>First OS you ever used
>What OS are you using now
>Favorite programming language
>Favorite Web stack
>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
>What has Jow Forums taught you
Survey thread
>First OS you ever used
Windows xp
>What OS are you using now
Debian + dwm
>Favorite programming language
C, python and rust
>Favorite Web stack
OpenBSD, C, httpd, SQLite
>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
Yes 100%
>What has Jow Forums taught you
The botnet and gnu/linux minimalism
>Windows 95?
>Void and CentOS
>Got me into Linux. Don't trust anyone
> >First OS you ever used
> >What OS are you using now
> >Favorite programming language
> >Favorite Web stack
Web is for faggots
> >Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
Nah, that's gay shit
> >What has Jow Forums taught you
Install gantoo
Nice data mine.
>Commodore KERNAL
>Antergos GNOME
>Pretty much nothing.
>not even asking for age/sex/location
Stay mad, this thread is gonna get 400 replies cuntface
>>First OS you ever used
windows XP
>>What OS are you using now
windows 10/debian/android
>>Favorite programming language
im a brainlet so idk, what is the easiest one?
>>Favorite Web stack
wtf is a web stack
>>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
if i actually knew what unix was then probably
>>What has Jow Forums taught you
Its gnu/linux
Say it with me
>>First OS you ever used
Windows Xp
>>What OS are you using now
Arch linux
>>Favorite programming language
Haskell, Python, C/C++
>>Favorite Web stack
Ubuntu, Nginx, SQLite, Python(Flask or django)
>>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
Of course
>>What has Jow Forums taught you
I learned to be a better programmer from Jow Forums . learned about new frameworks and libraries. And haskell.
Amiga Workbench 1.X
UNIX is proprietary it isn't a philosophy.
Thinkpad and tiling wm.
Shit, actually I think I used the Commadore run prompt shit before that...
What's with these data mining threads ?
Is that the audio guy? Haha
Shit. What tiling wm?
Shit, what do you mean?
Shit, the unix philosophy is not proprietary.
Windows 3.1
Nothing of importance
>First OS you ever used
windows vista
>What OS are you using now
windows 10/debian unstable/android
>Favorite programming language
unironically ruby
>Favorite Web stack
i dont do web
>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
kind of
>What has Jow Forums taught you
how to identify memes
>First OS you ever used
Windows 95
>What OS are you using now
Windows 8.1 + Void linux via vmware
>Favorite programming language
no bullshit, does everything you need a language to do, fast, doesn't get in your way, learning it makes you a better programmer
easy and fun to get something small working fast
qbasic did everything right for the use case it was targeting, it was and is the perfect beginner's language
>Favorite Web stack
LAMP, mostly because i work with PHP for work right now
>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
>What has Jow Forums taught you
minimalism and loving your craft are next to Godliness
>>First OS you ever used
>>What OS are you using now
>>Favorite programming language
>>Favorite Web stack
They are all shit
>>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
80% of the time
>>What has Jow Forums taught you
>>First OS you ever used
Windows xp
>>What OS are you using now
Linux mint
>>Favorite programming language
>>Favorite Web stack
They are all shit
>>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
80% of the time
>>What has Jow Forums taught you
>still using windows
Gtfo, bitchhhhh
>What OS are you using now
Linux mint
>Wangblows 95
>Sure why not.
>To really hate Arch users.
>First OS you ever used
Windows 95
>What OS are you using now
Gentoo LiGNUx
>Favorite programming language
R, commodore BASIC, Malbolge
>Favorite Web stack
Arch LiGNUx, PHP, SQLite, Nginx
>Do you believe in the unix philosophy
As pretentious as I believe it can be at times, it's a fair standard for both hardware and software today. So yes.
>What has Jow Forums taught you
Inspired me to rice better, got me really into cyberpunk, and encouraged me to believe that when it comes to technology, my best isn't good enough.
sure, LAMP and Windows don't adhere to any sort of minimalist philosophy, but I don't have much of a choice otherwise where I'm at professionally at the moment. so I instead take that approach and try and make my work minimal and effective.
>First OS you ever used
Win XP
>What OS are you using now
Manjaro KDE
>Favorite programming language
>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
Kind of
>What has Jow Forums taught you
CIA niggers glow in the dark
Just die
>Manjaro KDE
KDE is not a distro.
It's the only working distro in existence.
>First OS you ever used
Windows 3.1
>What OS are you using now
>Favorite programming language
Common Lisp
>Favorite Web stack
Although it gets hate and I am very aware of its shortcomings Node is very fast to build actual products with.
>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
Of course.
>What has Jow Forums taught you
Taught? I would say being here has made me more enthusiastic about computing in a broad sense. Not sure if it has taught me much.
I guess I should have expanded on Node: Node/MySQL/React I quite enjoy during my day job,
>First OS you ever used
>What OS are you using now
Private Debian: testing fork, Gentoo and GuixSD are in my top 3
>Favorite programming language
>Favorite Web stack
>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
I believe in the FOSS philosophy first and foremost and I also idealize Unix's utility aspect one of thing doing it's job really well.
>What has Jow Forums taught you
Probably the importance of freeware/permissive/ license vs GNU philosophy.
I love dis thread
>First OS you ever used
>What OS are you using now
Fedora Linux
>Favorite programming language
>Favorite Web stack
Fuck you, I write CSS and Java script by hand
>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
>What has Jow Forums taught you
There will always be people like me.
Win 98 SE
Linux Mint
I don't care
Sort of
To hate freetards
>First OS you ever used
Windows 95
>What OS are you using now
Debian Stretch
>Favorite programming language
>Favorite Web stack
I don't give a shit about web dev in general, but when I need to make a webpage I use python with sphinx because it is easy.
>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
Yeah. It makes writing large piles of software much easier.
>What has Jow Forums taught you
Almost nothing, but its fun
first: ms dos 6
current: win10, debian sid, gentoo
favourites: "I don't have a favorite this or that. My tastes don't work that way. " - rms
unix phi: Not universally. Sometimes you need a specialized tool. Sometimes a versatile tool is a better choice. No, I'm not talking about systemd.
Jow Forums wisdom: everything is a botnet, install Jow Forumsentoo, what people call Linux is really GNU plus Linux
>First OS you ever used
win 95
>What OS are you using now
>Favorite programming language
>Favorite Web stack
>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
if you don't get aids and die. yes i do
>What has Jow Forums taught you
2018 desktop threads are just a way for arch fags to show off their (((superiority)))
>First OS you ever used
Windows 95
>What OS are you using now
OS X 10.11 on my desktop and OpenBSD on my laptop
>Favorite programming language
Fortran 77
>Favorite Web stack
>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
>What has Jow Forums taught you
The only noteworthy thing that comes to mind that I learned from Jow Forums was ssh's existence
>First OS you ever used
>What OS are you using now
>Favorite programming language
>Favorite Web stack
None really... the last time I did any serious web development was back when PHP was still a respectable choice.
>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
I would say so, but with the understanding that people have wildly different ideas of what exactly that entails.
>What has Jow Forums taught you
Nothing comes to mind.
Windows 3.1
Windows 10
I don't have an opinion
How to stop Windows 10 spying
>Windows XP
>Ubuntu MATE 18.04
>First OS you used
Windows 7
>What OS are you using now
Linux Mint MATE
>Favourite programming language
Python because it's flexible and simple
>Do you believe in the UNIX philosophy?
>What has Jow Forums taught you?
Fuck all.
newfag spotted
>First OS
Win 98
>What OS are you using now
Solus (after alot of distro hopping)
I don't care about the rest
Windows 98
NixOS linux(guix is shit)
Clojure + cljs with reactjs + mongo + docker
Using of non bloated light stuff instead of enterprise monolithic monsters for personal stuff(moved from confluence to tiddly wiki, gitlab to cgit + sshd, zentyal - radicale, teamcity - jenkins, puppet - ansible, postfix - opensmtpd, moved my wordpress based blog/cv to set of bash scripts to generate clean and beautiful static blog)
the first OS i ever used was windows 98, and when i heard of Linux i had to try it, there was no way i could download a 650+ megabyte ISO on a 56k modem, so i found a Redhat 7 ISO long before redhat went enterprize, before fedora was ever thought of, i loved it, linux was great, but soon i realized there were other distributions, i got debian potato but the 2.2 kernel would not run on my PC, so i got Slackware 8 and it worked, been a slacker ever since
>>First OS you ever used
Windows 95
>>What OS are you using now
Windows 10, Arch
>>Favorite programming language
>>Favorite Web stack
VertX, Spring Boot
>>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
>>What has Jow Forums taught you
>>First OS you ever used
Win 95
>>What OS are you using now
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
>>Favorite programming language
Rust, Pythong
>>Favorite Web stack
>>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
Yap, but probably doesn't scale well
>>What has Jow Forums taught you
Technology mixed with a healthy dose of autism is a good substitute for human relations.
>>First OS you ever used
Suse, my father's company was sued by Microsoft back then, so he didn't allow us to use windows
>>What OS are you using now
>>Favorite programming language
>>Favorite Web stack
>>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
It depends on the real life application
>>What has Jow Forums taught you
Nothing of value, but over the years, I unironically found a few new friends here with which I meet up IRL frequently, especially in some of the general's IRCs
>First OS you ever used
>What OS are you using now
>Favorite programming language
C but slowly creeping to C++
>Favorite Web stack
>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
>What has Jow Forums taught you
The enjoyment of:
>Macintosh System Software 4.0 or somewhere like that
>Mac OS 10.11 El Capitan
>node, or the plan 9 stack
>I want to believe
>GNU is much worse than i though.
Whatever the Atari ST used
alias ..="cd .."
>First OS you ever used
Windows 95 it think
>What OS are you using now
>Favorite programming language
>Favorite Web stack
>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
>What has Jow Forums taught you
That i am a faggot and how cool thinkpads are
>First OS you ever used
Windows 3.x
>What OS are you using now
Windows 10
>Favorite programming language
>Favorite Web stack
a what?
>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
Nope, i'm a GNU guy
>What has Jow Forums taught you
Tons of things about FLOSS, Other OSes and bleeding/cutting edge software
>>First OS you ever used
>>What OS are you using now
windows 10, some 17xx build
>>Favorite programming language
>>Favorite Web stack
raw sockets
>>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
not really
>>What has Jow Forums taught you
reee botnet
>First OS you ever used
Windows 95
>What OS are you using now
>Favorite programming language
Haskell, Python, C#
>Favorite Web stack
>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
Not enough to care
>What has Jow Forums taught you
Thinkpads are worth it
>First OS you ever used
OS/2, then Windows 3.11
>What OS are you using now
Arch (desktop), CentOS (servers)
>Favorite programming language
C, Python, Vala, C#
>Favorite Web stack
>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
don't care
>What has Jow Forums taught you
portraying opinions as facts is bad
ITT: Unemployed people
>First OS you ever used
Windows 98
>What OS are you using now
Ubuntu w/ Cinnamon
>Favorite programming language
>Favorite Web stack
Spring Boot on backend, Thymeleaf on frontend (but I plan to learn Angular/React soon)
>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
>What has Jow Forums taught you
To never trust what Jow Forums says about anything
>First OS you ever used
Windows 95 or win 98, don't remember
>What OS are you using now
Win 8.1 Embedded Enterprise
>Favorite programming language
Visual Basic 6.
>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
What is that? That having hundreds of crappy applications and forks is better than having few working and easy to use ones? No, I don't
>What has Jow Forums taught you
That a lot of Jow Forums has way too time spare time
Ubuntu is the final step, user.
Windows XP
Don't know what this is
Proprietary software is in most cases unjustified
>First OS you ever used
Windows ME
>What OS are you using now
Windows 10
>Favorite programming language
unironically Java
>Favorite Web stack
I haven't made websites since i was 14
>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
I don't think peoples believes matter in this regard.
>What has Jow Forums taught you
A few things about linux
>First OS you ever used
Windows 95
>What OS are you using now
Debian/Arch/Slackware/Windows 10/Windows XP
>Favorite programming language
classical C++ love/hate relationship
>Favorite Web stack
Never dealt with this shit
>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
No I think it's obsolete unless you want server. Personal computers should be personal, not everything needs to be a file, etc.
>What has Jow Forums taught you
Literally nothing, but daily programming threads actually give some good advice when I want to try something new
>First OS you ever used
DOS 6.22
>What OS are you using now
Linux Mint for convenience, but I’m tempted by elementaryOS and tryout out Arch
>Favorite programming language
Python, GoLang
>Favorite Web stack
>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
Depends on which one. Using small but powerful tools and combine them as you need them? Sure.
>What has Jow Forums taught you
That I’m fucking old
First one was actually whatever Atari put on the ST1024
>First OS you ever used
windows 95
>What OS are you using now
macOS high sierra
>Favorite programming language
>Favorite Web stack
>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
>What has Jow Forums taught you
Jow Forums hates minorities and they shouldn't participate in tech conversations
>ubuntu 4.20
>trust no botnet
windows 95
windows 10
LAMP lmao
>ubuntu 4.20
windows 3.1
mac os
>First OS you ever used
Mac OS System 7
>What OS are you using now
>Favorite programming language
>Favorite Web stack
Linux, lighttpd, Lua, SQLite.
>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
>What has Jow Forums taught you
>>First OS you ever used
>>What OS are you using now
>>Favorite programming language
>>Favorite Web stack
Debian, nodejs, nginx, postgres
>>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
>>What has Jow Forums taught you
Windows XP
Arch Linux
idk I don't do web dev
>First OS you ever used
Win 98 or 95, don't remember exactly.
>What OS are you using now
GNU/Linux (Debian)
>Favorite programming language
>Favorite Web stack
>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
It has it's places.
>What has Jow Forums taught you
To never trust Jow Forums
>forgot unix philosophy
of course I do
>>First OS you ever used
Windows 95
>>What OS are you using now
Debian 9 + XFCE
>>Favorite programming language
>>Favorite Web stack
Debian + MariaDB + J2EE on GlassFish 4
>>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
Yes as much as is reasonably possible
>>What has Jow Forums taught you
Fuck MS fuck Apple
>First OS you ever used
windows xp
>What OS are you using now
windows 10 ltsb + gentoo dual boot
Arch Linux
>spare laptop
windows 7
>work laptop
windows 7
>Favorite programming language
I don't program
>Favorite Web stack
literally no idea
>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
It appeals to me, but I don't think it's objectively better than the opposite.
>What has Jow Forums taught you
The importance of foss and dangers of proprietary software
how to build a computer
How to install and use various Linux distributions
how awesome irc is over discord
Got me interested in programming (I plan on learning python and/or VBA since they are both very useful for a businessfag to know)
One more thing I'd like to note: I have actually met some really cool people from IRC and had a great time. These are friends I made because of Jow Forums and more specifically Jow Forums, so I just wanted to say that I really do love this place even though it's been plagued by lots of problems in the past few years.
>>First OS you ever used
DOS 2.11
>>What OS are you using now
Debian Sid
>>Favorite programming language
C or JavaScript
>>Favorite Web stack
Idk what this means. Http?
>>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
I like it. I'm not dogmatic enough to believe in it like I believe in Jesus
>>What has Jow Forums taught you
Traps r gay
>windows xp, first linux distro was Fedora
>a what
>more than I'd like to admit
*You cant make a web stack with css and javascript
>First OS you ever used
Windows 95
>What OS are you using now
Ubuntu 18.04
>Favorite programming language
>Favorite Web stack
>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
I like it but I'm not closed to alternatives
>What has Jow Forums taught you
Ricing is just a waste of time
Actually it might have been MS-DOS that i first used... Memory hazy...
>kde isn't a distro
you should also get mad at these dudes
>First OS ever used
Windows XP
>What OS are you using now?
Debian Stretch with Sid repos
>Favorite programming language
>Favorite Web Stack
Node.js and Express.js
>Do you believe in the Unix philosophy
>What has Jow Forums taught you
Gentoo is good. I dual-boot it but I'm still working on it and mostly main Debian still. Also that JS performs like trash and Electron is cancer
A web stack has 4 parts
The OS (debian, centOS, gentoo etc etc)
server side scripting language(php, nodejs, django etc)
web server software (apache, httpd, nginx etc)
the database (sql)
>Windows XP
>Yeah, it's good
>Nothing, I just kill time here
The debian + dwm is me
I'm OP
You might as well tell what de/wm you're using
yeah I agree, i was talking about who said "look at this manjaroNOOB not even knowing that kde isn't part of distro", but skipped over other people that mentioned it too-- be consistent my dude
>>First OS you ever used
DOS, but was too young to know any commands except cls. Windows 95
>>What OS are you using now
Depends on the purpose. Windows 10 on my everyday computer. Ubuntu on my makeshift NAS. Android phone, tablet. Android TV on Shield. Router uses DD-WRT. Raspbian on my alarm clock.
>>Favorite programming language
>>Favorite Web stack
Linux+Apache+Mongo DB+PHP7
>>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
Do one thing and do it right? Yes
>>What has Jow Forums taught you
Opinions are irrelevant
>>>Favorite programming language
Actually it's a toss-up between C# and Python 3
>First OS you ever used
Windows 98
>What OS are you using now
>Favorite programming language
>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
yes without a doubt
>What has Jow Forums taught you
how to gnu/linux, and how to rice
>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
>yes without a doubt
>Favorite programming language
Win XP
Windows 10 / Manjaro
Absolutely nothing
>uses Windows 10 / Manjaro
>Absolutely nothing
Checks out
>Several kind of Linux and one wangblows install for backup.
>Haskell, ANSI C
>All of them is shit.
>How to recognize a quality b8
>>First OS you ever used
Windows shit 98 i guess
>>What OS are you using now
Debian OS, NixOS
>>Favorite programming language
>>Do you believe in the unix philosophy?
NOt sure yet, I'm searching. It amazing as shit but it can't make software like Emacs as I know
>>What has Jow Forums taught you
every single day, little noobs increase there and prof decrease (Idon't know where they go)