>Technology constantly improves
Oh yeah, then why has the internet gotten shittier every year since about 2008? Torrents dead, by and large, chrome killed firefox with agents destroying it from within, ads fucking everywhere, buffering is back (Yay!). Half the time I can't even save a gif properly now and have to do it multiple times. Half the sites you visit are offline sporadically now. Every browser is about 15x more resource heavy than it was then. Youtube is shit now. Google search is nothing but ads now and won't even return relevant search results anymore. God just end this nightmare.
Technology constantly improves
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>God just end this nightmare.
Only you can end it.
you can end it at any time
no one is forcing you to be alive or to even be used by technology
The technology *is* better than ever. It's just being used in shittier ways.
Works on my machine.
you're confusing technology with design.
Have you tried reinstalling Windows?
It's really not that different though
How am I supposed to exterminate mankind with a noose?
It's getting better, just not in the way your niche opinions want it to be.
In what way is it getting better?
cry about it GM shill
I agree. I did my small part by creating several cool NeoCities websites that are pure HTML/CSS.
>Spotted the technojesus soiboy
fuck off.
Start with yourself and hope and trend will follow
>"flash is bloated and insecure I can't wait for html5"
>"can i have flash back"
I never had a problem with flash. I always knew everyone that hated flash, pagination, etc. were all fucking god damned retards. Now nothing on the internet works but it's obviously all someone else's fault. Can't be all the cancerous changes techtards were pushing non-stop.
I think flash was largely disliked due to vulnerabilities
Ultimately the internet is built on a bunch of stupid protocols and standards (I mean fucking Javascript?)
If Flash was bad because vulnerabilities, how do you explain all the Javascript garbage?
Flash was hated because the player was a piece of shit. Javascript is hated because it gets used as a piece of shit.
>"flash is bloated and insecure I can't wait for html5"
It was like
>iPad doesn't support flash, only HTML5
>what a shitty tablet.
Ah, now it all makes sense. It was the fucking iCultists.
Does technological advancement have a ceiling? Could progress really be endless?
Technology does get objectively better over time, but it doesn't necessarily improve human life.
Think about it, instead of downloading terabytes of teen porn, you could've just married a 14 year old 200 years ago.
>Technology does get objectively better over time
No it doesn't. Newer versions of software are always strictly worse than their former versions. LCD screens are worse than CRT. And cars are now designed so you can't even see out the fucking back. Don't give me that bullshit.
Everything you've said is bullshit. Give me objective facts instead.
I've first faced HTML5 when iPad was released.
it has improved but its expensive and mostly meant for datacenters.
Wow, HTML5 wasn't out in 2010...
But what it was, if iShit didn't do flash?
Wow. You can't just believe wiki I guess. There were HTML5 in 2010. But it was considered as 'ipad only sheit'
it was nice when not having flash would block ads and most sites worked without it. now we have much heavier javascript instead and almost nothing works if its disabled
I'm positive all this shit was by design. Just like I'm positive that google paid off the devs to destroy FF because it was simply too god damned good.
most if not all of these issues are social/economic issues
you COULD fix that with technology, but... good luck with that
>content and infrastructure are the same things
No. Content has gotten worse. Infrastructure has improved.