Why aren't you using *BSD? You get NetBSD for portability, OpenBSD for security, and DragonflyBSD for HAMMER2 file system.
Other urls found in this thread:
Because I like virtual hugs.
I never recommended FreeBSD to you.
NetBSD is best BSD :)
FreeBSD is upstream of all the others.
FreeBSD is upstream of various distributions like FreeNAS, TruOS and pfSense.
But the other BSD are independent. They all share code with each other (drivers, utilities, etc.)
FreeBSD for “good OS”
Because I like running an IS that works without messing with config files comparability layers, and any other Mickey mousing.
Wait... My pet OS has the userland compiled as PIE, is it, dare I say, better than freebsd?
Just use dragonfly
Approved by weev. He used to love crapflood the FreeBSD IRC channel.
literally who?
>this poor shop
You wish it was one
What BSD do you use and why?
Haiku, the hobby OS developed by fans of BeOS, has more exploit mitigation than FreeBSD.
Sortix, a hobby Unix-like OS developed by one guy, has more exploit mitigation than FreeBSD.
9front has more exploit mitigation than freebsd
>not knowing weev
NetBSD is my waifu
Anyone knows why FreeBSD is so bad in this area? This is not due to lack of resource because they do many other things.
A few theories:
>Fear that benchmarks against Linux will be even worse
>The senior/old farts developers at FreeBSD are promoting more academic models of security and consider exploit mitigation a kludge (the rest of the world disagrees, though)
Because I only use free as in freedom software that is licensed under the GPL.
BSD is undeniably freer than GPL
How so?
GPL restricts my freedom to modify and release software without releasing source code.
Forcing people to release their source code when modifying GPL code makes everything freer, including what you have written. The GPL ensures that there is more freedom in the world as a result of its use.
>restricting freedom means more freedom
Yes, the freedom of everyone to view and modify your code is greater than your freedom to restrict theirs.
((( backwards compatibility )))
whatever that means to them
With BSD licenses I have the freedom to allow everyone to view and modify my code. I just also have the freedom to restrict it. GPL has only one of these freedoms.
why are you anti choice user?
>NetBSD for portability
>uses completely different setup than everything else in existence
Yes, and if you do restrict it you are restricting the freedom of others. It is, therefore, better to restrict the freedom of one over all. It is like barring slavery, your freedom to own slaves is trumped by their right to freedom.
Because I am pro-freedom.
If I'm not free to restrict others' freedom then I'm not truly free.
If you are free to restrict their freedom then they are not free.
They're free to bypass my freedom restrictions by decompiling source code.
That's like a bank saying people are free to take their money as long as they break into the vault and don't get caught by the law.
>That's like a bank saying people are free to take their money as long as they break into the vault and don't get caught by the law.
Are you implying I'm not free to steal as long as I don't get caught?
activating my almonds over here for sure
Yes, because stealing is not free as it is an offense under law. Unless theft was legalised it would not be free.
Do you think people should be free to own slaves?
does anyone have a link to that mailing thread of theo hacking some dude's router? sounds hilarious
dont need that on a personal computer
the ones that got blacklisted from several vulnerabilities
but why
>freedom |ˈfrēdəm|
>the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint
Sounds like as long as I don't get caught I'm free to steal
>blacklisted from several vulnerabilities
what, the same os that preemptively disabled hyperthreading based entirely on speculation that they were right on?
no i don't think they should be free to own slaves you absolute gpllet how is that an equivalence to licensing freedom?
>hindrance, a thing that provides resistance, delay, or obstruction to something or someone.
So you think the law does none of these things?
Because when you don't allow others the four essential freedoms of free software you are restricting their freedom. That is the same as owning slaves.
>So you think the law does none of these things?
If I'm not caught the law provides no hindrance whatsoever
They will pursue you, how is that not a hindrance? They will impede you as much as possible. As long as they try to stop you they are obstructing you, too.
Pursuit is irrelevant when you've already not been caught
It's communist nonsense.
With the BSD license, the one actually doing the job gets to decide how the fruit of his labor will be used.
No it isn't. If someone was chasing you down the street would you be happy because you've already got his purse? He's still chasing you.
Just don't claim that your cuck licence is freer.
It's a troll. On the other hand, I have a thread of Theo threatening to mail bomb the FreeBSD cucks through user remailers, 22 years ago:
> the user mailer is coming up. in 10 minutes you're in trouble.
> you guys persist in getting the last word of flaming at me,
> and it isn't going to work.
If I've not been caught robbing a bank (at least in the US with it generally being a federal crime) that means I've made it past the 5 year statute of limitations. After that point I could walk into a police station, plop the money on the counter, and say I stole this 5 years and one day ago and there'd be nothing they could do about it
So then you are free only after that point. But before then you are not free, as you can be forcefully imprisoned at any time in that five years. But that five years only applies to your country, it is different in white countries.
The joke is that of the four teams in in that image, only OpenBSD can be trusted to implement the features listed.
They have one strong security guy in NetBSD now. The guy found many vulnerabilities (including in OpenBSD, in fact many of the ones that were fixed recently), he implemented KASLR, the Spectre, Meltdown, FPU mitigations, etc.
He actually came up with his own proprietary source code scanner.
That's just one guy, though.
can someone add linux to this comparison? hardened gentoo or alpine linux and a distro with less security options turned on like ubuntu?
What's the issue?
because it doesn't support my hardware