Cracking SHA512

Hey guys. I'm trying to crack a SHA512 hash that has 32^16 possible inputs. I'm not sure if it's salted (I hope not). Can anyone lend me any tips, and/or tell me how much of a pain in the ass this is going to be?

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If it is fated for you to crack the SHA512, then you will crack it whether you consult the hacker known as Jow Forums or not.
Likewise, if you are fated not to crack it, you will not do so whether you consult the hacker known as Jow Forums or not.
But either it is fated that you will crack the SHA512, or it is fated that you will not crack the SHA512.
Therefore, it is futile to consult the hacker known as Jow Forums.

32^16 = 1.21E24 possible hashes

1080TI can do ~1GH/s

So it'll take 1.2x10^15 seconds on a single 1080TI, or about 383k centuries.


Why do you need to crack an SHA512 hash?

yeah but he could get lucky and get the correct result after ten tries

The odds of that are basically 0. You know what he could do to raise the chances significantly? Gamble all of his money into lottery tickets. There is a much higher chance he'll win the jackpot, and then he can just buy a quantum computer

listen to this man OP. go gambling

Here's what you do. Buy a gun and threaten whomever knows the passkey. It's cheaper and more fun.

Why this number?

social engineering at its finest

Just by a lot, and I mean a LOT of cpu time on Amazon EC2.
Not a joke, this is your only hope.

Thanks, I'll look into this; it looks like it might be the way for me to get a lot of computing power.

If you were to borrow the Tianhe-2, one of the most powerful computers on earth, from the chinese governement and ran it 24/7 to try and crack your SHA-512 hash, chances are it would be done in about 5 years.

Buying cpu time on Amazon EC2 is not a solution. They don't have nearly enough power for your needs.

That is the size of the hash

The SHA-512 output space is 2^512.
32^16 is 2^80.
The first number is over 10^100 times larger than the second. Not sure where you're coming from here

>not knowing that there are sha512 converters available online
please don't consult the hacker known as Jow Forums

being this retarded

Find 6 1080Tis and put them in a single hashcat rig and it should be done in a few years .

It really depends on the password though. If whatever was hashed was really short then you have a good chance of cracking it, but anything over 8 characters and you should not even bother. 10 characters if it's worth money. 11 if it's worth millions of dollars, 12 if it's national security level, entire resources of modern first world state level issue. Above that you just bomb them.

Still a password of length 10 with only lower case alphabets takes 7 years on a single 1080ti

first you need to make a botnet and infect about 10,000 pcs

> and then he can just buy a quantum computer
Which will, in the most optimistic case, maybe halve the the time.

But it may be hard to impossible to limit it to the possible inputs. So it's likely half the time to just flat-out crack SHA512, which is longer.

Yeah and 6 of them brings it down to just over a year. Which for something like $10,000 is acceptable.

Yeah, But that's assuming you know the length and it contains only lowercase alphabets. Cracking is infeasible otherwise

google it beforehand lmao then say your prayers

dubs says op is fated

You ain't cracking shiet white boi.

Have you faggots ever heard of a dictionary attack. Why even bother with dumb brute forcing, either you get it with a dictionary attack with permutations, or you don't

it sounds like he's trying to get a private key

If that's the case then sha512 is the least of his problems

>dictionary attack
>not rainbow table attack

i don't really study crypto but looking at the source of sha algorithms, it looks to me like it's just overflorified rot13

i mean it even has CONSTANTS in it...... like way to weaken encryption. idiots. you should be able to crack this within 300 hours, give a few factors of O

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--t. retard that can't interleave MIMD @ multiple xor functions onto the same namespace

lmao @ your life

Good luck doing a rainbow attack with a salt.

Not sure if trolling but, hashing is not encryption lol

Buy about 6 1080ti cards. Find the guy whose password/key you're trying to crack and just whack him really hard on the head with the 1080tis, even if they start breaking you should have enough to make him talk.

Find a bunch of good dictionaries and run them with hashcat and some "rules", there are some included. No other way.

I'm not sure how much time rainbow tables cut off, but isn't everything salted these days?

If you wanna brute force it, you're not getting anywhere. You're best bet is to either inverse the hash function mathematically, or find collisions in the function. Both require extensive mathematical knoweldge and really require you to be a genius - or at least smarter and more dedicated than the numerous very smart people who have already tried to do both of those things when testing the function. Plus, there's a small chance that it's mathematically impossibe to inverse. We have no idea if such functions do or don't exist right now, but we do know that no one has been able to reverse this one, so it's in the realm of possibility that you simply can't.

Post the hash and let the pros do the job on their beefy Gentoo machines.

>should be done in a few years

Maybe on fucking Jupiter.

>SHA512 cracked in 5 years
Why don't they just crack bitcoin private keys and steal a shitton of money

Just cracked.
PM me for details.

Does a rainbow table even help when cracking a single password?

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its possible but you will be dead before it happens

Have you tried 'penis'?

This a post Jow Forums needs, but doesn't deserve. I want to learn more about this and people who have attempted to crack it.

just hack google and use all their servers to do it

Post the hash and lets see what we can do about it.

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Some people do.
They brute force keys to bust people who used crappy RNGs.
There used to be a fad of "brain wallets" where people would use poor, easy-to-remember keys. Many got owned.