Hurr Durr I hate microsoft fucking microsoft please windows dieeeee
lol ur still using windows and MICRO$SOFTTT???? LEEELELELELLELE
> 8 out of 10 Linux users use pic related
Hurr Durr I hate microsoft fucking microsoft please windows dieeeee
lol ur still using windows and MICRO$SOFTTT???? LEEELELELELLELE
> 8 out of 10 Linux users use pic related
Other urls found in this thread:
This is really shitty bait.
but it's true
>professional tells me to use visual studio
>"Also buy visual assist for $99"
> > 8 out of 10 Linux users use pic related
So you tell me it's as widespread as Systemd.
Nobody uses that piece of bloated shit, kys shill
neovim for life
I do and I love it.
Hi nobody
I use it on a daily basis, better than any editor I have tried before. It may feel a little bit sluggish in the beginning but after a while you get used too it. There are just too many useful features to use something like Sublime instead.
>useful features
Yep, all that telemetry and phoning home sure is useful for microsoft.
Its open source and has great extensions.
If only it ran on arm it'd be perfect
its pretty gud oss, y not use it
if i wasnt so used to intellij id prolly use it
turn it off faggot, it's like you've never used MS before
>open source
>if only it ran on arm
Compile from source yourself faggot
how do you disable the botnet on vsc?
>8 out of 10 Linux users use pic related
>half of it is for javascript
I use vim like a normal person.
>using any Electron programs
>thinks MS cares about your settings
You can't.
>written in jamalscript
Microsoft is slowly eating linux in desktops
surely severs will stay
One of my programming professors worked at Microsoft before. At one point he told us about how they had him lazy load the dll files (I think) so that it would SEEM like VS started loading faster.
He really didn't like that job.
VS Code is not the same as VS 2017.
>neovim for life
Short way of saying I'm too brainlet for Emacs
>8 out of 10
show me those statistics
also vs code isn't really a harmful product like some of the others are
if people who choose to buycott microsoft use vs code it's hypocritical though
Wrong. They're prepping their users for the day when Microsoft has to ditch it's 30 year old clusterfuck of code and move towards a Linux based system. Expect it. You niggers think Redhat is bad, wait until you get a load of this shit.
>site has 400+ JS errors
Yeah, sure. Remember Yzis?
8 out of 10 linux users do not use C++
>At one point he told us about how they had him lazy load the dll files (I think) so that it would SEEM like VS started loading faster.
Did your professor think optimizing a program is cheating or something?
I use Linux, Vim and VS Code. I don't hate Microsoft, but some of their divisions are headed by scumbags, some of their decisions are stupid and some of their products are written by complete idiots. Same can be said of any corporation so...
Also >>>/reddit/
Imagine being this autistic against Microsoft.
Visual studio is literally the worst fucking piece of shit bloatware Ive ever seen. Why do people unironically use / defend this?
>t. emacs user
short way of saying "I'm too retarded to get used to vim bindings"
>oh my god guise they gave me a text editor for webshit for free, maybe they aren't so bad guise, why are you so bitter guise why don't you forgive them everything terrible they've ever done
You are so easy to buy.
I've actually started using more than I use atom
when I was there a few people were joking about using slave labor to maintain the parts of windows that they couldn't get any of the staff or even contractors to work on. And that was in 2007.
what if they weren't joking
It's Visual Studio Code, not Visual Studio.
Though yes, it's a electron program so of course it's bloated. It is also a nice editor if you don't give a shit about ram usage.
They'd only switch to a Linux distro if said distro was able to run 99.999% of win32 programs (= If they made a wine that actually works).
And you know what, I don't think anyone would mind that. Nobody, except for Windows Admins likes Windows for the OS.
>what are H1B visas
[citation needed]
If I want an Electron based editor I'll use Oni and at least get real Neovim underneath.
>if you dont give a shit about RAM usage
lol that memory usage
brainlets who don't understand how ram works
t. brainlet who defends his poorly written OS
page swaps are slow
less used memory => less page swapping
low memory usage => running faster
reminder that if your editor doesn't fit a L2 cache it's a webshit-level trash
>file explorer
>shitzure + js
>more settings
>database features
>js debugger
>js debugger
>literally code formatter that everything can do
what a great website
I know full well how ram works. That's why I said it. If you're on a low end computer with limited resources you might not want your text editor to cause your system to start swapping.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
I use Vim binding actually, check what spacemacs is. Btw you really are a brainlet, with superiority complex at that.
Modal editing is efficient, but Vim is shit editor. If it wasn't there would be no need for neovim.
And Emacs can become any of those editors, but they can't become emacs.
But my first comment was just to fuck with you a little man. It's just a fucking text editor, tool to get job done. Jow Forums is full of fucking fanboys. Who gives a fuck what editor you use if it does what need to be done.
>source: my ass
10 out of 10 OPs are faggots.
guess I got outplayed
>literally advertisement for Microsoft by 2 Microsoft employees
does this piece of shit make you sign in like visual studio?
b-but linus said
no, because it's not visual studio
I don't know many Windows admins that like windows as it stands now, hopefully things like Hyper-V make it to the linux side, one of the few good things they ever made.