>GDPR is go-
GDPR is go-
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That is good. If only Jow Forums would do that.
TL;DR we're currently not protecting or even abusing your privacy, so if you are from a country that protects it, you cannot access our service.
The thing is, that's not even GDPR compliant because it applies to EU citizens wherever they are, and it applies to existing data.
Nothing wrong with it.
Article 13 and 11 however are shit
Jow Forums does not protect your privacy. TL;DR get the fuck off this site if you care so much about your privacy.
"Unfortunately, our beverages are currently unavailable in most European countries due to the regulation on Sewage Recycling and Consumer Safety. We continue to identify technical compliance solutions that will provide all consumers with our delicious refreshing drinks."
Would you buy their stuff?
You're not missing out on much.
You don't pay to look at a newspaper online.
You can also block any of their tracking and adware. It's not hard.
Yes. I'll buy a lemonade from the kid next door.
Stop using Jow Forums at this very moment. It is tracking your data and thus illegal in Europe.
>You don't pay to look at a newspaper online.
Apparently you do - with your private data.
Did you know that you also pay to shitpost on Jow Forums?
oh boy what should I do now without literally-who-news tracking my steps?
Wasn't LAT behind a paywall anyways?
>This site does it so you can't complain at all, shut up and take it goy
What the fuck kind of bullshit argument is this, "gotcha" posts are always 100% garbage
You could also get a sewage filter and use it on your drink. Yet the average user doesn't even know how this whole thing works. Heck, I'd be surprised if even you had more than a vague idea about data mining.
You can't just leave people to protect themselves or "suck it up because then they deserve it" just because the source of the problem should do what they want.
Why are you still posting? I thought you cared about your privacy?
>embracing black and white mentality.
top kek
What? Do you think your shitty regulation is going to convince Hiroshima to turn off tracking or something? No. He'll just rangeban you instead. What are you going to do?
What Hiroshima chooses to do with Jow Forums is one thing. The positiveness of GDPR is another.
I blocked tracking long ago either way.
So do you think GDPR is a positive thing if it gets you banned from Jow Forums?
Why won't you buy a pass?
GDPR makes Jow Forums illegal in Europe. Hiroshima's only recourse is to ban Europeans. Hope you fit in at reddit.
Hiroshima can just ignore this bullshit like 95% of websites did. What are they going to do? Ask interpol to shut down an American web site? Nobody gives a fuck.
Yeah what are they going to do to the LA Times? Ask interpol to shut down an American website?
Nothing. Write any dumb shit on paper and grayfaces will piss their pants. LA times are scared little pussies.
Fearmongering is all you've got? Is that how americans think? By following their guts as a replacement for their brains?
Yeah, let me put the "disable your adblocker on this site" up my arse and give up GDPR because I'm afraid of being unable to use this shit site.
>Is that how americans think?
They unironically agree with private companies cucking them 24/7 with no regulation because MUH FREE MARKET, so yes, they are THAT retarded.
>private companies
Companies that I own. Socialist Europoors don't get this concept.
I disagree by blocking all tracking using adblocker. If Europe disagrees - maybe they should use adblockers, too, instead of wasting taxpayer money on laws they can't enforce?
Oh no, some gay Californian Fake News outlet blocked their fake news from shitting up my brain, whatever am i going to do? Now i can't get articles on how airconditioning is sexist and misogynist >:((((
Except these regulations aren't focused on Jow Forums, but larger corporations like google or facebook. And believe me, they're being enforced.
It's not even about what you think it is.
someone explain me how GA is gdpr compliant
hard mode
how MS telemetry is compliant
extra hard mode
why haven't the EU fucked them in the ass already?
GDPR is a great concept, but the EU needs to show they are prepared to enforce it. Companies had years to prepare, now eat shit
>(((Los Angeles (((Times))))))
Oh no, that sucks
>Los Angeles Times
Second: ask yourself why they don't/can't comply to GDPR
They're being fined nonstop. Are you blindfolded?
>reading Lügenpresse
Nothing of value was lost.
>You can also block any of their tracking and adware.
Yeah sure, the average joe will know how to use adblock and pass the annoying message that tells you to disable adblock....
Every time I google a car, I get a top Google result from some car website that refuses to serve European viewers.
This is not an EU problem though - this is a Google problem.
They should delete that website from their search results for European customers.
It's the same thing with news stories - Google continues to serve NYT/WaPo stories first, even though most people cannot read them since they do not pay for it.
If Google was still a company serious about search, they would bury NYT/WaPo search results for non-subscribers.
But they don't give a fuck.
There's only one relevant news source in the world that you can follow and that's Wall Street Journal. The rest is irrelevant.
They are the only relevant ones because they are the hub for all global journalists, regardless of leaning, to trade information including information which affects economic and stock changes. Information which has to be presented in a scientifically cold and objective manner because it affects numbers in economic influence analysis.
Therefore their report articles are completely neutral and robotic, with no bias allowed.
So I don't give a fuck about Los Anus Times.
What's wrong with this ?
It's literally like a pedophile wearing a special hat warning everybody he likes and rapes children.
los angeles times is telling its readers they don't want to comply to high security standards and audit their servers for breachses or security loopholes.
It also tells their users they have no remorses heavily spying on them and selling whatever data they have about them to whoever asks first.
Don't trust shit companies like that.
>why haven't the EU fucked them in the ass already?
One google search of "Microsoft fine Europe/EU/Union" or "Google fine Europe/EU/Union" gives you plenty of results for how many times and to what degree they are being constantly fined for their shit by Europe.
Nothing of value was lost
>pay to get cucked
>pay even more do not get spied on because law obliged us
they were fined for abusing their market position, the GDPR hammer is yet to fall
no wonder they will be fined if burgers are THAT dumb
get shot
Hiro cannot rangeban europeans he lives in there lel
>Appeal to hypocrisy
Epic fallacy, Amerimutt.
Why would an EU nigger visit an American "news" website anyway?
I think waiting a few weeks for some shitty websites nobody ever visits anyway to become here available is a tiny price for what we gain from it.
>But... but... my masters can no longer sell everything they have on you to their advertisement partners ;(((( this is worse than the holocaust ;((((
Cry me a river, Schlomo.
>haha it was shit I didnt need it anyways
This mentality goes a long way and you've spread your legs wide open
The comments can be fun on LA times. I don't miss it though as it's a horrible act against their own goodwill.
Nope. That's FT.
compared to most modern sites the trackers Jow Forums runs are pretty tame
they don't run trackers from 10 different ad companies including facebook
>LA Times
Nothing of value was lost
>sorry we cant stop stealing your personnel information so we wont give you news
The absolute state
Oh no the LA times was my favourite website :(
serious companies (not Jow Forums) want to be able to do business everywhere in the world or at least not exclude one of the biggest markets in the world by flagrantly violating their laws
of course the EU can't shut them down but if they ever want to do business in Europe then not burning any bridges is a good first step
The thread was long over by this comment, yet you faggots continued to bump it. Learn to ****.
Epic fallacy, euro-trash.
HAH! Did any of you actually believe companies would comply?
I'm sure the dozens of Europeans who have ever visited the LA Time will be sad
Why was you're tl;dr longer than your actual text
it's a motherfucking NEWS site. just let people choose a plaintext site with no cookies, no ads, no javascript.
bam, problem solved.
>from the other side of the planet
And nothing of value was lost.
How would they make money?
subscriptions? selling children / organs?
lol, actually they are paid for sponsored content aka fake news, it is just they are too greedy and want to sell the users too.
>be literally broke
>have to fund Muslim invasion
>decide to (((fine))) US tech companies
Will Europe ever be able to survive on it's own without constant handouts and help from the US?
Will US ever be able to survive on it's own without constant handouts and help from China?
>It applies to EU citizens wherever they are
This will literally never happen and eurotards are delusional if they think it will
(los-angeles (times))
I fixed your code for you.