*fetch thread

"and now it's saturday" edition.
man, STGSTV is a great fuckin' album. pretty alien and a bit iffy on the ears, but it tends to be comfy as hell.

Attached: stgstv.png (1024x768, 906K)

I like the color scheme

Attached: Artix_Desktop2.png (1920x1080, 1.2M)

How's this? :^)

Attached: kek.png (1920x1080, 1.25M)

Attached: Screenshot 2018-07-07 at 19.48.51.png (1920x1200, 3.11M)

Attached: Screenshot_20180707-113542.png (2560x1440, 196K)


Attached: fetch.png (413x206, 7K)

Attached: fetch.png (705x274, 9K)

Attached: op is a faggot again .png (2134x3840, 187K)

yo jed nice colors, no more void?
nice colors and music player

Attached: scrot_2018-07-07-48_1366x768.png (1366x768, 235K)

Attached: scrot_2018-06-17-26_1366x768.png (1366x768, 1.47M)

gaye shit comin in

Attached: Screenshot (206).png (4480x1440, 950K)

that's not a fetch

how isnn't it?
Fetch on right screen

Attached: scrot_2018-07-07-38_1366x768.png (1366x768, 197K)

im open to suggestions and improvements

Attached: 2018-07-07-152345_1920x1080_scrot.png (1920x1080, 421K)

can I be the first to suggest getting a real os?

Attached: isac's fourth pc.png (1920x1080, 1.93M)

like what? i like using lubuntu. its lightweight, takes 10 seconds to start up, no screen tearing, alot of package support, about 280mb of ram on idle for me, and on my netbook it does 180 mb of ram on idle. what OS do you have in mind?

nice and fresh

Attached: Screenshot_20180706_233846.png (3840x1080, 309K)

I love my new WM

Attached: screenshot.png (1366x767, 226K)

nice font, maybe change ur colors, add some terminal padding, and look into ricing that bar or getting a new bar.

10 second startup is trash tier. My poorfag laptop in 2005 could start in 1.5 seconds to X and used like 20 MB RAM on idle even in 2009

Ubuntu is so fucking gay. If you make an OS so easy to use that niggers can use it, only niggers WILL use it...

Attached: 54MB.pn g.png (1280x800, 129K)

Attached: Windows.png (2560x1080, 213K)

i don't know of a window manager that uses 20 mb of ram idle.. i'm new to linux about like a month and ubuntu has been good to me so far. what's so bad about it?

stop cherry picking you dumb ass

you are only using your web browser with a fucking window manager and not everyone wants a window manager and run one piece of software at a time

you are what we call a basic bitch

do you have a reccommended bar?

And you're a nigger who'd use at least 300 MiB to do the same while bragging about it.

Honestly just kill yousrelf.

Kill yourself, bloat nigger.

dude what the hell is wrong with you i'm asking you for advice i haven't even been rude to you and you're tellin me to kill myself the fuck man i just wanted to know what's best im new to linux

>dude what the hell is wrong with you i'm asking you for advice i haven't even been rude to you and you're tellin me to kill myself
I hate retards that cannot research things on their own. Total nigger behavior and I hate niggers.

I'm sorry mate but welcome to Jow Forums


>arguing with tripfags
Tard. Stop.

Attached: gnomeme.png (1366x768, 475K)

back to Jow Forums you schizophrenic pants on head retard

WIP i guess :c

shit ffs fuk me i cant even into i tell ya why i oughta i just

Attached: 1507711874424.png (1366x768, 1.29M)

You have to go back (to Africa)

There's already a desktop thread you fucking cretin

i am whiter than you will ever be you sharter fuck

nah. i might go back to it another time, but i've heard an ok amount of things about manjaro that piqued my interest. it's not that bad, desu.

>Jow Forums - Technology

you know you're arguing at a winfag right? everything he says is invalid especially about bloat

I doubt it I'm pure Merican

Attached: 20180707_145047 (Large).jpg (1440x1080, 270K)

That floor is disgusting

it's just unfinished floor

oh, almost forgot;
user, i... i hate to break it to ya, but this is one of the more 'feels wrong' rices in here. i can understand if this is supposed to be a more productive rice instead of a Jow Forums e-peen one, but fuck, man, you gotta get some aesthetics in your everyday cycle either way.
first--ditch that font. either that, or just make it smaller by, say, a couple of pixels; for safety reasons, because why the hell would you want a font that practically burns your eyes?
second--make those gaps a little smaller. 1920x1080 can somewhat justify them being fuckhuge, but come on, man. same goes for the borders, make them smaller by about 2px.
last--well, this is more of a personal taste thing, but would it kill you to change the color scheme to something less *default* and eh-ish? use a scheme that's overrated but at least nice, like fuckin' solarized or monokai. or pull out the old autism alleviator and just use pywal on your papes.

Attached: ouch.png (153x181, 35K)


Attached: 1.png (1366x768, 233K)

i like tint2 but i hear polybar and lemonbar are good

I like it so far.
maybe gonna change to i3 later.

Attached: new.png (1917x1079, 2.22M)

Post css and userChrome

STGSTV is amazing

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-07-07 at 4.06.07 PM.png (1440x900, 319K)

can you type some text into sam.
is that the default font or did you customize

Good eye, it's not the default, it's pelm/euro.9.font, which is the plan9 default, but not plan9port (although it ships with it).

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-07-07 at 4.17.08 PM.png (1440x900, 50K)

nice man, looks good. thanks

honestly makes me think as to why Merriweather is more shilled, desu. it's so goddamn melancholic and beautiful while being all distorted and chaotic and over the place.

I can definitely see why MPP is more popular, but yeah

I posted my office computer last thread, used for physics simulations. Pic related is my home computer. Not as good but still ok.

My GPU is bottle-necking me a lot, so I'm in the market for a GTX 1070 ti to match my office computer. Does anyone think I will be able to get one for $300 used because of the crypto price crash that happened earlier this year?

Attached: s.png (1920x1080, 264K)

I've always wondered, since you use a window manager, this would be floating right? To arrange your windows you made them floating and then arranged it manually? You can't actually control it to corners in tiling mode can you?

how do you get your firefox to look like that?

Yeah I arranged it manually, but I have a script that opens ncmpcpp and tty-clock in those positions on startup. I do have some binds setup for snapping windows to half of the screen and maximise/minimise.

Attached: 1529096321221.jpg (466x601, 48K)

nice desktops

Attached: 2018-07-06-124931_1680x1050_scrot.png (1680x1050, 2.23M)

They all look the same with a different colour scheme

just switched to manjaro (previously on ubuntu) and its so much faster... i thought bloat was a meme but i can literally feel the difference

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-07-07 21-05-16.png (1600x900, 94K)


Attached: mememachine.png (1920x1080, 403K)

Attached: neofetch7-7-18.png (1920x1080, 263K)

Attached: Screenshot_20180707-231238_Termux_1.jpg (1080x2160, 522K)

Arch is so good

Attached: DeepinScreenshot_20180707235734.png (1366x768, 141K)

mellow af

Attached: 2018-07-07-213850_2560x1600_scrot.png (2560x1600, 1.65M)

What's going on, big guy? You don't know how to use terminal

You shared your dot files with me last night. You change your shit a lot, and well too.

couldn't figure out your tint2 lmao

ugly desu

lmao what a bitch.

lmao nasty ass.

color me shocked.

Where do I go from here?

Attached: mydesktop.png (1023x767, 983K)

Attached: neofetch.png (1366x768, 988K)

Hello newfriend! Stop shitting up board culture by talking to tripfags, they're notoriously dumb/narcissistic/annoying/etc.

Trying out a distro some user was shilling here a few weeks ago. Liking it so far.

Attached: 2018-07-08-002917_1920x1080_scrot.png (1920x1080, 2.38M)

Do you have to be good with lisp to make emacs work as a DE?

Attached: Screenshot_20180708-103727.jpg (768x1024, 217K)

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-07-07 21-18-55.png (2944x1080, 1.13M)

This guts + puck?

>What's going on, big guy? You don't know how to use terminal
it's a meme pham..

Attached: KE6QNYV.png (1357x1281, 1.49M)


Attached: msys-neofetch.png (1920x1080, 1.01M)

>Nearly 4000MiB ram used

Another user took the ram.

Fresh install of Parabola

Attached: 2018-07-08-123720_1280x800_scrot.png (1280x800, 416K)

Attached: 2018-07-07-1530936036_1366x768.png (1366x768, 490K)

Love your wallpaper. Link user please?


>Do you have to be good with lisp to make emacs work as a DE?

is the degree symbol nonfree or something?

Hi Jordan

Hi Ryan

So how many of you guys with anime wallpapers are on a laptop? Do you use your laptop in public? How do normies react to seeing 2dqts as your background?
Very nice looking but
>over 1000 packages
>on gentoo

by all means, here.

Attached: Comfy_11.jpg (1280x857, 417K)

Kill me

Attached: ab.png (3840x1080, 3M)

i changed it up a little
also cleaned out a bunch of ruby and qt4 shit

Attached: 1507743284254.png (1366x768, 1.06M)

why don't you come on #rice

-That channel has been and always will be a shithole
-My rice episodes rarely last long enough for me to really care about fulling jumping down that rabbit hole again

#rice has been MUCH better since I became a moderator

Attached: 1529174132279.png (1680x1050, 211K)

what vm software do you use?