Explain it

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Because San Fransisco is full of poo.

how much poo?

> trying to sell snake-oil to a snake-oil salesman

Because it's expensive, and they can't compete with the salaries of places like Google or Jewbook.

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why stay in silicon valley? you have to compete much more for labor

Why stay in a place with sky high taxes, ridiculous pay scales, and a bunch of anti business laws.

Why aren't startups moving to low tax, low cost of living, pro business states like Kansas?

Because there is no talent there.

>krazy kommies kultist aka the KKK
>homeless attacking tech workers
>poo and needles everywhere

The generation behind all the startups is forecast to be the most conservative ever, even more so than the boomers and not the "boomers" Jow Forums likes to force shitty memes about I mean the actual baby boomers.

That, coupled with taxes, Jewgles starting pay and other shit mentioned ITT is why they are leaving. If it weren't for Silicon Valley CA would be another high tax low income blue state like Illinois

you have to find a balance

This. They are moving to places with better environments and good talent, metro Atlanta for instance. Tons of new startups there.

i like how commiefornians talk like they provide so much tax revenue when it's really just down to a few companies that could just up and leave on day when they get full of regulatory bullshit and cause california to go completely bankrupt in a year

>San Francispoo


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Because California is cancer

rent is completely fucked
high temperatures suck

>high temperatures suck

The problem with the climate is that it doesn't freeze out the homeless in the winter, it never gets anywhere near cold enough.


Salaraies and rents are too high. The industry is moving to Salt Lake City, Denver, Austin, etc because the wages are lower than in the bay area (read: more profit), and the cost of living is so much lower that the effective wage is actually higher than in SF.


It doesn't matter if there's talent there or not. These companies import massive amounts of H1Bs and people will move cross country to get a job with them.


Then you have to deal with them on the subway


>The generation behind all the startups is forecast to be the most conservative ever,

are they though

as someone from illinois, most people here are republican. it's gotten so bad that any politician with sense LETS illinois government become republican and then just says 'wow we had no idea'

Because California is becoming a 3rd world shithole and any who isn't a complete fuck retard is leaving.

>increase income taxes on all individuals 25%
>increase taxes on all businesses by 25%
>it still can't even come close to salvaging the situation thanks to the black hole known as Chicongo

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>The generation behind all the startups is forecast to be the most conservative ever
Successful startup founders are, like, 40 on average.

Maybe you fuckers should quit raising my fucking taxes

I don't like in Illinois, I'm not retarded. It's Chiraq. That state is doomed financially. In order to actually pay the bills that will be coming due thanks to Democrats handing out the best pension packages anywhere in the USA for the past 40 years Illinois would need to DOUBLE the income and business tax rate and everyone currently in the state would need to not leave and actually pay that to break even. It's unsalvagable. It's a fun dumpster fire to watch.

They are. Tech companies are cropping up all over the south, particularly in Huntsville and Atlanta.

>making up bullshit
Name one successful startup in Huntsville or Atlanta.

They can't compete with the big bois on wages.

Texas seems to be good at attracting tech companies.

>The generation behind all the startups is forecast to be the most conservative ever
Hell, Democrats are having problems because this generation is too left for them and some even refuse to associate with them.

You mean the savages they imported? That's who they're losing control of.

americans will move across the country to study but not for work?

No low hanging fruit and all the stupid investors already got broke

University is temporary, employment is more or less permanent. And nobody's moving across the country to attend a college in fucking Atlanta. If they are moving, it's to go to Stanford, MIT, or an Ivy.

Complete idiot

Not really? I'm not sure which immigrant group you're talking about but they're all typically more than fine with Dems
When I talk about those "too left for them" I'm mostly refering to the growing Leftist population (whether it be Progressives, SocDems, or outright Marxists) that's disgruntled by the Democratic party's neo-liberal tendancies coupled with the party's complete unwillingness (and inability) to force any kind of social change.

All the best and most funded startups are still started in SF

that's where the money is, that's where the talent is, that's where the innovation is

This is worthless news, it doesn't mean anything

Because it's an expensive place to be and they don't really benefit from the location

Night Shift Nurses level

Because it's fucking expensive and full of retards

also poo

Why the fuck would start ups, or any company that needs programmers, move to fucking Kansas? Who are they going to hire, big bubba and cletus?

They pay the people they want to hire to move there.

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I know several people who moved there to get their Masters from GT.

Gee whiz, you don't suppose it might be the insane rent, the batshit crazy and hostile population, and the outrageous tax rates do you?

Why didn't they leave silicon valley sooner?

Americans will move across country for work.

The people are, but not generally to start businesses. There's a huge flow of people moving from blue to red states/cities, after they're done fucking up their home by voting poorly of course.

white Americans have absolutely no culture or attachments, they're all basically zombies mindlessly roaming around to consume more and more

>full of h1b's
>poo starts flowing in the street
it's a mystery!

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Because muh high taxes, also I wish they'd stay were the fuck they are because they're gonna be spreading their poz all over the nation and turn it into one giant San fagcisco

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I licked a negro once

it's true you can tell because they consumed an entire continent