Why can't I draw a circle?
Why can't I draw a circle?
Other urls found in this thread:
>ellipse selection
>stroke selection
How's this, user?
Bullshit. You just imported an already existing image into GIMP.
Lol thats such a stupid way of doing things
You have to color it in yourself LOL
Because you haven't RTFM
is this really how its done? That seems pretty painful.
Isn't GNU just awesome :-)
Life is hard when you're mentally retarded.
>forces you to fill
>moves the goalpost
It's a fucking selection tool
>what is stroke?
even if it couldn't. I don't see you contributing knowledge, code or constructive advice to gimp devs to accomplish what you consider to be crucial features.
go back to sucking Adobe's dong for your corporate wage slavery faggotdom.
ffs. it's really fucking telling that only free software devs are the only kinds of people willing to contribute value for things other than profit.
because your meeming dumbass
That's not a circle.
>Correct, user, that was the answer to 'Things your mom does to jamal every Saturday'
no it's not, you have people taking care of you all the time and nobody expects anything of you
>my choices are autistic broken freeware shit or paying for adobe
It's really not that hard user
GIMP was never usable, at all. It's worthless software. Use paint.net for photoshop lite.
You aren't able to draw a circle in Photoshop either by that logic.
A perfect circle is not possible.
Absolutely proprietary, less mature than gimp, written in M$ shit language and only runs on windoze.
There's a far easier way. Select a circle with the circle selection tool, fill it with a color of your choice by dragging it into the circle selection from the toolbox, then go to Select > Shrink.... Shrink it 1 pixel, then fill the new selection with the background color.
It sounds lengthy but gives you much more control if you actually want to do something more advanced than what MS Paint can do.
Shows what you know. The bitch is dead.
depending on your screen it's impossible to draw a circle.
doesn't even look like a turtle
fucking kek
its really not that hard user
How's Pinta?
I used to use Macromedia Fireworks all the time, and it was quite feature rich. It made making logo's easy and it could even slice and export menus into css. And that was in 2004 or something.
And you can't really do the same in GIMP. I use GIMP every day because it's free, but I find it very limiting.
Holy shit, this is stupid. Tools are supposed to make tasks easier, not harder.
>inb4 autists sperg out
it's a funny thread you don't have to prove op wrong
there really isn't one
i checked, a lot
because you aren't git gud