How to make Windows 10 less shite, Jow Forums?

What is a good way to get rid of muh telemetry and muh metro apps? Preferably foss.

>inb4 install gentoo

Attached: touko_madobe__windows_10_tan__wallpaper_by_sovietdash-dax8eof.jpg (900x506, 139K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Install gentoo

Install GuixSD

Install linux for negroes

I STRONGLY recommend dropping windows
Anyway, there are still hacks worth trying to debotnet w10
There are even more intensive methods but most likely your system will break


You can't fully debotnetify Windows 10. Even if you could it would botnetify itself again on the next update. Unironically switch to Linux or install Windows 7.


Attached: 0cb8e8b9abd814a625a3ab6efe4d442dfaccf49e_hq.gif (540x402, 124K)

>muh telemetry
You can't. All versions of Windows are botnet and you can't make sure they aren't because >closed source.

>muh metro apps
Win10 LTSB. It's like stable Win10 with mainline W10 being the beta or maybe alpha release, breaking itself with every update.

Why do you care about Windows collecting data? I used to, but I realize most of my shit is being collected online anyway. Embrace the botnet. With data collection comes convenience.

You are the enemy

works on my machine

Attached: works on my machine.png (1920x1080, 680K)

>Even if you could it would botnetify itself again on the next update.
>what is LTSB

Gonna ask here. How can I trim the install size?

I installed W10 on my brother's computer because muh games and that shit takes a lot of space considering he has a 250GB SSD.

How am I the enemy? There is no escaping data collection. The same people who freak out about data collection use their computer to post on facebook, which is way worse.

he doesn't know

If you don't want to minimize or control how your data is being collected, that's on you.
However, advising others to be as apathetic as you is dangerous and ignorant.
Embracing complacency makes you the enemy.

I am not an enemy. The only way to get privacy in this world is to live in the wilderness with no technology whatsoever. The second you attach yourself to the internet the game is over. Giving a shit about Windows collecting error data and crash reports is mental masturbation.

You have a point although. Microsoft is a company, and companies need their costumers to stay with them to survive. So as the consumers we should pressure them into treating our data with respect. It isn't as much about eliminating the data collection altogether, it's more about putting the pressure on the companies to do the right thing. Or else we switch to an alternative. You are right with the claim that "The only way to get privacy in this world is to live in the wilderness with no technology whatsoever". However being complacent isn't going to fix that fact in any way. It's the attitude of convenience over principle that allows these companies to get away with all this shady shit in the first place.

Attached: june.png (328x435, 290K)

or you could install gentoo.

Attached: 1339550542725.jpg (450x420, 30K)

is this a .bat file?

I want Microsoft to collect that data though. If the data makes Windows more stable and powerful for users, I am actually in favor of telemetry, especially since it doesn't make privacy any worse. If you are connected to the internet, you are already screwed, but if microsoft can find out that your system crashed and solve that problem, it is a Good thing.

Redpillme on LTSB. Will all my software run on it like it would on a normal Windows 10 version?

+0.05 rupees have been deposited into your account

No thanks, I prefer to use restrooms.

The fuck does that mean you nigger