I'm not even joking
I'm not even joking
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now if they could remove emoji entirely for our fellow nomoji bros
Social issues aside, why the fuck was there an egg in a tossed salad in the first place?
Eggs belong in salads
Can you add steak to make it more inclusive for us carnivores? I'm feeling like you're being very exclusive. This isn't a safe space. You aren't making me feel welcomed.
this, what the fuck. I never seen that shit.
How long until we have a onions emoji?
Imagine being paid a yearly salary to change 20 pixels of an emoji once in a while.
I sometimes slice up ham in mine, but I've never seen eggs in lettuce-based salads like that. Maybe people just dont do that where I live but its not like Canada is isolated from other country's cultures.
Imagine being paid a yearly salary, stock and profit-sharing bonuses to tell someone to change 20 pixels of an emoji every once in a while
My God... she actually did it... she ate all the eggs!
emoji are usually vector art
wtf, I didn't write onions, I wrote onions.
reminder they are making 300k
>New fag discovers word filters
you can't be serious
>Onion is a candidate for inclusion in Unicode 12.0 scheduled for release in 2019 and was added to draft Emoji 12.0 in 2018.
>can you add steak to a salad to make it inclusive for omnivores
At that point it would just make sense to make a new emoji.
Really though, if you're serious I hope you don't also think you're intelligent.
baka desu senpai
Have you ever tried it? Its pretty great, You should toss a couple of boiled eggs in your next salad.
>Meat is murder!
>Carnivore privilege!
Am I doing this right?
Ya I dont really see a problem with it, it just seems kind of weird like adding chick peas to a lasagna or some shit. Im probably going to try it at some point though
>Really though, if you're serious I hope you don't also think you're intelligent
that get rastered before shipping, so a lazy/incompetent dev might just open those in paint and edit them.
I am super duper cecreal. Don't violate my safe space. Take your vegetabables away from my food. Biggot.
There is an employee at Google making six figures doing shit like this all year long.
Who cares. Only women and gays use emoji.
You have to pay 300k in order to get intelligent people to use Go.
Why do you care so much about onions faggot?
Jow Forums is officially /ck/.
We have enough threads hating on apples anyway.
I imagine how many millions of dollars are being wasted at google.
There are people who hold on to their jobs by periodically doing shit like this while otherwise being paid to do absolutely nothing.
YouTube is another example. All those meaningless changes to the UI that come around every few months are just people like this changing a color or placement of a button or graphic once in a while so they can act like they're doing something useful.
You could probably task ONE PERSON to do all of these tiny changes and it'd keep that person busy but Google has hundreds upon hundreds of people doing this shit.
Holy shit I never realized how much I despise web developers
This board made me despise all IT related fields and everyone in them. Silicon valley is a mistake and we need to go back.
So not going to use that icon
Here is an idea: just remove emojis entirely. They just add bloat to systems confusion between cultures. Besides that, it is a limiting factor for how people can express themselves, OP's post as an (albeit small) example.
We need to go back to... where?
Why didn't they just add a new salad emoji with no egg instead of changing the existing one?
I may actually eat salads this way now. They were fucking boring before, but the eggs seem to add a little flavour.
based editfag
10/10 snake refugee from Jow Forums
Because emojis are font representations of unicode characters, they would have to submit a new Unicode standard to the Unicode Consortium and have it approved just to add a new emoji.
Carnivores are the majority, therefore they're shunned and require no help. They're privileged.
living in trees
what country are you from? it's pretty common in the US. hard-boiled eggs, either sliced, occasionally crushed. sometimes they slice raw onions or put macaroni with mayonnaise
I know this isn't /ck/
I should mention radishes aren't commonly used in the US like they are in europe though.
Fresh out of the oven
Because eggs are good for you and hard boiled eggs go well in a salad.
this woman is on at least 6 figures USD to do this shit all day.
Egg in salad is an abomination.
Stop derailing with your bullshit onions, this is an egg thread.
>Carnivores are the majority
Carnivores are probably a lot less than vegans. Omnivores are the majority
>proudly bipolar
This shit triggers me every fucking time
am i high or did you also make this?
You are high
thanks man
>inclusion and diversity
>removes something from the bowl because it doesn't agree with one groups views
That is the opposite of diversity and inclusion.
>works for one of the biggest concentrations of private wealth and power in human history
Diversity and inclusion are all about removing certain elements from the bowl.
Shhh, don't let them notice. That's the way all Big Companies die: they get too big and slow and lumbering and get trapped in tarpits or eaten by nimble smaller companies. Which is what we want.
They must have noticed at this point that they've completely lost the ability to come up with new products.
the longterm goal is absolute mediocrity.
Google only ever had one 'new' product, and that is their search engine. Everything else they have and is successful is either a copy of an existing idea (gmail, gsuite) or outright bought (youtube). All of their other products have consistently failed and were quietly euthanized after a few years of failure.
Because salads come in varied shapes and forms.
A hard boiled egg in a salad is a basic keto salad, for example.
The difference here is that Google is making billions a year in profit and can afford to pay people to do nothing. If Google was posting financial loses every quarter you might be correct, but that's not the case and won't be for a very long time.
you don't seem to realise that their latest product is, in fact, you ;)
I want diversity in my salad. STOP EGGPHOBIA.
tomatoes trigger me, they look too much like blood, please someone remove the tomatoes so we can get a truly inclusive salad
>Liberals are totally fine killing a human fetus
>Eating a chicken fetus is immoral
I'm colourblind, therefore all emoji should now be in grayscale so that I do not feel disadvantaged when choosing which emoji I should insert when partaking in group discussion.
Except Google Plus that now sits rotting in the middle of the room exhaling an unbearable stench and attracting millions of flies.
You create your own anger. So what? They took a fucking egg out of a salad! You only toss another kind of salad anyway I don't know why you're concerned.
mmm fetus salad
Google is the biggest fucking faghouse of a company I've ever seen. Its like they scour Tumblr brain disorder pages and Deviantart furry pages for recruits.
>paying millions in salary total per year to a bunchof trans-lgtqishiggiditydiggity
>all they do is cripple the software, gather data, and change emojis
>somehow they are the riches and most powerful company in the world
this cant last
It's standard in Asia they add egg in everything and google is like 55% asian
nothing lasts forever but i think google's dominance of search will keep them around for quite a long time
how many times will we have this thread again?
The unicode consortium deserves a holocaust.
this is the opposite of funny please put it back in the oven also put yourself in it
egg goes nicely with greens, with ramen soup, with most of salads actually
tuna also is good with greens
Have you never seen a caesar salad?
Danielle looks normal. 7/10 would fuck.
what the fuck? is this a joke/
It's unironically a great thing that people are actually dropping the thoughtless dogmas.
There is only one thing wrong with this:
They shouldn't be caring primarily about vegans.
Vegans are great people and all, and certainly worth including, but the problem with eggs is not exclusion of great people, it's promotion of exploitation of innocents - in this case chickens.
yeah, what the fuck is up with that fake commie shit
>Tons of nutrients
>White and yellow
>Responsible for most energy in the salad
What wordfilter is onion ?
I only know of baka desu senpai
Is it one of KEK cuck boomer ?
>hurr durr you removed feces from the soup, you're excluding coprophiles!
It's not exclusion when you aren't being pandered to, scum.
kek, that's the best description of google I can think of.
>egg wedges
>not slices
Fucking degenerate scum
That's the only way you can get the average American to eat a salad.
This feces is in the soup. The egg was already in the salad. Who is being pandered to? Those who cause the action to be taken.
>punch all the Nazis
barking at a horse that has been pushing daisies for nearly a century essentially provoking thin air.
He'd be shitting his pants if they constituted a real threat.
You are now aware that the first requirement for being communist is truckloads of hypocrisy.