actually learn PHP.

What's your current skillset in regards to webdev?

You'll need WordPress which is the CMS (custom management system), you'll need Woocommerce (The ecommerce plugin for WordPress), then you'll need a Theme that's compatible with Woocommerce. There are a lot of them around; if you need something more specific then you can create your own but it takes a bit of work. It all depends on your current skillset.

Most of my freelance contracts have been based around me creating custom Themes. If you wanted, you could design a website in photoshop, send me the .PSD and I'd convert it to a wordpress/woocommerce theme. Of course I'd charge you, but I'm assuming you're not looking to delegate that work to someone else. So I reccomend YouTube tutorials on creating custom themes. It'll probably take a couple weeks to get the hang of it if you already have PHP experience.

P.S. Oh yeah, you'll still need to find a hosting provider. I personally use a VPS because it's the best solution. The downside to that is you need to have a solid understanding of UNIX and SSH to be able to do anything. So the learning curve is high. I'd just recommend generic shared hosting for you.

I don't know much, mostly frontend stuff like bootstrap html, css and javascript and some libraries. I've stayed away from PHP but I think I can manage to build a theme

I've built small apps in flask with sql but that's about it.

I can handle the vps, I'd like to get to know what's in demand right now

What do you mean you'd like to know what's in demand right now? Are you looking for employability? If so then you need to be more specific about either frontend or backend. As a frontend developer you need to know React right now. As a backend developer it varies, you need to pick a backend language and truly master it.

Look around the internet for general design inspo. There are lots of websites. I think Behance has some good website designs.


Idk man there's so much shit out there, so many libraries I don't even know where to start and for backend I suppose there are some solutions that are better depending on your project.

What's in demand would be what's absolutely necessary or what people are moving into, e.g. react dint have that much attention in the past.

Would you say it's necessary to choose either frontend or backend? Can't you know about both?

Whats the job outlook like, guys? Especially front end, but I'd be cool with full stack as well.

On Android how do I get the video from a website and ask the user which video player app they want instead of using the embedded chrome web player?
Is there an API I can use or what?


Attached: 1475655238313.jpg (750x732, 75K)

How much would you expect a junior to know in a language?

Things like closure, promises, currying, recursion etc, are they more "intermediate" level things to understand?

Maybe you should concentrate on learning OOP first then.

Are you guys into react? Trying to learn it from scratch. Here's what I want to do:

Have a left-side menu bar thing, and a main content area. Both of these areas can change to different components based on routing independently of each other. Is this possible? If so, how?

generally expecting nothing unless the recruiting was strict and proper

Have you tried jQuery?

To expand, here's what I mean. Also feel free to tell me if this is retarded and there's a better way to do what I want. I don't know how you're supposed to structure react apps.

const app = () => (


i once wanted to get into react but the thought of mixing js and html more than once in code disgusts me

I used to think like you, but after I tried it I realized it's actually logical in the way it works in React.

The sidebar should have the tags and the main element div should have the routes. The tags render the component if the path matches, otherwise the content is hidden.



Well but then the left menu is always static. That's not what I want, I want it to be dynamic based on the route. I guess this works? But is this a sensible way of doing it?

const app = () => (


>How much would you expect a junior to know in a language?
> Things like closure, promises, currying, recursion etc, are they more "intermediate" level things to understand?
You should have a strong grasp of all graduate level concepts, that includes all the things you just listed there and a bunch of other stuff.
I'd expect a few projects completed as part of your degree, that's standard.

I guess how strong a grasp depends on the university and the company, the tier-1 companies can demand honours level students but the rest will (or should) be more realistic.

It's ok to be kind of slow to start shit because you haven't been churning out projects like the developers with industry experience but you should know all the fundamental concepts.

Isn't that like 4 years of programming experience?
I hardly consider people with that much experience junior, I'm not even at a year yet.

Is this the kind of quality you get in debt for half your life for these days?

>Isn't that like 4 years of programming experience?
>I hardly consider people with that much experience junior, I'm not even at a year yet.
A fresh graduate is not the same as "graduate with 4 years experience".
When we say experience, we mean industry experience.
University isn't experience, it's learning.

A junior should have 3-4 years learning but doesn't need experience.
I could accept a graduate with 4 years industry experience as a mid-level developer.