Attached: MICROSOFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.png (366x366, 72K)

Other urls found in this thread:


what game where you playing mate?

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Don't use W10 you retard.

shut up retard mac sucks

Install GuixSD.

Hop to LTSB already, mainstream Windows (and everything windows for that matter) is a sinking ship

quads checked m0

Attached: bush.png (500x357, 54K)

NixOS is better.


Wow, people here are really bad at using windows

shut the fuck up faggot
how dare you come into my thread

>You hold it wrong

Is it just me or does it seem like Windows 10 is for advanced users only? Like, everyone is just too retarded to configure it or some shit, especially the people that shitpost(advertise) it on Jow Forums
It's kinda sad honestly

Jow Forums threads are for everybody :)

no its my thread so i make the rules.
and the rules say that i dont want you here >:(

>group policy editor??
>fuck that, I'm going to Linux

Just seems the wrong way...

>uninstall bogus "apps"
>don't get random shitty popups
wow that was hard

Attached: 1365711614866.jpg (500x750, 46K)

I only follow 12 rules, buddy. Yours isn't one of them

Attached: oops.jpg (394x412, 29K)

gotta fuck those bitches man :)

haha yeah i like it :)
i say you are allowed in the thread now

You're shitposting this very moment.

>Winkiddie playing vidya gaemz

Color me surprised.

piss off old man go play with your fucking pebbles

>shut up retard mac sucks
Of course it does, that's why everyone uses W7.

>that's why everyone uses W7.
He says while the Windows 7 install base rapidly decreases.

Attached: file.png (512x591, 45K)

What’s gonna happen when Microsoft releases its final Win7 security patch and it becomes another dead ancient OS like XP?


haha what a hack

Attached: download (1).jpg (275x183, 10K)

stop bumping the thread. let it die

>he says as he bumps the thread

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Based kickball triggering those who didn't make it to the quarter finals.

>he didn't switch everything off

Only yourself to blame fammilam

All the people who aren't updating Win7 won't care.

You agreed to this when you voluntarily agreed to the EULA.

Enjoy being part of an actual botnet

What's the problem?
This board is for tranny homosexuals and nothing is as tranny as a sport of adult men with high-schooler haircuts wearing high socks and rolling on the floor constantly from the immense pain of the wind blowing in the wrong direction or a butterfly brushing against their skin.
To add upon the aforementioned soccer players have that physique of thin and slender twinks which even attracts Kevin Spacey as a big fan of the sport.
This homo sport made for Jow Forums. Why would you whine about it being advertised on Windblows 10?

lol wtf im fat

Lose some weight and get some proper masculine muscle on you then.

Neither Mac nor GNULinux have soccer ads.
Neither turn off by themselves either.

>What’s gonna happen when Microsoft releases its final Win7 security patch and it becomes another dead ancient OS like XP?
>not writing your own security patches
Spoken like a true winbaby

What's a highschooler haircut?

Neymar the Eternal Infant in an Adult's Body as an example.

Do you seriously have enough free time to do that?

>tfw summerfags like OP are still using windows

Attached: 1530939065322.jpg (550x512, 41K)

Yeah Balotelli and Bale are absolute twinks.

I highly doubt anyone here has a zoomer haircut like this

Attached: Neymar-Real-Madrid-transfer-983627.jpg (590x350, 38K)

Those are homosexuals if there ever existed any.

OP here.
I'm using VFIO with NixOS and Windows 10 :)

Even Microsoft knows IT'S COMING HOME

its actually winter here in New Zealand

No, it's just people on here are luddites. They think once something works, it should stay like that forever. While tech is racing forward and leaving them behind. By the time they give in and switch to Windows 10, Windows 11 will be out and once again they'll be behind.

Why does this shit never happen to me then? I think you're baiting and/or full of shit, OP.

>not installing botnet update now means joining a botnet
get out retard

same. I was playing new vegas

Some one is having a bad day?

>Literally has a checkbox for ads in the OS
I'll never use win10 outside a vm

Nope. Windows has been consistently escalating the bullshit required to get the OS out of the way and use your applications since Windows 98SE. It's radioactive trash from a code quality perspective. At some point it stops being worth putting up with their bullshit. Linux is currently the only serious alternative given how badly OS X and Mac hardware have stagnated.

amongst normalfags and tech illiterates

I've disabled updates in registry on my laptop and it still updates from time to time and hassles me about having updates disabled. I also saw this soccer shit.

It's just you. Windows 10 is for prajeet by prajeet, street shitter

Why are you using a stock install of windows 10?

Fucking plebs. You can make it useable and it's actually quite good stripped down. Better than 7.

It's not bad but unfortunately you do have to be a advanced user to make it not pozzed.

A decent compromise if you're not very skilled is to run destroy windows spying and shutup 10 after that to disable all the bs

Mac OS X has NOT stagnated. They're using the newest Intel chips and code written exclusively by Mac OS X engineers optimized for the hardware. Linux does NOT have that level of optimization, period, ever.

>better than 7

Attached: 4kb.jpg (4096x2304, 674K)

t. butt blasted itoddler

>they're back the next day

Attached: 1485893284235.jpg (845x845, 56K)

Everyday I regret more and more for not sticking to 8.1 Enterprise. True perfection.

Maiden Rape Assault : Violent Semen Inferno


>he didn't installed ltsb 2015

Attached: snapshot_23.53_[2016.09.27_06.50.42].png (1920x1080, 2.19M)

Just be a good goy and you won't have any "problems".

That not even the right option, there's more than one

>Unironically using windows

Can you redpill me on Nix OS? My manager uses it. He wouldn't give me reasons why he likes it when I asked

> Muh gaymes

git: the distro

>not using quiet hours to hide notifications when fullscreen or at all

/v/ toddler here:
>win10 never ceases to annoy, forced reboots, pop-ups, wakes up from hibernation to send my info to MS hq
>linux mint/nigbuntu JUST WERKS, until it doesn't, peripherals are a nightmare, and sometimes shit just breaks for no apparent reason leaving non-wizards fucked
I'm installing Win 8.1, it's malware but it at least bothers to pretend it isn't, and it WORKS.
Also fuck Macs in their gay ass.

poster status= buttmad

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I tried to jump to Linux MANY times over the years, and system just isn't ready for desktop usage, unless you started your computing experience with it, or have shitload of spare time to deal with its poorly assembled distros: even oldest ones like Debian are full of shit.
Just use 8.1 with Classic Shell, it's probably the best modern desktop OS.

Linux might become viable if they ever decide on a united approach, which I don't see happening

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We've come to the same conclusion then. I hope someone powerful enough to harness all the neckbeards autism shows up, it's so close to the YEAR OF THE LINUX DESKTOP, yet for noobs it's still as far away as ever.

>actually using windows 10
match made in heaven, and nothing of value was lost

Use eastcoast.hosting/Windows9/
You get all the kernel improvements of Windows 8.1 and security patches until 2023 while keeping the epic windows 7 look.

Don't use focus assist, it causes a lot of fullscreen applications to freeze when alt tabbing.