Unix stickers

So unixstickers changed up their site and now only seem to sell sticker packs, rather than a range of indivisual stickers you can chose. Furthermore if their packs don't include something you want it just seems like it's impossibe to attain now. Is there another source for good programming/unix related stickers, or am I condemned to redbuble from here on out?

Also sticker thread I guess.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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I just have one question


I think the stickers look retarded and gaudy like that. It looks like a stickerbombed car where its like oooo look at all the things i enjoy uhhhgg

Because it's fun. Now fuck off if you don't like stickers. No one's forcing you to have any.

I wish I planned this better.

Attached: sticker.jpg (1126x818, 350K)

is that place still going?

>oooo look at all the things i enjoy uhhhgg

are you literally autistic?

Daily reminder that the GNU logo is fucking awful.

Might as well add an autism logo

I love it. Look at him, the smug fuck. Smug because he's free.

More like smug because he just got done fucking whats left of the corpse of Linux.

Guess you two like childish stickers. Everyone else thinks you’re autistic when they see those btw

Its actually the bulky Thinkpads rather than the stickers.

found the underage

yep. i lurk on #programming irc channel


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hello lainon, wish there were still lainchan stickers available

Attached: 034.jpg (677x678, 184K)

It's another I like to announce my autism to the world via my chinkpad episode.

Attached: 6546516516514.jpg (500x491, 28K)

>ruining laptop lid with stickers and their glue


>childish stickers
So now there are "adult stickers"?

Which ones are those so I can put them on my laptop and not be laughed at like you say I am.


>commie shit
You retards should be lined up and shot.

I stopped using this laptop about two years ago, but it's still cool. Cut it out from yellow vinyl with an exacto knife.

Attached: laptop.jpg (3387x2497, 796K)

I think it being awful is part of the appeal, like wearing a shirt for some random ass industrial job. It has a shit aesthetic that hipsters like. It is so ugly and different people will wonder wtf is that? Is it something cool?
Contrast with the hexagon stickers on OPs laptop.People don't know what they are, but they just look gay and generic without redemption.


what an ass burger

remove all but the stamps

cool laptop art

is this the new desktop thread?

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>Aphex Twin

You can stay.

What's the point of having stickers on the bottom

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>I really want to show everyone at college that I never left highschool mentally

fuck you

laptop stickers are literally the same thing as a 50 year old genz putting #nevertrump bumper stickers on their car

But what if you're 19 and just really like certain things?

>really like certain things
that's literally a symptom of autism lmfao. stop having autism

found some cool unix stickers just 4 u user

Attached: download.jpg (225x225, 5K)

Attached: 1511202105465.png (805x511, 620K)

>it's all Linux/BSD/GNU shit and nothing actually Unix related
it was never good anyway

being ashamed of showing your powerlevel

Attached: 20180707_195157.jpg (1215x796, 370K)

Fuck off austin. Commie bastard.

Guys I kinda want this sticker. Ironical of course.

Attached: il_570xN.1309837673_mry7.jpg (570x570, 82K)

kys unironically

I really like pickle rick now. It's so unfunny it's funny now. Like a inside joke.

I work recruiting for an important IT company that I will not disclose right now. When I need to hire code monkeys I tell the candidates to bring their laptop so they have "somewhere comfortable" to fizzbuzz and whatnot.

It's a lie. I do it to check their laptop stickers. As soon as I see ONE sticker (that didn't come with the laptop of course) that fucker is out. I just keep face while asking them to do some silly little programming "tests". They swear they aced it. Poor bastards.


You're welcome.

Before I start sticking, would a thinking emoji look good as the only sticker on my Thinkpad?
If yes, neutral good or chaotic evil?

Attached: thinking_chart.jpg (2048x2043, 274K)

nice aphex sticker. Nobody i've ever asked has heard of him

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So I have a place to dump all the random stickers I still want but can't fit on the front. Laptop stickers are for me as well, not just to show off to strangers

Yea either people have zero idea who aphex is or idm in general, or it's an insult that you even asked them. There's no inbetween.

anime stickers are pretty grown up

Is there any site where I can get custom stickers for a good price? I want to get an open borders for Israel sticker

arisuchan just came out with some!

Only aesthethic thing in this thread.

the chaotic evil one is awesome, you should definitely do that one

All those movies... Welp, there goes my afternoon.

that's cool but i don't use arisuchan because it seems dead

Nice Death Grips sticker

loli full nude stickers sound mature desu


you've seen nothing

Sticker on my Unix machine

Attached: based.jpg (470x389, 29K)

This one is more readable I guess
I love this sticker

Attached: tumbased.png (500x374, 222K)



Room looks comfy but it's ruined by that big faggot in the middle.

upload your design to redbubble then buy it from yourself
it's not really cheap and the quality is shit but it's fast

Neutral evil honestly, chaotic evil is commonly seen everywhere and looks boring by now desu.

No, you're not John Green

I kinda want to get one of these ironically
If anyone ever points it out, I can just say "oh, I'm actually a fascist, I just got this to annoy people". Then they'll either be confused, or think I'm a retard, so it's a win-win

Sticker threads are completely pointless. Why aren't they banned or migrated to /fa/ or something?

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Still better than intel/amd shilling threads.

Cleaned mine up quite a lot a few days ago. Tried to retain some of my favourite stickers, and a friend got me the Prokrastinatorische Aktion one from Fusion festival. Love it. Hope I can score a new IRSSI one from CCC this year.

Love those stamps

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So I'm a pretty normal guy with a lot of friends and I just dont understand why you are doing this.
What exactly do you expect from people who see this?
If I or any of my friend would see you with this thinkpad, our first thought would be that you are a virgin.
This is honestly just kinda sad.

Really bro, just think this through. This looks so fucking horrible, its cringy as fuck.
Its not because what kind of stickers you picked its that you picked ANY.

i finally had enough "spend this money on dumb internet shit after you pay off what you need to" cash and wanted some arch stickers and a hoodie but now its just packs of stickers with stuff i dont want rip
anywhere else they have nice linux related stickers and clothing? theres hackerstickers but its more like 1337 shit than linux

thank you :)

Aphex twinner reporting in

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favorite album, comrade?

Hmmm probably selected ambient works 85-92

Whats yours?

Gotta say what he's done under The Tuss is my favorite, but if it's strictly Aphex Twin then I Care Because You Do

They changed manufacturers for their stickers, they're now provided by a different factory and company. When they first did the change over like a month or two ago you could get a decent "starter" pack basically for just the shipping i think. Or maybe it was a buck. I don't remember. Either way they suck now. You're much better off with hackerstickers, just be aware that they're actually hacker stickers, not cracker stickers, so they're mostly programming oriented.



>implying normal people care what shitbook or craptop you use

>Most homosex laptop in the thread
>Calls others gay
Son.... We need to have a talk.

Oh fuck you. I legit haven't lost in over a decade until today you fucking bastard.

1. You are not John Green
2. HybridOS is not Unix
3. Woody Gutherie would cry to see such a bootlicker with that sticker

>TFW not getting into aphex twin until 06 because of the scene in Grandma's Boy with the end of Windowlicker
Having not gotten into his shit sooner is my biggest regret in terms of music.

You can still buy the pack for $1, which is nice. There are like three stickers I want in the biggest pack but it's not worth $25. Kind of a shitty way to do things, and it's a shame because sticker mule actually makes good quaility stickers materially speaking.

Also, hackerstickers? Are we talking about the same site because I just looked at it and...dude.

liberals have a bad habbit of appropiating and subsequenty castrating historically radical resistances/revolutionary movements. Then fashies get to laugh at the cringe liberals and lump them in with the leftists they're badly immitating.

This one... Though I'm really disappointed as they've changed a lot too. That used to be the best site for programming stickers and *nix case badges and shit but now this "g33k girl" and "0wn3d" shit makes me sick. I'm down with the focus on lockpicks though since that's one of my hobbies

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Liberals are all garbage anyway. It's possible to be a conservative without being a racist, misogynistic, bigoted piece of trash. I'm really annoyed that people assume everyone that's a conservative is some hate-filled fascist scumbag. Some of us just don't think you need to be a disgusting, loud, sjw fucknugget that tries to force your world view onto everyone else.

conservatives are only assumed to be hate-filled fascist scumbags as much as leftists are assumed to be crazy irrational sjw's

redbubble :^)


Pickle rick is funny now get over it.


are you literally 12 years old? lmao

>upper case Jow Forums

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flexcake.moe is pretty neat.

fucking commie scum get fucked